It’s Everywhere! It’s Everywhere!

Have you noticed how many ads there are now that pumps us full of AI knowledge?

Most are taunting how good and helpful AI is for you and for business.

But is it all it is cracked up to be?

Students are showing some ill effects…..

New research has found a worrying link to memory loss and tanking grades in students who relied on ChatGPT, in an early but fascinating exploration of the swift impact that large language models have had in education.

As detailed in a new study published in the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, the researchers surveyed hundreds of university students — ranging from undergrads to doctoral candidates — over two phases, using self-reported evaluations. They were spurred on by witnessing more and more of their own students turn to ChatGPT.

I have stated many times…I do my own research and writing I do not need some program, to do it for me.

Do you know what ELE stands for?  (Look it up!)

The government has started worrying about the use of AI, the dependency….

A report released on Monday that was commissioned by the U.S. State Department warns that artificial intelligence could pose an “extinction-level threat.”

“Given the growing risk to national security posed by rapidly expanding AI capabilities from weaponization and loss of control—and particularly, the fact that the ongoing proliferation of these capabilities serves to amplify both risks—there is a clear and urgent need for the U.S. government to intervene,” the report states.

The report compares the development of AI to the development of nuclear weapons and claims it might “destabilize global security” if it’s not properly regulated. The report says the U.S. government must move “quickly and decisively” to address the threat of AI.

Can AI destroy our ‘beloved’ and often worshiped system of capitalism?

Some say it is a possibility….

I’ll suggest a few AI mechanisms that will, at the very least, force us to rethink the current models of capitalism.
I believe letting AI run rampant through all aspects of our lives cannot and will not end well of us mere mortals.
Since I still have my mental capabilities I will not let some program do my thinking for me….I am old and one day those capabilities may be gone if and when that occurs then I may re-think my stance but until then….I will do it my way!
But that is just me.
I Read, I Write, You Know
“lego ergo scribo”

10 thoughts on “It’s Everywhere! It’s Everywhere!

  1. Our enemies will certainly use AI to expand their power over the world esp military and space and would not give a hoot about the concerns of the dangers of AI.

      1. Yes, that’s true. The lust for dominaton dismisses dangers. For example, China turns out several coal burning electric producing plants a day. They are killing their own people for electricity.

      2. Nigeria is killing their own people for oil…..until there is a better way this is what we have….chuq

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