Female Heroes–WW2

Happy St. Patrick’s Day for all you Irish minded people.

It is Women’s History Month and I try to bring women out of the shadows to show that they are just as capable as any man.

Ever heard of Josephine Baker or Marlene Dietrich? How about Virginia Hall or Lee Miller or Nancy Wake?

These women all have something in common….they we serving during World War 2.

For instance Josephine Baker was used as a spy in France….Marlene Dietrich work for OSS….

Here are five stories about remarkable women who defied prejudices based on race, gender, disability, and religion during World War II.

George Santayana wrote in 1905 that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. This universal truth is specifically poignant when we think about World War II and the pivotal role that many women played during this difficult time. Most countries banned women from being involved in physical combat, but this didn’t stop plenty of iconic women from finding ways of playing pivotal roles in logistical and tactical initiatives.


Women that should have a prominent place in the history of World War Two but have had to take a back seat to personalities like MacArthur, Patton or Monty.

They did their part and should be remembered for the part they played in our victory over that slug Hitler.

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