Robbie Robertson–R.I.P.

A member of one of my all time favorite bands, the Band, has died…..Robbie Robertson at age 80.

Robbie Robertson, lead guitarist and songwriter for the Band—a Canadian American group that famously backed Bob Dylan while achieving Rock and Roll Hall of Fame success in its own right—died Wednesday. Robertson, 80, died in Los Angeles after a long illness, CBC News reports. He wrote or co-wrote the Band’s most famous songs, including “The Weight,” “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down,” and “Up on Cripple Creek.” The group lasted just eight years, but its best work seemed timeless. “I wanted to write music that felt like it could’ve been written 50 years ago, tomorrow, yesterday—that had this lost-in-time quality,” Robertson said in 1995. “It’s like you’d never heard them before and like they’d always been there,” Bruce Springsteen said of the Band in 2020, per the New York Times.

Born in Toronto to a mother of Mohawk and Cayuga heritage and a Jewish father who died before his birth, Robertson became enamored of the music played by relatives when he visited the Six Nations of the Grand River in Ontario. Robertson received advice there that he said he followed as he built his career: “Be proud you are an Indian, but be careful who you tell.” His first band opened for Arkansas singer Ronnie Hawkins when Robertson was 16, and Hawkins soon recorded of couple of Robertson’s songs. Hawkins’ backup musicians included Levon Helm on drums; the rest of the Band was put together in 1961-62 in Ontario. The Band released its first album, Music From Big Pink, in 1968.

The album landed with seismic effect, a blast of Americana music delivered at the height of the psychedelic movement. It helped lead Eric Clapton to leave Cream, the Beatles to launch a stripped-down Let It Be, and Elton John and Bernie Taupin to write and record their own music, per Rolling Stone. The Band built a following playing the Woodstock and Isle of Wight festivals and was proclaimed the “future of country rock” on a Time magazine cover in 1970. “I always thought, from the very beginning, that this music was born of the blues and country music, Southern stuff,” Robertson said, per Variety. “The Mississippi Delta area, and the music came down from the river and from up the river and met, and it made something new.

Robbie and The Band gave me many hours of listening enjoyment.

I was sadden when The Band call it quits and their movie The Last Waltz is a fitting tribute to Robbie and the others…..

His talent will be sorely missed.

For those that may be too young to know or remember The Band….I could not think of a better way to say good-bye than “The Weight”.

Good-bye old friend.

Will Trump Get A Second Term?

Keeping with the Trump meme….

The prospect of that one questions sends shivers through Americans that are concerned about the future of this country.

It is closing in on the true start of the 2024 election cycle….and the big news (for some) is that it looks like another draw down between Trump and Biden….and that would be about as boring as watching flies mate.

The news does not look good for Biden…..his numbers fluctuate but remain rather low for a seating president….so the possibility of Trump winning a second term are not as far-fetched as some would like to believe.

Donald Trump is facing two indictments, with the potential for more. Political wisdom may have once suggested the former president’s bid for a second White House term would be nothing but a pipe dream. But most of us know better by now.

Trump is not only in a historically strong position for a nonincumbent to win the Republican nomination, but he is in a better position to win the general election than at any point during the 2020 cycle and almost at any point during the 2016 cycle.

No one in Trump’s current polling position in the modern era has lost an open presidential primary that didn’t feature an incumbent. He’s pulling in more than 50% of support in the national primary polls, i.e., more than all his competitors combined.

Three prior candidates in open primaries were pulling in more than half the vote in primary surveys in the second half of the calendar year before the election: Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush in 2000 and Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016. Gore remains the only nonincumbent to win every single presidential nominating contest, while Bush and Clinton never lost their national polling advantage in their primaries.

Okay we have that bit of horror….then what would that second term look like?  Since the climate is the big deal in the news… would Donald the Orange deal with the situation?

Look, there are many reasons why former president Donald Trump, who has been arrested a lot, winning the 2024 presidential election would be catastrophic for this country. You know, what with the accusation from the DOJ that he stole our country’s secrets and kept top-secret documents in a bathroom. We don’t need to touch on that because guess what! A new and horrifying aspect of his second term has just dropped and it’s a doozy!

See, a bunch of his toadies have created the 2024 Trump Administration’s policy on climate change and I know what you’re thinking, it’s not just one sheet of paper with the following typed in 82-point Comic Sans font: Not real.

