The Desertion Continues

It is 2024 and Biden and the Dems thought they had a magic bullet to help bring in young voters….the student loan forgiveness.

I wrote about this just last month….

The Young Are The Problem

And the news just keeps getting worse for Biden and the Dems….

With the 2024 election just over six months away, President Biden is working with two big thorns in his side that threaten to damage his reelection bid: Israel’s continued war against Hamas in Gaza, and the subsequent campus protests that are roiling colleges and universities across the US. Axios notes that the commander in chief is routinely heckled now at his various public appearances over these topics, but there’s one group in particular that may prove especially worrisome for Biden: young voters from his own party, with support plummeting at an “increasing pace of concern,” Elise Joshi of Gen-Z for Change tells the Hill. More:

  • Poll I: It’s not great news for Biden on this front. A Harvard Youth Poll from last month showed that 45% of young adults ages 18 to 29 would vote for Biden, with 37% for Trump. For context, at this point in the 2020 election, Biden led Trump 60% to 30%.
  • Poll II: In a CNN poll released last month, Biden trailed Trump by 11 percentage points among voters under the age of 35; the poll does note that “Biden’s deficit with voters in that group is driven largely by those who did not vote in 2020.” Once that group was removed from the equation, it’s Trump 47%, Biden 46%.
  • Tweet warning: The Washington Post calls attention to a tweet this week from the College Democrats of America, the DNC’s college arm, which read, “College Democrats’ votes are not to be taken for granted by the Democratic Party. We reserve the right to criticize our party when it fails to listen to us.” The Post notes that this points out another challenge for Team Biden: “Even young people who are Democrats often aren’t super strong Democrats.”
  • Still: In a lengthier statement cited by the New York Times, the College Democrats stress that they’re “committed to the reelection of President Biden and Democrats across down-ballot races in every corner of our nation.”
  • James Carville: The Democratic strategist concurs that there are red flags. “It’s horrifying our numbers among younger voters, particularly younger Blacks, younger Latinos … younger people of color. Particularly males,” he said in his podcast last month, per the New York Post. “We’re not shedding them—they’re leaving in … droves.”
  • Young progressives: Biden needs them in his corner, per NPR, which takes a look back at how Biden teamed up with former presidential rival Bernie Sanders four years ago, after Sanders dropped out of the race, to draw in voters from the Sanders camp. The outlet suggests he’ll have to work even harder to do so this time around.
  • Voter chat: PBS talked with four young constituents in the expected swing state of Michigan, with only one of them saying they’d cast a vote for Biden. Check out their conversation here.

Does not look good for Biden according to recent polls….but does the Dems and Biden have another ‘magic bullet’ in their bag of whimsy?

I say they do not….for the young are seeing the Dems as no better than Repubs….both are greedy and very corruptible.

This is a very interesting turn of events….and the Dems are too thick to see the problem.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Ukraine Needs Men

It appears that Ukraine is trying to find soldiers to fight the Russians….they have lowered the age of conscription and even terminated consular services to ex-pats living in another country….trying to force them home so they can die in the fray in the East.

A new law passed is dividing the country on several levels…..

A divisive mobilization law in Ukraine came into force on Saturday, as Kyiv struggles to boost troop numbers after Russia launched a new offensive that some fear could close in on Ukraine’s second-largest city. The legislation, which was watered down from its original draft, will make it easier to identify every conscript in the country, per the AP. It also provides incentives to soldiers, such as cash bonuses or money toward buying a house or car, that some analysts say Ukraine can’t afford. Lawmakers dragged their feet for months and only passed the law in mid-April, a week after Ukraine lowered the age for men who can be drafted from 27 to 25.

The measures reflect the growing strain that more than two years of war with Russia has had on Ukraine’s forces, who are trying to hold the front lines in fighting that has sapped the country’s ranks and stores of weapons and ammunition. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also signed two other laws Friday, allowing prisoners to join the army and increasing fines for draft dodgers fivefold. More:

  • Concerns: Oleksii, 68, who runs a car repair shop in Kyiv, worries about his business, as he expects 70% of his workers will be mobilized. “We will have to shut down and stop paying taxes,” he says, adding that it’s very difficult to replace workers because of their specialized skills. Most of them are already in the armed forces, he notes, adding that the law is “unfair” and “unclear.”
  • Volunteers: Rusyn is the head of recruitment for the 3rd Assault Brigade, one of the most popular among Ukrainian volunteers. He says he saw a 15% increase in men joining the brigade, which fights in eastern Ukraine, in the past months. Most recruits are between 23 and 25 years old, he says. For security reasons, he and his recruits asked to be identified by their call signs only.
  • Runaways: Many Ukrainians have fled the country to avoid the draft since Russia’s all-out invasion in February 2022. The nation’s Supreme Court last month said that 930 people were convicted of avoiding mobilization in 2023, a fivefold increase from the previous year. Around 768,000 Ukrainian men ages 18 to 64 had been granted temporary protection in European Union countries as of last November, per data from the bloc’s statistical agency, Eurostat. Kyiv has barred men under 60 from leaving the country since the start of the war, but some are exempt, including those who are disabled or have three or more children. Unable to cross the border legally, some Ukrainian men risk death trying to swim across a river that separates Ukraine from neighboring Romania and Hungary.

More here.

Anything that Ukraine cannot afford will be covered by the US for we have so much extra cash that we can pay the bills for the Ukrainian government.

When will enough be enough?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”