Another Putin Victim?

I have written about what I call the “Falling Russian Syndrome’ which is about all the opponents to Putin that have seemingly decided to end their lives by falling to their deaths.

Plus over the years some opponents of Vlad the Invader have also been poisoned….and it seems that another Russian has succumb to a poison….this time it is a Russian space bigwig….

Moscow’s scientific community has lost renowned Russian rocket scientist Professor Vitaly Melnikov, who died at the age of 77. is reporting that the circumstances surrounding his death have not been confirmed but initial reports claim that he succumbed to “mushroom poisoning” just weeks after Russia’s failed moon landing mission.

The source of his poisoning, per a “preliminary” investigation, was credited to inedible mushrooms. Local publication Moskovsky Komsomolets (via The Sun) reports that despite the best efforts of doctors, Professor Melnikov could not be saved and died after battling severe poisoning for over two weeks.

Professor Melnikov was the head of the Department of Rocket and Space Systems at RSC Energia, one of Moscow’s leading spacecraft manufacturers. 

He had also built an illustrious career, working as a chief researcher at TsNIIMASH, a division of Roscosmos, the Russian space agency. 

With 291 scientific articles to his name, he was highly regarded among the international space science community and had throughout his career collaborated with foreign colleagues, including those at NASA.

His death comes in the wake of the failed moon landing mission orchestrated by Russian President Vladimir Putin

Moscow’s first moon mission in 50 years, termed Luna-25, ended in disaster when the probe crashed into the lunar surface. 

The failed landing was a devastating blow for Melnikov, who had considered it his magnum opus. He described it as his “last hope to see the revival of our lunar program.”

It is important to note that Russia has witnessed a series of mysterious and suspicious deaths over the past two years, coinciding with Putin’s war in Ukraine. 


Was this a suicide or a Putin ‘getting even’ death?

Did he kill himself because of this failure or did Putin have a hand in it?

Whatcha think?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

McConnell Forgot Something (Again)

Once again the Senate GOP majority leader has stumbled with words while giving a speech…..

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell froze up during a press conference in Kentucky Wednesday, a month after he experienced a similar episode while talking to reporters at the Capitol. McConnell spoke for several minutes at the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Government Forum before freezing up while taking questions from the press, WLWT reports. NBC News reports that the 81-year-old paused for more than 30 seconds after he was asked if he would run for re-election and remained frozen after an aide asked, “Did you hear the question, senator?”

After McConnell told an aide he was OK, two other questions—one about Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron and one about Donald Trump—had to be repeated before he was led away by aides. “Leader McConnell felt momentarily lightheaded and paused during his press conference today,” a spokesman said afterward. An aide speaking on condition of anonymity tells the Washington Post that McConnell will consult a doctor before his next public event as a “prudential measure.”

Go see a doctor?   And what would think his diagnosis will be?

If you think McConnell will be cleared and pronounced in good mental health….then you would be right.

The Capitol’s attending physician has pronounced Sen. Mitch McConnell good to go and said he can carry on with his duties, a day after the minority leader froze at a microphone during an appearance in Kentucky. “I have consulted with Leader McConnell and conferred with his neurology team,” Dr. Brian Monahan said in a statement. It was his second such incident in weeks. “After evaluating yesterday’s incident, I have informed Leader McConnell that he is medically clear to continue with his schedule as planned.” The statement was released by McConnell’s office, CNN reports.

he 81-year-old McConnell suffered a concussion when he took a fall in March. “Occasional lightheadedness is not uncommon in concussion recovery and can also be expected as a result of dehydration,” said Monahan, echoing the diagnosis the senator’s office has provided. The release of the doctor’s statement represents the first time McConnell’s staff has acknowledged the freeze-ups, per NBC News. President Biden said during a visit to FEMA headquarters in Washington on Thursday that he had just had a conversation with McConnell. “He was his old self on the telephone,” said Biden, who was stricken by two brain aneurysms in 1988. Such spells, Biden said, are “part of the recovery.”

Should Republicans need to choose a successor to the longest-serving Senate leader in history, the New York Times rates potential candidates for the job. The early front-runners would be the senators referred to as “the Three Johns:” John Thune of South Dakota, John Cornyn of Texas, and John Barrasso of Wyoming. Other possibilities include Sens. Joni Ernst of Iowa and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, who are both members of the GOP leadership team. The Times‘ assessment can be found here. So far, McConnell has given no indication that he plans to step down; his Senate seat will be on the 2026 ballot, and there’s not a way to force a leadership vote until after the 2024 elections, per CNN

Come on people….this man is too damn old….time for him to be put out to pasture and find a younger leader of the aging GOP.  He looked like he had no idea where he was, what he was doing or anyone around him.

Yes we all have ‘brain farts’ from time to time but ours does not involve the running of this country.


I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”