Closing Thought–27May24

I hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day (observed) holiday.

It is a bit hot down here predicted to be 108 today….hope you day is better and cooler than ours.

This is a draft that I forgot about….sorry for the timing.

Remember the days when Putin’s critics were falling out windows at an alarming rate?

Well it seems that we have similar problem here in the US…..they are not Putin critics but rather Boeing whistleblowers.

If you will recall the original Boeing whistleblower about the shoddy safety died suddenly when he was due to testify….looks like lightening has struck twice….

Another whistleblower who had testified about Boeing’s safety protocols has died.

As the Seattle Times reports, Joshua Dean, a former quality auditor with Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems who raised concerns about its manufacturing process and allegedly substandard parts, has died after a two-week-long battle with a fast-acting infection at the age of 45.

The former auditor was said to be in good health before he got sick and began having significant trouble breathing. Soon after entering the hospital, he developed both pneumonia and the rapidly-spreading staph infection MRSA, and ultimately succumbed to the latter.

Based in Wichita, Kansas, Dean had been fired by Spirit — which was spun out from Boeing nearly 20 years ago in an outsourcing push and shouldn’t be confused with the discount flight company Spirit Airlines — in April 2023 after he repeatedly tried to sound alarm bells about the manufacturing processes for parts that went into Boeing’s 737 jets, as the Seattle Times previously reported.

After it was discovered that he’d missed a separate manufacturing flaw in the 737 parts, Spirit sacked Dean. He then filed a complaint with the Federal Aviation Administration and a whistleblower complaint with the Department of Labor, alleging that managers ignored safety concerns and mistakes and that he’d been fired wrongfully.

This is strange that this ‘mysterious ailment’ seems to prefer Boeing whistleblowers….how do you treat that?

This has all the earmarks of an up and coming made for TV movie.

I will be watching for the next attack of that ‘mysterious ailment’.

Please take a few moments to remember those that gave their lives in service of this country.

Happy Memorial Day (observed)!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

IST Milestone–Comments

I am not a blogger that obsesses over stats but I do check them once in awhile….recently I did just that and realize that I had reached a milestone.

Somewhere over the past weekend IST surpassed the 100,000 comment barrier….even though the weekend was pretty slow with Memorial Day stuff and all I am still thrilled at the barrier broken.

It has been a long and adventurous journey but it has been all worth whatever disappointments and barriers that popped up along the way.

I would like to thank all those that have stuck with me over the years and have felt comfortable in commenting on the posts I write.

Hopefully I will continue to write posts that readers feel compelled to comment on in their own time.

So once again….thank you very much and know that I appreciate all those that come by and voice their thoughts.

“lego ergo scribo”

Russian News….(None Of It Good)

0500 hrs and it is 87 degrees….top that!

Right now there is a laser focus on the carnage that is Gaza and a lot of news around Ukraine/Russia mash up goes under reported.

I will try to let my readers know of things that are a changing…..this is not in support of Russia just me reporting on news that fell through the cracks of the MSM.  (So please withhold in lame misguided BS)

Star Wars!  Oh my bad…. Space Wars……

War Department has said that there is a new Russian weapon in orbit….

The militarization of space is really heating up after the Pentagon accused Russia of launching a satellite that national security officials believe is capable of attacking other satellites in orbit, the BBC reports.

And most chillingly, this satellite, which the Russians launched last week, is on the same orbit as a US government satellite.

“Russia launched a satellite into low Earth orbit that we assess is likely a counter space weapon,” said Pentagon spokesperson Brigadier General Pat Ryder on Tuesday, as reported by the BBC.

“Obviously, that’s something that we’ll continue to monitor,” Ryder told ABC News. “Certainly, we would say that we have a responsibility to be ready to protect and defend the space domain and ensure continuous and uninterrupted support to the joint and combined force. And we’ll continue to balance the need to protect our interests in space with our desire to preserve a stable and sustainable space environment.”

If you are a worry wart then maybe the time to do so is now.

Vlad the Invader (Putin) has offered up a plan for a ceasefire with Ukraine….

