Mississippi “Goon Squad”

You have heard the term ‘New South’, right?

That was a PR attempt to try and paint the South in a different light from the days of segregation and bigotry.

It is possible that there had been some movement into the 21st century but it has been slow and small.

Take my state of Mississippi….we are infamous for our lynchings of blacks, murders of civil rights workers and leaders and since the 1950s not much has changed in the attitudes of most Mississippians.

We all have read or heard of the bad behavior of law enforcement around the country….but a group in Mississippi illustrates just how deep bigotry is even in the police organizations.

Six former Mississippi sheriff’s deputies from a self-described “Goon Squad” pleaded guilty Thursday to subjecting two Black men to racialized torture and shooting one of the victims in the mouth after a neighbor called in a complaint about the men staying in the home of a white woman.

Former Rankin County Sheriff’s Office (RCSO) Deputies Brett Morris McAlpin, Jeffrey Arwood Middleton, Christian Lee Dedmon, Hunter Thomas Elward, Daniel Ready Opdyke, and Joshua Allen Hartfield pleaded guilty to federal charges in connection with the January 24 torture of 32-year-old Michael Corey Jenkins and 35-year-old Eddie Terrell Parker.

On January 24, the white deputies—who had no warrant—broke down the door of the Braxton home where Parker was living, handcuffing and repeatedly tasing the victims before sexually assaulting them, calling them racist names while threatening to kill them, and shooting Jenkins in the mouth, shattering his jaw and causing permanent injuries to his tongue and neck.

“These guilty pleas are historic for justice against rogue police torture in Rankin County and all over America,” Malik Shabazz, an attorney representing Jenkins and Parker, said in a statement. “Today is truly historic for Mississippi and for civil and human rights in America.”

“There were a lot of naysayers,” Walker added. “This proves there is justice in Mississippi, even in Rankin County with its long history of police violence.”
Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey—who in June said the six deputies had resigned or been terminated—called the case “the most horrible incident of police brutality I’ve learned of over my whole career, and I’m ashamed it happened at this department.”


But  I ask will there truly be justice for what these animals did?

Will this change anything in the state?

Mississippi will remain the backwards state it has been for the last 100 years….no change will come (at least for now).

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”


IST Saturday News Dump–05Aug23

Another hot Saturday in the Deep South.  It is 1 am and I sit and try to come up with a good post for today…..the temp has plummeted from the high of 115 to 103 at 1 am…..break out the sweaters!

It is really hard to find news that does not fit the mold of today’s MSM….’if it bleeds, it leads’….but I try.

So I decided to give my readers something to chuckle about…ET is coming.

All this is all too comical for words…..ridiculous bordering on pathetic.

It is no small secret that I think the ‘Ancient Aliens’ crowd are just plain loopy….but apparently I am mistaken…..they are crazy and they have some highly educated proponents.

Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb has been pursuing answers to questions many colleagues would rather he leave in the realm of the speculative. One of those questions sent him on a quest to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean for what he believes is alien gold, so to speak. More specifically, it was mostly iron, titanium, and some magnesium in the form of metal spherules, per Popular Mechanics. As Katrina Miller of the New York Timesreports, Loeb maintains that these fragments were deposited on the ocean floor by a 2014 fireball from space, and that they might just be evidence of extraterrestrial life. Not “biological creatures, the way you see in science fiction movies,” he says, but “most likely a technological gadget with artificial intelligence.” And this is just the latest instance of him making what colleagues believe are “outlandish” claims, writes Miller.

Astrophysicist Steve Desch tells the Times that “people are sick of hearing about Avi Loeb’s wild claims” because his work is “polluting good science—conflating the good science we do with this ridiculous sensationalism and sucking all the oxygen out of the room.” (The ocean search was financed by a cryptocurrency millionaire.) To that end, the Times reports that Loeb’s colleagues are retaliating by boycotting peer reviews of his work. Loeb’s work had previously been supported by colleagues—that is, until he began focusing on interstellar object Oumuamua, an unusual artifact that passed through the solar system six years ago. He believes it was of alien origin. He has since been examining reports on previous fireballs for anomalous behavior, which was how Loeb determined where to look for the spherules he found.