The 920-page blueprint, whose hundreds of authors include former Trump administration officials, would go far beyond past GOP efforts to slash environmental agencies’ budgets or oust “deep state” employees.

Called Project 2025, it would block the expansion of the electrical grid for wind and solar energy; slash funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s environmental justice office; shutter the Energy Department’s renewable energy offices; prevent states from adopting California’s car pollution standards; and delegate more regulation of polluting industries to Republican state officials.

Trump’s Second Term Would Doom the Climate

If his plan is that horrendous for the climate then how good could his other ‘stands’ be….and how will  this country survive?

I am not optimistic at all….especially if Trump wins….but then I am not a big fan of Biden and his bunch of paid agents.

I weep for this country….we are heading into some trying times.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Why Prosecute Trump?

First do not shoot the messenger….

Before there is an uproar about this post It is not my opinion,(I think Trump the d/bag should be in jail) this is some guy writing in the NYTimes… do not take your hatred out on me.

We all have heard of the many indictments that have been filed on our beloved Trump…..everything from corruption to secret documents….and there is a wealth of opinions on how these trials should play out….

This is one man’s opinion.

The Justice Department and special counsel Jack Smith made a “tragic choice” in deciding to go after former President Trump, argues Harvard Law professor Jack Goldsmith in a New York Times essay. To be clear, it’s not a defense of Trump—Goldsmith calls the former president’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election “reprehensible.” But even if Smith is able to get a conviction, it won’t be worth it, because “the costs to the legal and political systems will be large,” warns Goldsmith, and they will only “compound the harms to the nation from Mr. Trump’s many transgressions.” Goldsmith lays out the context, including the “deeply unfortunate timing” of the indictment coming amid the 2024 race. The Justice Department’s motivations might be “pure,” but the perception of unfairness is real for Trump supporters, writes Goldsmith.

This comes after similar gripes about the FBI investigation of Trump’s ties to Russia and complaints that Democrats such as Hunter Biden have gotten preferential treatment. And it is within this context that a large part of the nation will “fairly judge” the legitimacy of this case. Thus, the “prosecution may well have terrible consequences … for our politics and the rule of law,” Goldsmith warns. For one thing, expect more “tit-for-tat investigations of presidential actions in office by future Congresses.” Not that these concerns should absolve Trump, he adds. “The difficult question is whether redressing his shameful acts through criminal law is worth the enormous costs to the country. The bitter pill is that the nation must absorb these costs to figure out the answer to that question.”

Read the full essay.

Reminder–Not my thoughts….just passing on what some are saying about the prosecution of an ex-president.

What are your thoughts?

On another note….the GOP is asking for candidates to sign a loyalty pledge….Trump refuses….

Former President Donald Trump said Wednesday he won’t sign a pledge to support the Republican nominee if he loses the GOP presidential primary, flouting a requirement for appearing in the first debate later this month, the AP reports. “Why would I sign it?” Trump said in an interview on the conservative cable network Newsmax. “I can name three or four people that I wouldn’t support for president. So right there, there’s a problem.” He declined to name the candidates he wouldn’t support, saying “there’s no reason to insult them.” But he singled out South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy for praise, saying they “have been very nice.”

Trump said he will announce next week whether he’ll participate in the debate, scheduled for Aug. 23 in Milwaukee, but his refusal to sign the pledge suggests he plans to make good on his threat to skip it. Trump has repeatedly questioned why he should debate his rivals given his substantial polling lead and has suggested he might hold a competing event instead. On Wednesday, he pushed back against former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s taunts, telling Newsmax’s Eric Bolling that there’s no upside to participating in a debate when he’s already leading by a wide margin. “Its not a question of guts. It’s a question of intelligence,” Trump said.

Eight candidates say they have met qualifications to be on stage in Milwaukee; in addition to polling and donor requirements, they also must sign a statement pledging not to participate in any debates not sanctioned by the party, including the general election debates sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates, and to support the winner of the Republican primary. “I affirm that if I do not win the 2024 Republican nomination of President of the United States, I will honor the will of the primary voters and support the nominee in order to save our country and beat Joe Biden,” the pledge says, according to a copy posted by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter. Candidates also must pledge not to run as an independent, write-in candidate or third-party nominee.

I do not like the idea of a loyalty pledge….that keeps candidates from trying to find a common ground with the voter… sadly I am with Trump on this proposal.

Any thoughts on this situation?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”