2024–A Look Ahead

I know the general election is a couple of months down the road…..but the way this situation is setting up there are a few things we need to look at before the day.

Let’s say that Biden runs against Trump and wins (again)…..but with all the leis about a stolen election will repeat itself and grow louder.

Could we have yet another insurrection similar to 06 January?

I think not. Those mental midgets may have learned a valuable lesson. No I think it will be more of a legislative assault of the election results. By that I mean there is a chance that some states could actually succeed where the rabid mob failed.

Late last month, in one of its final acts of the term, the Supreme Court queued up another potentially precedent-wrecking decision for next year. The Court’s agreement to hear Moore v. Harper, a North Carolina redistricting case, isn’t just bad news for efforts to control gerrymandering. The Court’s right-wing supermajority is poised to let state lawmakers overturn voters’ choice in presidential elections.

To understand the stakes, and the motives of Republicans who brought the case, you need only one strategic fact of political arithmetic. Six swing states—Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina—are trending blue in presidential elections but ruled by gerrymandered Republican state legislatures. No comparable red-trending states are locked into Democratic legislatures.

Joe Biden won five of those six swing states in 2020. Donald Trump then tried and failed, lawlessly, to muscle the GOP state legislators into discarding Biden’s victory and appointing Trump electors instead. The Moore case marks the debut in the nation’s highest court of a dubious theory that could give Republicans legal cover in 2024 to do as Trump demanded in 2020. And if democracy is subverted in just a few states, it can overturn the election nationwide.

Republican lawyers, taking note of their structural advantage among battleground-state lawmakers, set forth the “independent state legislature” (ISL) doctrine. The doctrine is based on a tendentious reading of two constitutional clauses, which assign control of the “Manner” of congressional elections and the appointment of presidential electors in each state to “the Legislature thereof.” Based on that language, the doctrine proposes that state lawmakers have virtually unrestricted power over elections and electors. State courts and state constitutions, by this reading, hold no legitimate authority over legislatures in the conduct of their U.S. constitutional functions.


There is a real possibility that SCOTUS will help in the desire for the election to be overturned….

The voter needs to consider many things before they vote (most do not) and now there is more that they need to be aware of before they vote.

Pay attention and vote for the country not some orange tinted dipshit.

Turn The Page!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Trump By A Landslide!

There are some that feel that we should just accept the fact that Trump will win in 2024….I am not one of those….but that aside the landslide I am referring to is that on the GOP nomination….some think that part of the process is over….

When former President Trump confirmed on Sunday that he would be skipping this week’s Republican debate, he cited a new CBS News poll reaffirming that he has a big lead in the race. Trump was not exaggerating the point. His lead over the Republican challengers has only grown as his legal troubles have expanded:

  • Not a close second: Trump is at 62%, with Ron DeSantis in second at 16%.
  • The others: Everyone else is in single digits; Vivek Ramaswamy (7%), Mike Pence (5%), Tim Scott (3%), Nikki Haley (3%), Chris Christie (2%), Doug Burgum (1%), and Asa Hutchinson (1%).
  • Back off: A whopping 91% of respondents in the poll of likely GOP voters say the non-Trump candidates should not attack the former president in Wednesday’s debate and instead focus on making the case for themselves.
  • Belief: 77% say the best explanation of the most recent indictment of Trump—allegations that he attempted to illegally overturn election results in Georgia—is that it is “politically motivated.” Only 8% think the claim is true, and the rest think it’s a little bit of both.
  • Biden: Most GOP voters say Trump has the best chance to unseat President Biden. Trump at 61% is followed by DeSantis (35%), Scott (20%), Ramaswamy (18%), Haley (14%), and Pence (14%).
  • Not so fast: The Atlantic takes note of a different survey suggesting that Trump’s legal troubles might yet cost him support among Republican voters. The premise is that the standard way most polls ask the question leads to answers biased in Trump’s favor.

Predictions are dire for this country….but how can the GOP find a good candidate for the country?

New Hampshire’s Republican governor, Chris Sununu, is not running for president this year, but he has some blunt advice for most of the GOP candidates not named Donald Trump: Get ready to drop out soon. For instance, anyone who doesn’t qualify for the first two debates should exit the stage, he writes in a New York Timesessay. Ditto for anyone still polling in the single digits around Christmas. The governor, who opposes Trump’s reelection, says the former president is a lock to win the nomination if the field remains large. Specifically, Sununu says it must narrow to three or four candidates after Iowa and before his own state’s primary.

“Provided the field shrinks by Iowa and New Hampshire, Mr. Trump loses,” writes Sununu. “He will always have his die-hard base, but the majority is up for grabs. Candidates who seize on the opportunity and present a clear contrast to the former president will earn the votes.” As for all those national polls showing Trump with a seemingly insurmountable lead, Sununu calls them “meaningless” at this stage. “It’s a reflection of the national conversation, name ID, and who is top of mind—not where the momentum is headed.”

Read the governor’s full essay

Can Trump be put in his place?  Can the GOP really find an alternative to the hatred and bile of another Trump candidacy.

I think he can be beat but it will have to take someone stepping forward and showing some guts….is that possible?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”