As for Loeb, he is aware of the concerns about his work. In a blog post about searching for the mysterious spherules just over 50 miles off Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island, he seemed to acknowledge his peers’ doubts. Loeb wrote that prior to his trip, a Harvard colleague “whispered” that while others “argue that you are wasting your time in leading a hopeless expedition to the Pacific Ocean. … I agree that the chance for success is small—I hold the opinion that the search might be just worth trying.” Loeb then quoted Arthur Schopenhauer: “All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; second, it is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as self-evident.”

Read the full story, which has details on the Papua New Guinea search.

Best and brightest my ass.

Speaking of ET….

Three military veterans testified in Congress’ highly anticipated hearing on UFOs Wednesday, including a former Air Force intelligence officer who claimed the U.S. government has operated a secret “multi-decade” reverse engineering program of recovered vessels. He also said the U.S. has recovered non-human “biologics” from alleged crash sites.

Retired Maj. David Grusch, who went from being part of the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force to becoming a whistleblower, told the House Oversight Committee’s national security subcommittee that he had been denied access to some government UFO programs but that he knows the “exact locations” of UAPs in U.S. possession.

Grusch also alleged that the U.S. has retrieved “non-human” biological matter from the pilots of the crafts, adding, “That was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the [UAP] program I talked to, that are currently still on the program.”

While he refrained from sharing any further information in the public hearing, Grusch offered to disclose details behind closed doors.

Grusch said he hasn’t personally seen any alien vehicles or alien bodies, and that his opinions are based on the accounts of over 40 witnesses he interviewed over four years in his role with the UAP task force.


As usual there is so much more….like “Skinny Bob”….

The video was posted on YouTube in May 2011 by a user called Ivan 0135 and contains footage of an alleged alien who is called ‘Skinny Bob’.

Conspiracists say the clip was leaked from the KGB, who were the main security agency for the Soviet Union from 1954 to 1991. 

However, this has never been confirmed any many have also speculated the video is fake or a promotion for a TV show or movie. 

In the black-and-white video, a humanoid alien with a big skull can be seen moving around and blinking. The camera then pans up the creature, revealing it is wearing an all-in-one suit and has large dark eyes.

It looks like a Grey Alien, also known as Zeta Reticulans or Roswell Greys, which are frequently described in alien encounters. They are human-like with small bodies, smooth grey-colored skin, large black eyes and big hairless heads.

A description at the start of the video claims it contains real material recorded between 1942 and 1969 and the creature’s height is being measured using a piece of medical equipment called a stadiometer in the final clip.


Back to the ‘best and brightest’…..did ET crash into Mars?

Is there life on Mars? Well, according to new research, an alien crash landing there could explain puzzling new findings on the surface of the Red Planet.

It comes after Nasa’s Curiosity Rover captured images of spiked protrusions on the surface back in April.

The strange formations captured in the pictures seem to show a row of spikes and sharp angles emerging from rocks at the base of the Gale Crater, which is 154km long.

Astrobiologist Dr Nathalie Cabrol, who is from the NASA Ames Research Centre and Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute, even said that it’s the “most bizarre” rock she’s seen in 20 years of studying the planet.

The findings are so irregular, in fact, that experts cannot rule out the idea that they’re extraterrestrial in origin.


What about that first contact?

What would it mean for the planet?

We’re only halfway through 2023, and it feels already like the year of alien contact.

In February, President Joe Biden gave orders to shoot down three unidentified aerial phenomena – NASA’s title for UFOs. Then, the alleged leaked footage from a Navy pilot of a UFO, and then news of a whistleblower’s report on a possible U.S. government cover-up about UFO research. Most recently, an independent analysis published in June suggests that UFOs might have been collected by a clandestine agency of the U.S. government.

If any actual evidence of extraterrestrial life emerges, whether from whistleblower testimony or an admission of a cover-up, humans would face a historic paradigm shift.

As members of an Indigenous studies working group who were asked to lend our disciplinary expertise to a workshop affiliated with the Berkeley SETI Research Center, we have studied centuries of culture contacts and their outcomes from around the globe. Our collaborative preparations for the workshop drew from transdisciplinary research in Australia, New Zealand, Africa and across the Americas.

In its final form, our group statement illustrated the need for diverse perspectives on the ethics of listening for alien life and a broadening of what defines “intelligence” and “life.” Based on our findings, we consider first contact less as an event and more as a long process that has already begun.


That was fun….well at least for me.

Hopefully there was something in this post that made you think or was at least mildly amusing.

Enjoy your Saturday.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”