Can ‘Stupid’ Be Fixed?

I know my readers have seen me write “can’t fix stupid” many times and I firmly believe that it cannot be fixed….but I read an article that pushes the premise that ‘stupid’ can be fixed.

We’ve heard it said, “you can’t fix stupid.” That’s a grim assessment….with a different take on the issue – from the mind of German Christian theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 

Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor and theologian, and and a vocal critic of Hitler’s program. When most of the Church in Germany was silent, complicit, or even actively pro-Nazi, Bonhoeffer and his colleagues founded the Confessing Church to create a distinction between those capitulating to Nazism and those holding to true doctrine.

Needless to say, Bonhoeffer’s efforts to awaken the Church went unheeded for much too long.

As we will explore in the coming days, there are a startling number of similarities between Christians of Bonhoeffer’s time and today, and we might do well to learn from history.

Today, let’s get to know a little of what we’re up against – not the big, dangerous guys on top, but the millions of minions who are all around us: The Stupid.

Spoiler alert: the fix for stupidity is not simple. It is spiritually and/or psychologically costly. But it can be done.

In reflecting about how the normally intelligent and compassionate Christian people of Germany could become complicit cogs in the killing machine of Nazism, Bonhoeffer explains that stupidity is more dangerous than evil.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer explains how to fix stupid

I do not believe that I can concur with the conclusion.

Why? That act of liberation should have happened years ago and as the situation grows worse the chances of that liberation grows less.

I say you can fix ignorance but not stupidity.

So I ask….can we fix stupid?

Your thoughts if you please.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

The Fear Of Peace

Somewhere down the line there will be a peace deal that could end the hostilities….that is a joke for even in peace there will still be lingering hostilities…..then there is those countries that border Ukraine on the West a report says that are concerned for peace.

NATO members that border Russia and Belarus are afraid that growing opposition to the proxy war in Ukraine inside the United States will put pressure on the Ukrainians to pursue peace talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, The Hill reported on Tuesday.

While the Biden administration’s stated policy is to back Ukraine for “as long as it takes,” and the majority of Congress still supports the proxy war, there is there is fatigue among Americans. A recent poll from CNN found that 55% of Americans are against Congress authorizing more spending on the conflict.

Former President Trump, the Republican frontrunner for the 2024 election, has claimed he would end the war in Ukraine within “24 hours.” The Biden administration is looking to sign a long-term security deal with Ukraine to tie the hands of a future administration on the issue, but the political climate has some NATO members nervous that peace might be pursued.

The report said that for Poland and the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, talking with Putin is a “red line.” The four nations want the US and the rest of Ukraine’s Western backers to prepare for a future where the Russian leader is completely isolated.

The narrative from the countries on NATO’s “eastern flank” is that peace talks would reward Putin and put Russia in a better position to exert its influence. “All of this then increases the threat on NATO’s borders. Putin would be able to sell negotiations as a victory, and [it] would help him exert even greater political influence globally — we already see it in Africa, in Niger and South Africa. It’s not only a military threat but a diplomatic one, too,” an unnamed Baltic official told The Hill.


I understand the position taken….but at some point the death and destruction must end.

I would like to see some poll of Ukrainians on this conflict…..we see reports of Ukrainians offering their points but nothing on all Ukrainians.

Ukraine may be fight another war….a trade war with its neighbors….

Ukraine is threatening to take Brussels and EU member countries to the World Trade Organization if they fail to lift restrictions on its agricultural exports to the bloc this month.

The country’s grain exports — its main trade commodity — are currently banned from the markets of Poland, Hungary and three other EU countries under a deal struck with the European Commission earlier this year to protect farmers from an influx of cheaper produce from their war-torn neighbor.

The glut, triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its blockade of the country’s traditional Black Sea export routes, has driven a wedge between Ukraine and the EU’s eastern frontline states which have been among the strongest backers of Kyiv’s military fightback.

The restrictions, already extended once, are due to expire on September 15. Amid speculation that Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will let them lapse, Poland and Hungary have threatened to impose their own unilateral import bans, in violation of the bloc’s common trade rules.

Will the two wars converge?

Will this situation change the undying support?

Will the US step in as they always seem to do even when not asked?

This will be an interesting turn to keep my eye on….as only as I can.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”