This Is Your Brain On Misinformation

Many of us bloggers have been trying to explain why people think the way they do….the hatred, the racism, the conspiratorial bull crap…..and in doing so have made a few enemies here and there.

With an general election looming in the shadows as I write it seems the misinformation is ramping up.

A couple of years ago I attempted to try and explain this phenom….it did not go so well…..

How Did Misinformation Become So Believable?

And yet I still struggle with trying to understand and attempt to explain just what the Hell is going on with us.

I mean even some of the ‘well versed’ individuals spout misinformation as fact….and never look beyond what their favorite news source tells them.

But why is it such a big deal….you might ask.

Why do people believe some politicians’ lies even when they have been proven false? And why do so many of the same people peddle conspiracy theories?

Lying and conspiratorial thinking might seem to be two different problems, but they turn out to be related. I study political rhetoric and have tried to understand how populist politicians use language to develop a cult-like following, divide nations, create culture wars and instill hatred. This pattern goes back to antiquity and is seen today in leaders including former President Donald Trump, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán and Russia’s Vladimir Putin. These leaders are capable of using words and speeches to whip people into such an emotional tempest that they will do things like march on the seat of Congress or invade a neighboring country.

What makes this kind of speech worrying is that it is not just emotions like aggression they can manipulate; politicians can also use rhetoric to influence the public’s thoughts and beliefs, and spread lies and conspiracy theories. Those lies and conspiracy theories are stubbornly resistant to countervailing facts and can sow divisions that destabilize their own societies.

My research analyzes real speeches made by politicians past and present, including those of Trump, Orbán and Putin, using cognitive linguistics — a branch of linguistics that examines the relationship between language and the mind. What I have found is that throughout history, speeches by dictators and autocrats have one thing in common: they use dehumanizing metaphors to instill and propagate hatred of others.

Actually this will be very little help if you have a closed, uncomprehending mind….but I try.

Can you explain it?

Be Smart!

Learn Stuff!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Has Ukraine Lost It’s Luster?

There does not seem to be much interest in the conflict in Ukraine….has it lost it’s prime position in the MSM and blogs?

Well I will not ‘let it go’ for I am still pissed about all the money and time we have invested in a conflict that we basically created.

For instance….what about all the weapons and equipment we have sent to Ukraine….so how is the ‘counteroffensive’ going?

Not as well as you would think (I believe this is why the MSM has moved on to something else)….

Ukrainian forces have still made no breakthroughs against Russian forces in the counteroffensive despite sending thousands of more troops to the front for a renewed push in the southeast, POLITICO reported Tuesday, citing unnamed Pentagon officials.

US officials said last week that the “main thrust” of the Ukrainian counteroffensive had begun and that Ukraine committed NATO-trained forces it was holding in reserve. The push was focused on Zaporizhzhia, and the idea was to sever the land bridge Russia has secured to Crimea, and there have been attacks in other areas along the front.

The POLITICO report said that Ukraine committed 150,000 troops to the assault along three axes of attack, but Pentagon officials said the operations have not yielded significant results, with one saying Ukrainian gains are being measured by the hundreds of meters.

“They are making mostly small, incremental gains,” one official said. “They are still facing stiff Russian resistance — second and third layers of defenses.” The report said Ukraine is still keeping some forces in reserves.

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Western officials didn’t believe Ukraine had enough weapons or training to dislodge Russian forces but hoped they would be able to break through anyway.


Speaking of training….after over a year of massive intense training of Ukrainian troops and they throw it all that aside…..

Western-trained Ukrainian troops are abandoning US tactics in their counteroffensive to seize back territory from Russia, The New York Times reports.

But the counteroffensive is making slow progress, with troops encountering heavily defended Russian positions, protected by minefields, helicopter gunships, and artillery fire.

Ukrainian units are now ditching plans to attack Russian positions head-on using complicated Western maneuvers and are instead wearing the enemy down with artillery and missile barrages, the Times says.

But having received only weeks of training, it said Ukrainian forces were reverting to more familiar methods.

“The problem was in the assumption that with a few months of training, Ukrainian units could be converted into fighting more the way American forces might fight, leading the assault against a well-prepared Russian defense, rather than helping Ukrainians fight more the best way they know how,” Michael Kofman, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace told The Times.

Some Western equipment is also proving ineffective. Western battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles gifted to Ukraine were not able to get through the rows of Russian mines on the front lines, slowing down their much-anticipated counteroffensive.

Analysts believe Russia wants a protracted conflict that would enable it to wear down Ukrainian resistance and international support for Ukraine. 


Onto more important stuff….Amusing that no one wants to call it what it is…..a stalemate.

I agree tactics need to change but tactics that can lead to a lasting ceasefire (I do not believe a peace will be possible).

Hey do not believe the facts….just keep throwing money at a situation that has no solution as it is today.

Wasted money and wasted time….about time we Americans starting realizing it….

The majority of Americans oppose additional spending on the war in Ukraine, according to a CNN poll that was released on Friday.

The poll was conducted by SRSR from July 1-31, with a sample size of 1,279 respondents. It found that 55% of the respondents say Congress should not authorize more spending on the war in Ukraine, while 45% say more funds should be authorized.

When asked if the US has done enough to support Ukraine, 51% said yes, and 48% said more should be done. The results show how support for the policy of backing Ukraine against Russia has waned as the conflict has dragged on. A poll conducted when Russia first invaded in February 2022 found 62% of respondents thought the US wasn’t doing enough.

When asked about what type of support the US should provide Ukraine, only 17% of respondents favored sending in US troops for direct combat operations against Russia, which could quickly spiral into a nuclear war. The most popular type of support was assistance with intelligence gathering (63%), followed by military training (53%) and providing weapons (43%).


This illustrates the the people and the Congress are not on the same page…..and special interests will win out every time.

But not to worry Ukraine there is more free stuff headed your way.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”