Are We Beyond Global Warming?

The hot (pun intended) topic of the week is that of global warming and the extreme weather we are all experiencing.

Since everyone on blogs is fascinated with this extreme heat I thought I would bow to social convention and focus on the weather as well.

We all are suffering somehow with the climate these days…..I live in the Deep South and for us it is extreme heat, 100-115, most days and the lack of rainfall.

And of course people ask the rhetorical question, will this agony ever end?

Is the answer for which you search?

According to the UN research we have moved past global warming and into global boiling……

July has been so hot that scientists calculate that this month will be the hottest globally on record and likely the warmest human civilization has seen, even though there are several days left remaining to sweat through. The World Meteorological Organization and the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service on Thursday proclaimed July’s heat is beyond record-smashing, the AP reports. They said Earth’s temperature has been temporarily passing over a key warming threshold: the internationally accepted goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degree Celsius—2.7 degrees Fahrenheit. Some scientists calculate that this month is the hottest in about 120,000 years.

Temperatures were 1.5 degrees higher than in pre-industrial times for a record 16 days this month, but the Paris climate accord aims to keep the 20- or 30-year global temperature average to 1.5 degrees. A few days of temporarily beating that threshold have happened before but never in July. This month has been so off-the-charts hot, with heat waves blistering three continents—North America, Europe and Asia—that researchers said a record was inevitable. The US Southwest’s all-month heat wave is showing no signs of stopping while also pushing into most of the Midwest and East with more than 128 million Americans under some kind of heat advisory Thursday.

“Unless an ice age were to appear all of sudden out of nothing, it is basically virtually certain we will break the record for the warmest July on record and the warmest month on record,” Copernicus Director Carlo Buontempo told the AP. Scientists say that such shattering of records is a harbinger for future climate-altering changes as the planet warms. Those changes go beyond just prolonged heat waves and include more flooding, longer-burning wildfires, and extreme weather events that put many people at risk. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged world leaders, in particular of rich nations, to do more to reduce emissions of heat-trapping gases. Despite years of international climate negotiations and lofty pledges from many countries and companies, greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise.

Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning,” Guterres told reporters in a New York briefing. “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.” Buontempo and other scientists said the records are from human-caused climate change augmented by a natural El Nino warming of parts of the central Pacific that changes weather worldwide. Copernicus calculated that through the first 23 days of July, Earth’s temperature averaged 16.95 degrees Celsius, 62.5 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s nearly one-third of a degree Celsius (almost 0.6 degrees Fahrenheit) hotter than the previous record for the hottest month, July 2019.

With the news that the Gulf Stream could collapse by 2025 the news is not looking too rosy for the planet.

I hate to tell you(which is a lie) ‘I told you so’….but people like me have been saying this would happen and few listened especially politicians….they had rather bow to the slugs that throw money at them than care for the planet.

Are we getting what we deserve?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Why Ukraine?

I see that many are tired of this situation/story….so if we ignore it is not a thing anymore, right?

While they are ignoring the US is still wasting billions of dollars and little is being decided with the exception of the insane amount of money being made off this conflict.

But hey….ignorance is bliss and the American people are very blissful these days.

To return to the post….why Ukraine?

This is exactly what no one wants to ask because they relish the skewed headlines of the MSM on this issue.

We all know that Russia invaded Ukraine over 500 days ago and this conflicts has all the barbarity of war…..but has anyone, especially the media, bothered to ask why Russia invaded?

Personally I do not think it was at all about conquest but rather hoping to force a compromise on Ukraine and then it turned ugly.

None in the MSM as far as I know….a few bloggers like myself have tried to explain what prompted this action from Russia….but as usual no one wanted to know and dropped back to Russia marching down main street analogy…that explained nothing.

So I will try again and hopefully readers will see the folly (probably not)….

This article was written in 2022 and outlines six reasons for Russia’s invasion….

Here are six crucial pieces of background that the western media will not tell you.

The NATO Promise

Putin’s demands are only bold if it is bold to ask NATO to keep its promises; his demands are only impossible if it is impossible for NATO to keep its promises.

On February 9, 1990, Secretary of State James Baker assured Gorbachev that if NATO got Germany – a huge concession – NATO would not expand one inch east of Germany. The next day, West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher made the same promise to his Soviet counterpart, Eduard Shevardnadz. Earlier, on January 31, 1990, Genscher had already publicly declared in a major speech that there would not be “an expansion of NATO territory to the east, in other words, closer to the borders of the Soviet Union.”

