The Limit, Save, Grow Act

Another cute ploy by the GOP to screw the American worker under the guise of a misleading title.

Some may even know that most ‘spending’ bills originate in the House and with the GOP in limited control of that body we will see more and more con jobs to appear as if it is fiscal conservative….it is not it will make things worse for the job numbers and the workers and their families.

But that has never been a concern of the GOP….the people and their lives.

An analysis released Wednesday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that House Republicans’ proposed cuts to federal spending for the coming fiscal year would kill 500,000 jobs and hinder economic growth, findings that Democrats seized on as further evidence of the GOP’s “willful disregard for the wellbeing of Americans.”

The CBO examined the potential economic impacts of Republicans’ Limit, Save, Grow Act (LSGA), legislation that the GOP-controlled House passed in late April amid a debt ceiling crisis that the party manufactured.

The White House and GOP leaders later struck a deal that included caps on discretionary spending for the next two fiscal years, but Republican appropriators have spent the past several weeks proposing cuts that are more in line with the LSGA, which took aim at Medicaid, federal food assistance, and other critical programs.

According to the CBO, the Republican bill’s far-reaching spending cuts would result in 0.5% lower GDP growth next year, which “would correspond to reductions in employment.” The CBO’s analysis indicates that roughly half a million workers would lose their jobs in 2024 if the LSGA became law.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), the chair of the Senate Budget Committee and the lawmaker who requested the CBO assessment, said in a statement that “these new cuts, in addition to being wildly unpopular, are shown to inflict widespread economic pain and drag down American economic growth.”

“Republicans shower the wealthy with budget-busting tax giveaways, then claim to care about deficits,” said Whitehouse. “In their anti-government, pro-polluter crusade, MAGA Republicans have no problem harming workers and families as collateral damage. On what planet is that fiscally responsible?”

I know that the GOP hates it when they are questioned on their decisions….but sorry….I gotta ask….are you f*ckers high?

This is the kinda of stuff you get when you elect the criminals in the GOP.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

GOP “Big Lie Bill”

Voters Beware!

Anyone that follows politics will see that the GOP is hard pressing for more and more anti-voter bills wherever they are in the positions of power….and the US House is no exception.

Enter the “Big Lie Bill” the GOP will be proposing…..

Voting rights advocates across the United States on Monday responded with alarm to Republicans introducing what its backers called “the most conservative election integrity bill to be seriously considered” in the U.S. House of Representatives in decades.

Dubbed the “Big Lie Bill” by critics, the American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act is spearheaded by Committee on House Administration Chair Bryan Steil (R-Wis.) and includes nearly 50 standalone bills from the chamber’s GOP members.

The Declaration for American Democracy (DFAD), a coalition of over 260 groups, said in a statement it was “deeply concerned” about the bill, warning that “the benign-sounding name of this legislation cloaks an extremist, anti-voter effort to increase the role of megadonors in our elections and encourage deliberate barriers to make it harder for eligible voters to cast their ballot.”

“This bill would amplify the influence of corporations and billionaires by raising contribution limits and reducing reporting and transparency requirements, opening the floodgates to even more secret money in our elections,” DFAD said. “Increasing the role of big money donors in our politics prevents Congress from taking action on the issues that matter most to Americans, such as healthcare, reproductive rights, gun safety, and the environment.”

From gerrymandering to out right voter suppression the GOP will do what they must to make sure that their candidates have an unfair advantage….make it harder to exercise your right to vote instead of making the process easy and open to all eligible registered voters.

You might want to pay attention….you do realize that the 2024 election is a mere 16 months away.

Now is the time to start comparing candidates, the ones that have announced that is, so that you can make a good decision on your vote and possibly save this country from itself.

Voters Beware!

Be Smart!

Learn Stuff!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”