Vladimir Putin insists that Russia is ready to keep fighting in Ukraine, but he’s reportedly also amenable to “freeze the war” there—with one big condition. Russian sources tell Reuters that their leader is prepared to negotiate a ceasefire, but one recognizing that territory currently under Russian control would stay that way. Those sources say Putin thinks he can sell such a concession as a win to the Russian people, and that he’d rather avoid another national mobilization, as the last one he ordered caused his popularity to plummet. Freezing the conflict now along battlefield lines would leave Russia with “substantial chunks of four Ukrainian regions” in its possession, or about 18% of Ukraine. Asked for comment, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia was open to dialogue on the matter and didn’t want “eternal war.” More:

  • Ukraine’s take: Kyiv likely won’t agree to any deal in which Russia gets to keep territory it has already seized, notes the Kyiv Independent. Ukraine has its own peace plan, including a summit in Switzerland next month—”a real diplomatic track that has every chance of contributing to a just peace,” National Security and Defense Council Secretary Oleksandr Lytvynenko said on Monday. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has consistently said Ukraine will take back all of its territory seized by Russia, including Crimea, and in 2022, he signed a decree saying talks with Putin were “impossible,” per Reuters.
  • US take: Last week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he didn’t think Putin was serious about wanting to negotiate peace. A US State Department rep tells Reuters that “the Kremlin has yet to demonstrate any meaningful interest in ending its war, quite the opposite,” and that any peace talks must respect Ukraine’s “territorial integrity, within its internationally recognized borders.”
  • Macron weighs in: The French president similarly doesn’t think Putin is at all serious about a goal of peace, specifically because the Russian leader has rejected a truce with Ukraine at the Olympics, reports the Hill. “This is a big clarification moment, because every week until now President Putin was claiming to be available for peace,” Macron said in an interview that aired Thursday on CNBC. “So for everybody in the world, it’s clear he is the one who decided to launch his war, and he is not ready to make peace.” Zelensky also ruled out an Olympics truce.
  • White House debate: Meanwhile, citing sources involved in the discussion, the New York Timesreports there’s “vigorous debate” in the Biden administration over allowing Ukraine to use US-supplied weapons to strike targets across the border in Russia for the first time. The sources say Blinken now supports what would be a dramatic shift in policy because Russia is attacking Kharkiv with weapons placed just over the border, knowing that Ukraine can only respond with non-US weapons.

Tee Hee!  This is a none starter.   Why?  Neither Zelensky or the War Department will accept this…..but to me at least there may be an opening for talks on ending the carnage in Ukraine.

Blinken, who is Sec of State, is pushing for US weapons to be used inside Russia.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is leading a push within the Biden administration to allow Ukraine to use US-provided missile systems and other weapons to hit Russian territory, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

The report said there is a “vigorous debate” within the administration in the wake of Russia’s new offensive in Kharkiv, which was launched from over the border in Russia’s Belgorod oblast.

It’s unclear how many other high-level officials agree with Blinken, but the pressure is growing on President Biden to lift the prohibition on Ukraine using US weapons on Russian territory, a ban that, according to the Times, is designed to “avoid World War III.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and many other members of Congress are also calling to lift the ban. Ultra-hawk Victoria Nuland, who left the State Department in March, appeared on ABC News this week to make the pitch for Ukraine to extend its use of US weapons to Russian territory.

“I think there’s also a question of whether we, the United States and our allies, ought to give them more help in hitting Russian bases, which heretofore we have not been willing to do,” Nuland said.

Moscow recently warned the UK that if Ukraine used British weapons on Russian territory, Russian forces would target UK military sites in Ukraine “and beyond.” The warning came after British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said Ukraine had the “right” to use British arms in attacks on Russia.

Russia is currently conducting tactical nuclear drills that it launched in response to provocative rhetoric from Western officials about sending troops to Ukraine. The Times report said that the US was also considering deploying troops for training, although Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown said there were “no plans” to do so at the moment.


This is a decision to be made by those above my pay grade….my only concern is when did America’s top diplomat start working for the War Department?

A warmongering jerk like Blinken has no place in the State Department which is suppose to focus on diplomacy not starting wars.

But alas the conflict will rage on.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”