‘Twas The Day Before Christmas….

Closing Thought–24Dec19

’twas the day before Christmas

and all through the blog

no one was reading

time for lots of nog.


visions of popularity dance in my head

But stats were something to dread

For little has been read

and I fret

while lying in bed.


That small voice in my head

I heard it say

maybe those readers will return another day

until they do

it must be said

Merry Christmas to all

and to all a good day


Peace Out….my friends.

Poem #3–1969

This will be my last poem……since it has not generated much interest or discussion….there is no need to continue…I do hope that my followers enjoy this brief look into my past…….

This poem is my reaction to the news of a fellow recon guy that I had served with in my first tour…..his death on the streets of San Francisco…he was homeless and addicted to drugs and had violent bouts of combat flashbacks……..he needed help and no one cared.


Come on down to the sea

For you will see

All the beauty

Of a beach of debris.

On this day a young man cries

The pain forces tears into his eyes

And speak softly before he dies

“Thank You”

Then slowly closes his eyes.

A long haired “creep” has died

But none of the “straight” sighed

The men from homicide

Laughed it off as suicide.

If you are a freak

And reality you seek

Look into the eyes of a homeless vet

Possibly one could find the true meaning of “regret”.

CHUQ                     25Apr1969

Poem #2–1969

I cannot recall the date of this poem…..it was while I sat in the airport waiting on the flight to be called out to return to Oakland Army Terminal, the jump off point for the military going to Asia…..

The Wait

As I sit here

During the long wait,

I think of Mary, my dear,

And listen for flight and gate.

This is not the usual wait,

As you might think,

But a wait into hate

of dirt and stink.

You may say you understand

This is hard to see.

How can you understand man?

That is the difference between you and me.

The wait is long

This is true

But all must be strong

And the wait unto you.

CHUQ                ?/?/1969

BTW, the reference to Mary….have NO idea who that was suppose to be…….

Poem #1–1969

The 2012 election is history…..in more ways than one……and since there is not much news I will return to posting the poems from my youth…..and since a couple of my regular readers and commenters are weary of the whole political thingy…..I will try some more poetry…..

The year is 1969 and I am on my second tour in Vietnam….only thing new is the unit to which I was assigned…..Studies & Observation Group….at this time I am working in the Parrot’s Beak area of South Vietnam…..on the border with Cambodia…..not much time for lying around doing little….but I do find time from now and then to write a poem or two……..

The Happy Few

Why must we fight

A war of fright?

People fear,

neighbors far and near.

People don’t understand

That to be a man

We don’t have to kill.

It is better still

To give all you can.

If things are getting better

And this is true

Why are the happy

Only a few?

If things keep going this way

It won’t be long to judement day.

I don’t have the answers

Do you?

If not, maybe we should

Ask the happy few.



And so it goes!

Poem #7–1968

By this time, 20Dec1968, I had been back in the states for a month or so……reassigned to Ft. Hood, 2nd Armored Division, “Hell On Wheels”…….I had gone from combat situations almost daily to painting rocks and re-lettering jeeps to pass the time…..and about this time is when the nightly visits started……..

This was my last poem for the year, 1968…..

Going Home
Every lived inside your head?

All the dread,

All the memories,

Trying to keep busy.

Night after night

Faces take flight

Enter into your dreams

Cold sweats and screams.

People look

But do not know

The agony that lives

Deep inside

They just don’t know.

The pull is strong

For the realization

That the only peace

From the vision

To cease

Is to return

To the place I belong.

CHUQ                                                    20Dec1968

This was my last poem for the year, 1968……Next year all will be clear…..

Poem #6–1968

Tonite is the nite……another big debate…..but as usual it is all about optics, not substance.  Who will win?  People hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see…..so whoever you guy is…..He will win.  And the “undecideds”…..if there are people that have not made up their minds then they are the same ones that stroke out over the question……paper or plastic?

