Fixing The Food System

I have never made it a secret that I believe the big agribusinesses are not a great idea…..for one is they are destroying the environment and for two the whole GMO craze does nothing for4 the quality of the produce just the quantity.

I have been growing my own produce for many years because I cannot stand the taste of the GMO crap…that basically has little to no actual taste it just last longer on the shelves.

Since the whole agribusiness is so entrenched in our system these days and young people have little idea what real produce or meat actually taste like is it here to stay or can it be fixed?

While the article I reference is basically tackling the meat industry it still bears exposure…..I offer it up as to make sure that I try to be as balanced as I possibly can (and it is not an easy trip for me)….

In addition to being the main cause of animal cruelty in the world, factory farming is a primary source of environmental degradation. The industrialized meat industry accounts for 37 percent of worldwide emissions of methane, a global warming gas 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide in the first two decades after its release. It is also responsible for 65 percent of human-made emissions of nitrous oxide—a gas 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide—that depletes the ozone layer, which protects the Earth’s surface from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Factory farming also depletes the planet’s fresh water. Just a single egg takes more than 50 gallons of water to produce. A pound of chicken, 468 gallons. A gallon of milk, 880 gallons. A pound of beef, 1,800 gallons. It also requires vast tracts of land, which means the industrial meat industry is also the cause of massive deforestation around the globe, destroying ecosystems, threatening Indigenous communities and their traditional ways of life, and endangering a host of wildlife. Data shows that companies in the supply chain of JBS, the world’s largest supplier of meat, are potentially responsible for the destruction of up to 124 square miles of Brazilian rainforest every single year to produce beef that is exported around the globe.

How to Fix Our Food System

Eliminate meat?

I am an old fart and that just is not going to happen….this article sounds more like an ad for the ‘plant based’ con job.

And to be fair here is a rebuttal to the meat thing….

Bev Turner brilliantly pulled apart a climate scientist on his dictate encouraging Britons to give up meat.

The GB News host, in a lively debate on Britain’s Newsroom delivered a withering summation of the advice being offered by environmental campaigner, Donnachadh McCarthy.

She said: “I think if we’re worried about farty cows, we’ve been had, Donnachadh, we’ve been had. Because the biggest landowner in America now is Bill Gates.

“I’m sure you’re aware of this. And what does Bill Gates want to do?

“He wants to make money out of us not eating meat because he’s not putting cows on those fields.

“He’s putting solar panels and he’s encouraging us whilst building factories of fake meat. And you talk about health.

“A good steak full of protein with some vegetables is better for you than a bowl of vegetarian pasta, all the carbohydrates we’ll eat in their place.

Here!  Here!  I will take my protein the old fashion way….meat and veggies…..

Then there is the plant thing….

If we depend on plants for all our eating needs would that not be just as bad for the environment… more fertilizer run-off….more pesticides….etc all making its way into our ground water supply.

Something needs to be done but what?

I try to use small farm producers when I can and grow many of my own veggies….I know that is small potatoes (no pun intended) but surely we can find a solution to the problem of huge agribusiness.


I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

3 thoughts on “Fixing The Food System

  1. Eventually Big Agri Business will be the cause of everything we eat being either super-processed or super-processed and 100 percent artificial.

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