President For Life?

With our election just mere months away you might think this is a post about the wishes of Donald the Orange……you would be mistaken.

Or may be it will be about that mad man in Russia Vlad the Invader, Putin….once again you will be wrong.

No this post will be about Ukraine and Zelensky.

You mean that democracy in Eastern Europe that we are helping ward off an invader?

First of all….what democracy?

Does this sound like a democracy?

Opposition parties banned

Opposition leaders arrested

Opposition papers closed down

Elections cancelled

To me it does not….but you decide

But why ask about president for life?

Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenky’s term expired on Monday, but he will remain in power since presidential elections scheduled in March were canceled due to martial law imposed since Russia invaded in February 2022.

While framing the proxy war in Ukraine as a battle for democracy, the US has backed Zelensky’s decision not to hold elections. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Ukraine last week and claimed the US helped build “democratic pillars,” including “free and fair elections,” but said a vote could only happen once “conditions” are right.

Zelensky also canceled parliamentary elections that were supposed to be held last October. To justify the decision, Ukrainian officials have pointed to Ukraine’s constitution, which says elections can’t be held under martial law. But Zelensky previously made it clear that he could have held elections if he wanted.

Last year, Zelensky told Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) that he was willing to hold a vote if the West paid for it and if legislators agreed to amend the constitution. “I will not take money from weapons and give it to elections,” he said.

But Zelensky later ruled out the idea and was not put under pressure by the US or other NATO countries to hold a vote. The Ukrainian leader is determined to continue the war and has rejected the idea of diplomacy with Russia despite not having a chance at victory and growing war fatigue among Ukrainians.

I know….I know….there is a war and some sort of concessions must be made.

So basically Zelensky will remain president until this conflict is settled and that could take a very long time indeed.

His seat in the power chair remains firmly attached to his ass and the cash will follow through him.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

15 thoughts on “President For Life?

    1. So true… thought is if Russia is trying to re-establish the old USSR why pick on Ukraine the Central Asian countries would have been easier targets. chuq

  1. Wow!! For real? … I kinda took my eyes off of that war. Focused more on Palestine/Gaza. Thx for keeping focused on this one. Seems this is a time when guys you thought were ‘good’ arelosing their shine! M’lord …

    1. I refuse to look away like the media wants me to do….Gaza thing and Ukraine will stay on my mind as long as stupid continues. chuq

      1. people’s intent become transparent in their presentations over a period of time.

      2. I know you are a great supporter of just and righteous causes so you do not have to explain it to me.

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