More On Those ‘Outside Agitators’

This ought wrinkle a few of the dullards that keep passing on crap as fact about the protests going on across the US…..they will not pay attention for this does not feed their ignorance.

I recently wrote a post about the accusation of those ‘outside agitators’ that conservatives and their lackeys keep trying to convince the nation exist.

For those that could not spare the time before maybe you can find a bit here…..

Those Damn ‘Outside Agitators’!

Groups have been watching these protest besides the media and people looking to start shit with lies….all that violence that is being blamed on ‘outside agitators’ is almost non-existent….that’s right dimwits….these are not violent….

Just over a week after U.S. President Joe Biden defended police crackdowns on dozens of anti-war protests on college campuses by declaring that students don’t have “the right to cause chaos,” a new analysis on Friday showed that nearly all the campus demonstrations have not been violent at all—and many that have descended into violence did so due to police interventions or aggressive counter-protests.

The Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) examined 553 campus protests that took place across the U.S. between April 18-May 3 and found that fewer than 20 resulted in serious violence or property damage—meaning that 97% of the protests remained non-violent.

The group categorizes demonstrations as violent only when “physical violence that rises above pushing or shoving” takes place or when property damage includes protesters “breaking a window or worse.”

ACLED’s latest analysis comes after a previous study released May 2, which found 99% of campus protests in the first days of the burgeoning student-led movement against Israel’s assault on Gaza had remained peaceful.

In the latest report, analyzing the 3% of protests that became violent, ACLED found that at half of those students clashed with police who had been sent in to clear the peaceful student encampments—which should have been allowed to proceed unimpeded according to Biden’s speech about the protests on May 2, in which he said, “Peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how Americans respond to controversial issues.”

From the point of view of the protesters…..cops in riot gear would be an outside agitator…..but most are too numb to crap to see what I am talking about.


But Wait!

I think we may have identified those ‘outside agitators’ (sarcasm in case you missed it)

VFP members were present at the initial rally of about 200 people at Metropolitan State University of Denver, Auraria Campus, in Colorado on April 25 (photo above right). Since then, at least 40 students arrested. A VFP flag can be glimpsed in this local news clip. Thanks to Tina Jayroe for this report.

Members of VFP Chapter 125 rallied and marched in solidarity with 1500 others on the Emory University campus in Atlanta, Georgia (crowd shown above left) on April 26, the day after Emory President Fenves called in goons from the Atlanta Police and Georgia State Patrol who brutalized students and faculty, arresting over 50 people including the head of the Philosophy department. The next day, chapter members Marcone Canguso and Geoff Sumner appeared on WRFG’s Beyond Borders show to talk about the Emory University protests and unprovoked violence against students and faculty, “and the relevance of waging peace in today’s increasingly dishonest and cowardly environment.”

VFP members Craig Bardo and Tom Grose on Vanderbilt University campus in Nashville, Tennessee, on April 27. The veterans came to support the students who are camping out there.

Washington, D.C. VFP Chapter 16 member Mike Marceau is quoted in the online live encampment coverage posted by the GW Hatchet, an independent student paper serving the George Washington University community. He visited the encampment on May 4, its tenth day. Mike explains, “I told the crowd that I was a Vietnam veteran, that their peaceful action reminded me of the actions in the late ’60s, and that I was proud to stand with them as they spoke out against the Israel genocide and war crimes.” Read the GW Hatchet post HERE.

VFP?  Veterans For Peace.

But not to worry the idiots in the GOP and those that listen to the manure and pass it on as fact will be asking for an investigation…..

A House committee announced it was launching an investigation into 20 groups it claims are behind the campus protests against US support for Israel’s war in Gaza. In a letter to the Treasury Department, the members of Congress requested documents on the organizations while smearing them as antisemitic and pro-Hamas. 

On Tuesday, The Committee on Oversight and Accountability and the Committee on Education sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Janey Yellen requesting “All Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) generated in connection to the following organizations, or any known officer or employee thereof.” 

The list of 20 groups includes Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace IfNotNow, Open Society Foundations, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and People’s Forum. Some of the organizations are Jewish-led.

I say investigate but make it all sides for instance how much cash flows to those calling for this from AIPAC…..and stop calling the protests pro-HAMAS or antisemitic they are neither.

This will be just another waste of time and taxpayer money….something the GOP is very good at doing with their time in DC…..but this time there will be Dems that go along with the bovine fecal matter.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

More From The Front Lines

Ukraine is still going strong and now the Russians are making a bit of progress in the East….there a few stories that we probably will not see about the backroom BS in this war.

Recently $3 billion was sent to Ukraine from the EU… is the response….

A Ukrainian official has said that an EU plan to provide Kyiv with up to 3 billion euros ($3.2 billion) per year for military aid amounts to “almost nothing” in the context of the war.

EU ambassadors agreed to use profits generated by frozen Russian Central Bank assets to purchase up to $3.2 billion worth of weapons for Ukraine annually, but Ukrainian Justice Minister Denys Maliuska told POLITICO last Thursday that Ukraine needs “hundreds” of billions.

“If we are talking about the needs of Ukraine and the needs of the war, military and non-military, 3 billion euros is actually almost nothing— we need hundreds of billions in order to win the war,” Maliuska said. “It’s a good first step.”


What bullsh*t!

Maybe a thank you but it may not help…..would have been a better response.

The recent success that Russia has had in the East according to Zelensky is the fault of ‘the world’…..

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkiv oblast on Thursday and blamed the Russian offensive in the region on “the world” for not sending enough weapons.

He referred to the delays in Congress passing a $61 billion Ukraine aid package, which was authorized last month. “Brigades are not totally equipped because of the package, which we waited through for eight months,” he told ABC News.

When asked if what’s happening in Kharkiv is America’s fault, Zelensky replied, “It’s the world’s fault. They gave the opportunity for Putin to occupy. But now the world can help.”

While Zelensky blamed the Russian success on weapons shortages, Ukrainian soldiers have said there were no proper fortifications despite intelligence that showed Russia was amassing troops on the border of Kharkiv.

“There was no first line of defense. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. They just walked in, without any mined field,” Denys Yaroslavskyi, a commander of a Ukrainian Special Reconnaissance Unit, said earlier this week. “Either it was an act of negligence, or corruption. It wasn’t a failure. It was a betrayal.”


I am sick of this arrogant tool.  Be thankful for any and all help….he is trying to bully the world into what he wants….he can go suck a mule in my book.

Since Zelensky blames us all for his failures he now thinks that NATO should send in troops ‘for training’…..

Ukrainian officials have asked NATO countries to send troops to Ukraine to help train 150,000 new recruits, The New York Times reported on Thursday.

The report said NATO countries are “inching closer” to sending trainers, which would mark a significant escalation and risk direct war with Russia. A small number of NATO special operations forces have been inside Ukraine — 97 as of March 2023 — but an open deployment to train a large number of Ukrainian troops would take things to another level.

The US and NATO had been training Ukrainian troops inside Ukraine before Russia’s February 2022 invasion. Since then, the training has been held in Germany and other parts of Europe, but Kyiv wants to shift it back inside Ukraine so the Ukrainian recruits can be quickly deployed to the frontlines. So far, the US has not agreed to the request, but it appears Washington is considering it.


Okay what happens if NATO troops are attacked in Ukraine?

This sounds like Zelensky is trying to set up a condition that might force NATO into direct conflict with Russia.

In other words Ukraine wants NATO to do their fighting for them.

I say nuts to them…..fight your own goddamn battles!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”