Recently declassified documents make it clear that all the western powers, including not only the US and Germany but also the UK and France, repeatedly made Russia the same promise.

Seven years later, when the US had already broken that promise, Clinton made Russia a second promise. Having expanded NATO far east of Germany, at least they would not permanently station substantial combat forces. That was the promise the US signed in the NATO-Russia Founding Act on Mutual Relations. It was a reiteration of the earlier February 1990 promise that, not only NATO membership, but NATO troops would not extend east.

So, far from being bold or asking the ridiculous, what the media will not tell you is that Putin is not asking for any new Western concessions. He is asking only that the West honor the commitments it has already made.

Six Things the Media Won’t Tell You About Ukraine

A report illustrates how the M-IC sets the narrative for the war in Ukraine….

Wealthy donors have long funded think tanks with official-sounding names that produce research that reflects the interests of those funders (Extra!, 7/13). The weapons industry is a major contributor to these idea factories; a recent report from the Quincy Institute (6/1/23) demonstrates just how much influence war profiteers have on the national discourse.

The Quincy Institute—whose own start-up funding came mainly from George Soros and Charles Koch—looked at 11 months of Ukraine War coverage in the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, from March 1, 2022, through January 31, 2023, and counted each time one of 33 leading think tanks was mentioned. Of the 15 think tanks most often mentioned in the coverage, only one—Human Rights Watch—does not take funding from Pentagon contractors. Quincy’s analysis found that the media were seven times more likely to cite think tanks with war industry ties than they were to cite think tanks without war industry ties.

With 157 mentions each, the top two think tanks were the Atlantic Council and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Both of these think tanks receive millions from the war industry. The Atlantic Council has long been the brain trust of NATO, the military organization whose expansion towards Russia’s borders was a critical factor in Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine. (See, 3/4/22.) Both think tanks receive hundreds of thousands of dollars from Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, companies which have already been awarded billions of dollars in Pentagon contracts as a result of the war in Ukraine.

Report Shows How Military Industrial Complex Sets Media Narrative on Ukraine

Look at the so-called ‘experts’ in the MSM….just about all are employed by a industry funded think tank or employed directly by one of the profiteering contractors….and yet that is where people get their opinions and seldom look beyond.

So the conversation bottoms out with flag waving and fear mongering that explains nothing but the ignorance of those that refuse to look past CNN or whoever.

You should care because it is your money being wasted and pissed away.

Be Smart!

Learn Stuff!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Randy Meisner–R.I.P.

I have been a fan of the Eagles since their beginning in 1971….I even saw them in NOLA at the Warehouse when they opened for Poco.

We lost Glen Frey a few years back and now another band member has died, Randy Meisner.

A second founding member of seminal rock band the Eagles has died. Randy Meisner, the group’s original bassist and the writer and lead singer of iconic hit “Take It to the Limit,” was 77, CNN reports. “The Eagles are sad to report that founding member, bassist, and vocalist, Randy Meisner, passed away last night (July 26) in Los Angeles at age 77, due to complications from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD),” a statement posted by the band Thursday reads. “Randy was an integral part of the Eagles and instrumental in the early success of the band. His vocal range was astonishing, as is evident on his signature ballad, ‘Take It to the Limit.'”

Meisner played with Poco and Rick Nelson’s Stone Canyon Band before forming the Eagles in 1971 with Don Henley, Glenn Frey, and Bernie Leadon, People reports. He left the band in 1976 because he was tired of touring, and did not perform with it again until its 1998 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony. He was invited to participate in the band’s 2013 world tour (he reportedly had not been invited to the 1994 reunion) but declined due to health reasons. Frey died in 2016 at age 67, and Leadon left the band in 1975. The band, which starts its farewell tour later this year, now consists of its last remaining original member, Henley; Timothy B. Schmit, Meisner’s replacement; Joe Walsh, Leadon’s replacement; Vince Gill, Frey’s replacement; and occasionally Frey’s son Deacon.

Sorry to see a true talent leave us….

IST good thoughts for his family and may he now rest in peace.

It would be appropriate to end this post with his amazing voice.

Your talent and voice will be missed….

Good-bye and thanx for the memories.