Benefits For IDF Veterans

I call bullsh*t on this bit of stupidity.

It seems that American serving in the IDF can claim benefits from the US….if this idiotic bill goes through the process.

A bill introduced in the House by Reps. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) and Max Miller (R-OH) would extend certain benefits for Americans serving in the US military to American citizens in the Israeli military.

The legislation, introduced on May 17, would give Americans in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) protections under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).

The SCRA protects US service members from civil legal action while they’re on active duty and for up to a year after. The USERRA protects the civilian employment of active and reserve military personnel when they’re called to active duty.

“Over 20,000 American citizens are currently defending Israel from Hamas terrorists, risking their lives for the betterment of our ally,” Reschenthaler said in a statement on the legislation.

The Washington Post reported in February that an estimated 23,380 American citizens are serving in the Israeli military. Many are dual citizens who were already living in Israel, but as of November 2023, about 10,000 people living in the US had traveled to Israel to report for duty with the IDF after receiving draft notices. According to Responsible Statecraft, 21 American citizens serving in the IDF have been killed in Gaza, and one was killed in northern Israel near the Lebanon border.

Reschenthaler said his legislation will “ensure we do everything possible to support these heroes who are standing with Israel, fighting for freedom, and combating terrorism in the Middle East.”


Who do you think paid for this bit of nonsensical legislation?

Go ahead…..venture a guess.

Does anyone remember the days when it was illegal to fight in another’s war wearing a foreign uniform?

I have a strong opinion on this serving in the IDF….my though is if they serve in another country’s military then that is their primary citizenship and get nothing from the US….if they cannot serve in our military then nothing is what they get.

I have had enough of these bullsh*t bills that the GOP and even some Dems have offered up for consideration….this country needs help and we had rather focus on this dust bowls around the globe.

Time to get to work on this country and screw the rest let them fend for themselves.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

17 thoughts on “Benefits For IDF Veterans

  1. I mostly agree with you about not involving the U.S. in foreign wars that won’t have much effect on America. Though, I do personally believe in supporting Israel, well I suppose because it’s Jesus’ people and I could see them being able to use some of our help as Israel is surrounded by enemies and terrorists and water, kind of a problem. The Jews have suffered enough through WW2 which I realize that you’re talking about American Soldiers fighting in and for countries that aren’t ours and the legislation involved, among other issues. And I see your valid point. Due to my personal belief paradigm I have a “protect Israel” thing. Extremely interesting post my friend. Mucho gusto! ✌️

    1. I lost all respect for Israel in 1967… I think the world has paid any debt they owed Israel from WW2… is time for them to act responsibly. I am pleased that you liked the post chuq

      1. Yeah I agree that they are not doing well. The slaughter of the Israelites by the Islamists was pretty heinous. I’m not familiar with the irresponsibly, but would like to learn of it. I know they’re trying to end the terrorists so they can survive. But I’m ignorant about the problematic issues involved… am interested in the irresponsible actions of them. I love to learn. I could do research, but unfortunately I’m having a migraine. I’m not disagreeing, but am interested to learn.

      2. Many stories go untold ion the West….little is reported of the wandering band of armed thugs in the West Bank that intimidate, killed, steal land and destroy crops….I can understand the anger. If I can help let me know. chuq

  2. Whilst I can understand much of what you say, and to an extent even agree with you, the policy of Isolationism you seem to embrace here is not one that could benefit your country.People may well have family members who have moved to Israel and feel the need to be close to defend them, it may be that some have even suffered losses due to the actions of the leaders in Gaza and they go to help rid the world of Hamas. It does not mean they value America less and they would no doubt fight for the side of right if they were there You are right though that American taxes should not pay for their actions. Strongly held beliefs and the right to take action on them should be payment enough from their home Country, and payment by salary from the army they fight with. The only time I feel this should not be the case is if they fight with a regime which is against their home Country which is why I would like to see the apologists for Russia’s actions from within your Congress, out of a job and unpaid by your taxes. Unless of course you are ready to accept being an ally of Russia and happy to share all your secrets with them. I think Teflon Trump and Mad Margie are taking you in that direction, and are probably already paid employees of that regime. Hugs.

    1. I still hold that if they wear the uniform of another country and not their ‘home’ nation then that country is their primary residence and they should get no benefits from the US. As far as Israel goes there is so much more to the situation than HAMAS hates Israel…..but the media seldom reports on any of it….they protect Israel. I appreciate your visits….thanx chuq

      1. I agree that there shoud be no benefits from the U.S., BUT have wondered for a long time why Israel receives so much Benefit from the U.S. given that they have a viable economy and should be able to stand alone financially. I can understand supporting an ally but not their current regime.

        As for the Israeli situation, I realise Hamas hates Israel is not the whole position there.Israel has brought much of a problem upon itself by outright theft of land to build Kibbutz’s for years. Their growth has been at a cost to others from the region.Their rejection of a two state solution for Palestinian refugees has kept the problem going, giving Hamas more reason to survive and gain support from Iran and others who want to keep the conflict going despite there having been chances of a permanent ceasefire in the past. Anti-American Saudi funding has also kept the conflict going and their support of Trump has not been in America’s interest. Though the situation is very complicated it could be resolved if both sides sat down with some good will on both sides.


      2. AIPAC funnels lots of cash to Congress for our ‘support’ of Israel. That is the key….goodwill…..2 state solution is never gonna be….it is a way to give Israel time to do all it wants in the region. chuq

      3. I can’t remember, but when Trump was in office did he do some peace agreement between Israel and, I can’t remember, was it the United Arab Emergent or Egypt or something? It is complicated, and goes all the way back to Sarah and Abraham and the illegitimate child Sarah had with her bond servant (which is a voluntary service, not forced slavery), and ever since, the Islamists and every terrorist surrounding ’em has been trying to eradicate all of them. So many people gassed & burned up. It’s hard to fathom. I don’t know if the world owes a debt to Israel, since WW2 was a world war, we all had to chip in to stop the Nazis plan of world domination. So I’m a little confused about what debt we owed because we were trying to save the world from the Gestapo, not only Israel. But I’m open to the info that might clear up my confusion. ✌️

    2. Actually I am not an isolationist…..I just think diplomacy should be more important than war…..we do not need to fund ever war on the planet…..NATO should have been disbanded in 1994……it is an excuse for more war. chuq

      1. Diplomacy is always better than war. Even Churchiill said Jaw jaw is better than war war. The U.S. should not fund every war on the planet and should avoid instigating them also. I’m not sure I agree about NATO. They have done the job they were meant to, in the main but some Countries have had too much influence using their powers of Veto where a majority rule may have been better. Hugs

      2. Since NATO’s job was to protect Western Europe and when the USSR collapsed it should have been gone and Western Europe could have set up their own ‘protective’ shield. chuq

  3. I have never been comfortable with the concept of ‘dual-nationality’. It is fairly common here with some people who have both Irish passports and UK ones, and also with others who have US and Canadian passports or EU ones. My thought is that a person should only have one nationality, so if an American holds an Israeli passport, he should be considered to be a foreigner living in America, with any benefits paid for by the country he claims to be a national of.

    Best wishes, Pete.

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