Biden’s Grip Is Still Slipping

Most people seem to not give a crap how this election is going…..most have made up their minds or should I say resigned themselves to one way or another……they just shrug off all info in favor of some sort of epiphany that they have….

Biden is losing the voters that Dems have counted on for decades….the young, blacks and Hispanics….not a good sign at all…..

I wrote recently about Biden’s problem with the young voter……

More Crappy News For Biden

The most dependable bloc for Dems were blacks and Biden has successfully driven them away as well….all Biden’s antics to drive the political conversation away from the top stories of the day has fallen on deaf ears….unfortunately recent polls show Biden slipping into darkness.

President Biden is behind in most of the states that could decide the election, a new poll from the New York Times, Siena College, and the Philadelphia Inquirer suggests. Results in a head-to-head matchup in six states, all of which were won by Biden in 2020:

  • Pennsylvania: Trump 47, Biden 44
  • Arizona: Trump 49, Biden 42
  • Michigan: Trump 49, Biden 42
  • Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 39
  • Nevada: Trump 50, Biden 38
  • Wisconsin: Biden 47, Trump 45; the only swing state where Biden leads in this poll

Three key groups: The president’s numbers are lackluster among Black, young, and Hispanic voters. The two candidates are tied in the latter two categories, in contrast to Biden’s 60% pull in the last election, and while Biden has a big lead among Black voters, Trump’s 20% is relatively strong.

Inflation: A separate poll by the Financial Times hammers home how inflation in particular is damaging Biden—80% of voters list it as one of their biggest financial challenges. In this poll, 58% disapproved of Biden’s economic policies, up from 55% last month, and only 28% say Biden helped the economy.

May I suggest that people wake up and smell the manure in the races….if you ignore then all the bad predictions will indeed come to fruition…..and then you will have no one to blame but your lazy ass… you will have 4 years of BS and corruption….I believe we have had enough of that so I continue to pay attention and write.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Is Rafah The Line?

Hell no but Biden thumped his chest when BiBi said he would attack Rafah…..did Biden a line in the sand (HAHAHAHA) not a goddamn chance.

But he talks tough….

A planned shipment from the US to Israel that was to include 1,800 2,000-pound bombs and 1,700 500-pound bombs was paused last week due to concerns that Israel was planning to defy US wishes and invade Rafah, launching a full-scale assault on the southern Gaza city in a major expansion of Israel’s military operation there. That’s according to senior US administration officials who spoke to outlets including the Washington Post, the Guardian, and the AP. A key quote from one senior official specifically references the 2,000-pound bombs that are already, per the Post, “controversial.” The AP notes such bombs have been used “frequently” by Israel in its seven-month-old war against Hamas, while the US only used them “sparingly” while fighting the Islamic State.

  • “Israel should not launch a major ground operation in Rafah, where more than a million people are sheltering with nowhere else to go,” said the senior administration official. “We are especially focused on the end-use of the 2,000-pound bombs and the impact they could have in dense urban settings as we have seen in other parts of Gaza.”

This is the first known time the US has paused an arms transfer to Israel since the Israel-Hamas war started in October, and a second official calls it a “shot across the bow” meant to illustrate to Israel how deeply the US is concerned about the situation in Rafah. The officials say the White House began reviewing future arms transfers in April, and that no decision has yet been made about whether to proceed with the paused delivery at a future date. However, one official also says the Israeli military already has enough weapons to conduct the Rafah operation regardless of the pause, should it choose to.


This was nothing but a political ploy….after all polls show that Americans are getting weary of Israel’s assault on Gaza….there is an election about 6 months away and he is trying to calm the peasants.

Then it was BiBi’s turn to thump his aged chest…..and responds to Biden’s idle threat.

Benjamin Netanyahu is responding with defiance to a warning from President Biden about an expected invasion of Rafah. After Biden said the US would halt the shipment of offensive weapons to Israel should it go ahead with the ground invasion, Netanyahu issued a video message:

  • “If we have to stand alone, we will stand alone,” said the Israeli prime minister, per the Washington Post. “If we need to, we will fight with our fingernails. But we have much more than fingernails.”
  • All set? Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Israeli military said Israel already has the necessary weaponry for the invasion, reports the AP. “The army has munitions for the missions it plans, and for the missions in Rafah too—we have what we need,” said Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari. However, it’s likely the US move would force Israel to shift strategy to some extent—”it’s possible we’ll have to economize the way we use our arms and hit more targets without precision bombs,” former national security adviser Jacob Nagel tells the New York Times.
  • Low point: Alon Pinkas, a former Israeli consul general in New York, tells CNN he thinks this is one of the lowest moments in history for US-Israel relations. “I do think this is a very low point—could the relationship survive this? Yes. Could it do so while Netanyahu is in power? No.”
  • Analysis: This is indeed a “moment of crisis” in US-Israel relations, writes Adam Rasgon in the New York Times. And it’s one that could result in domestic blowback against Netanyahu. “The United States provides Israel with a steel dome—it’s not only military support; it’s strategic and political; it’s at the United Nations, the international court, and so on,” Amos Gilead, a former senior Israeli defense official, tells the newspaper. “If we lose the United States with the unbelievable friendship of President Biden, it won’t be forgiven.”


Israel exist because the US stood by them for decades and I do not think this problem would be happening if there had been more diplomacy and less US ass kissing.

But Biden’s threat is a moot point…..why?

The Israeli military said Thursday that it has enough munitions for its planned operation in Rafah, comments that came a day after President Biden said he would withhold the shipment of heavy bombs to Israel if it proceeds with a major attack on the city’s “population centers.”

Israeli Defense Forces spokesman Daniel Hagari said, “The IDF has armaments for the missions it is planning, including missions in Rafah. We have what we need.” US officials have also said that Israel has enough bombs to attack Rafah.

Israel started its operation in Rafah on Monday by capturing the border crossing that connects to Egypt and launching strikes across the city. The US has said these steps are “limited” and that it’s only opposed to a major invasion of the city. But the situation continues to escalate, and satellite images show that the IDF is expanding ground operations in the city.


The White House has said that a major Israeli operation would not defeat Hamas, reflecting the overall US position that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s goal to “eradicate” Hamas is unrealistic. “Smashing into Rafah, in his [Biden’s] view, will not advance that objective,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said.

So basically this was all theater for the idiots that blindly follow crap.  When it comes to Israel the US is a toothless tiger.

This game is becoming more and more disgusting and Biden keeps playing it.

Peace Out

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”