Remember Nader?

You should because he was blamed for the loss of Gore campaign to the Bush campaign in 2000….he ran as a third party candidate and I believe he got something like 90,000 votes which according to some was the reason Bush won over Gore in that election.

I have heard his name batted around as a possible candidate to take on Biden and Trump….I believe that is highly unlikely…..and now it is official…..Nader will not challenge.

Ralph Nader isn’t exactly overflowing with praise for either major party, but he’s not planning to launch a 2024 White House bid. The 89-year-old consumer activist told the Washington Post in a recent interview that he wants to help President Biden get re-elected. “I know the difference between fascism and autocracy, and I’ll take autocracy any time,” Nader said. “Fascism is what the GOP is the architecture of, and autocracy is what the Democrats are practitioners of. But autocracy leaves an opening. They don’t suppress votes. They don’t suppress free speech.”

“We are stuck with Biden now,” Nader said. “In a two-party duopoly, if one should be defeated ferociously, the logic is that the other one prevails.” Nader, who first met Biden in 1973, described the president as “better than he has ever been,” but “still terrible on empire and Wall Street.” The Hill describes Nader as “infamous” for what was seen as a “spoiler” role in the 2000 election. Nader, who won the Green Party’s nomination, received almost 3 million votes nationwide in the election, which Al Gore lost to George W. Bush by a very narrow margin. Nader ran as an independent in 2004 and 2008.

Nader told the Post that he doesn’t plan to formally endorse Biden, but he has been contacting Democratic officials and operatives for months with ideas on how to improve the party’s pitch to voters. He said most of his calls have gone unreturned. In the interview, Nader discussed his long history with Biden. He said they first fell out over the Robert Bork nomination hearings in 1987 and that the break became permanent after Biden publicly blamed him for Gore’s loss in 2000, with the then-senator saying Nader “is not going to be welcome anywhere near the corridors.”

So all you scared people out there can rest easy for Nader will not be your whipping post in this election.

But I still see someone out there that could challenge Biden and that idiot Trump. 


Stay tuned to IST and learn the answer.

Today is National Coffee Day….I raise my mug to my fellow bloggers….have a great day and a relaxing weekend.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

But The Economy Is Doing Well

Have you noticed that the MSM reports the economy is doing well….apparently based on market information not reality….in other words as long as corporations are turning a big profit the people should be happy and compliant.

If all that is true and the economy is going great why is one of the biggest issues in the upcoming election the economic woes we are facing those days?

If the economy is working so well how come child poverty has risen yet again?

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin and congressional Republicans faced fresh backlash on Tuesday after the U.S. Census Bureau released new data showing that the nation’s child poverty rate more than doubled in 2022 compared to the previous year, thanks in large part to the expiration of the boosted Child Tax Credit.

The expanded CTC, an American Rescue Plan (ARP) policy that sent eligible families up to $300 per month for each child and eliminated the original CTC’s regressive phase-in, helped push the U.S. child poverty rate to a record low of 5.2% in 2021.

But the program expired at the end of that year after Manchin (D-W.Va.), who supported the ARP, opposed an extension, baselessly claiming that some parents would use the money on drugs instead of their children. (Survey data showed that most families, including those in West Virginia, used the money to buy food and help with rent, along with other essentials.)

Congressional Republicans, who unanimously opposed the ARP, also rejected calls to support an extension of the boosted CTC, part of a broader pandemic-era safety net that is now collapsing.

The result of the program’s expiration, as predicted, was a devastating surge in child poverty. According to the new Census Bureau data, the child poverty rate rose to 12.4% in 2022—the largest single-year increase on record.

The overall U.S. poverty rate also increased, rising from 7.8% in 2021 to 12.4% last year. More than 37 million people in the U.S. lived in poverty in 2022, the Census Bureau said.

No one I talk with seems to hold the belief that the economy is doing good.

How about you?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”