More poems that helped me cope………..The year is drawing to a close and I am stuck in Hell….most notably Ft. Hood, Texas.  Yes, Hell!  The civilian population does not give a shit about us….the new guys in the 2nd Armored Division can not relate….they still think war is some romantic bullshit starring Errol Flynn…this is when I started asking the question….over and over……

Why The Fuck?

Why the fuck

Did I come home?

The Land where no one cares’

I a crowd

I feel alone.

People stop and stare

But no one dare

Speak a word

Just a turn

And a whisper.

You have that 1000 meter stare

Flinching at every noise loud

Freaking when it rains


For that adrenalin rush

That never comes

Just the same question,

Why the fuck?

CHUQ                                                                          Nov1969

Poem #5–1968

But first, The VP debate was last nite……who won?  Who cares?  The Right will say Ryan…he could have fallen asleep and they would have given him the win….the Left will point to Biden….and I would rather relive sad memories from Vietnam than watch another optical illusion known as presidential debates……the lousy polls will indicate who took the night.

I had just started corresponding with the sister of a fellow grunt who had died….she was very special and I had a number of fantasies about her……..

Miss Jackson

Light from the sea

Adds a glow of beauty,

To your body,

And does wonders for the psyche.

Your hair is auburn,

Your skin is fair.

Your body the sun did burn,

But not your hair.

You are all that has beauty.

You are all that matters to me.

Hand in hand,

We walk in the sand,

And when we will kiss,

I shall hear the Band.


This poem is dumb, My fingers are numb.

I had too much to think

Which is far worse

Than too much to drink.

CHUQ                           17Aug1969

Poem #4–1968

This poem was one I wrote after hearing, “Just dropped in to see what condition my conditions was in”…..let us say that war is not as romantic as movies portray and this was when another coping mechanism was being employed…EXPERIMENTATION.

(No Title)

Turn on to real life,

Have some brownies baked by Alice.

Leave your family and wife,

And go chasing red mice.

Pink people laughing in the park.

Printed taxis floating by.

Noah’s having a bad trip in his ark,

Laughing, God’s plasticine eye.

On the hill is a warped cross,

With thorns at the top.

On the ground the boss,

Talks of the coming crop.

You talk about living,

But yours is dying.

We are the majority;

So keep on lying.

Use your head for a hat rack,

And we will rule the world.

CHUQ                          (No date other than 1968)

So take your best shot…what was I talking about?

Poem #3–1968

When in war, young men ask questions and try to deal with what they see……this was written after an engagement where myself and Jay Stearn were the only two that came out of it unscathed……..2 outta 12.


What is this unknown thing which calls us?

Is it known what is our future?

How can we know?

It is never left up to us.

Cold, black uncertain…..

Is it like the Iron Curtain?

No, it’s the soft faith,

Beckoning us,

Is it believed as thus?

How do we decide what our paths shall be?

Do we determine it by a single good deed?

Is it meant to be,

That there is a place for me?

Who really knows,

How our future goes?

Is it right to change it?

Do we dare attempt to beat it?

Is life meant to be pre-ordained?

Is this planned before………?

CHUQ                   16March1968

Just question that I felt needed to be asked…….thoughts?

Poem #2–1968

I wish I had something clever to write about but this election is more disgusting the closer we get to the actual day we choose our next “fearless leader”…….so I will continue with the poems from my youth……..though some of those memories are painful; they still are not as painful as the crap we have with this political season…….

I continue my series on poems from my past……my little coping mechanism……Poem #3 was written in 1968…….the 3rd of March to be exact………I think it will be self-explanatory……..


Mud is deep,

Panic slowly seeps,

No damn sleep,


Watching the wire

Tonite could be so dire’


For the order to “FIRE”!


sweat slowly runs,

Bugs noisily hum,

Heart pounds heavily,




What did it harm?

Another false alarm.

Today there will be no sorrow,

But there is always tomorrow.


It was a long nite………