Reforms For SCOTUS

With all the bad press around the court these days….like corruption and disregard for rights many, including myself, have called for some sort of reform for the Court.

The call for these reforms have gotten louder in recent months….

The Dems have offered up a bill for a code of ethics for the Court….in my opinion a lame wristed attempt but at least they are trying…..but as usual anything attempt at reform will be met with a stone wall of Repubs…

A Democratic proposal to require the Supreme Court to adopt an ethics code for itself passed a Senate committee on Thursday but appears to have little future in the rest of Congress. The bill can’t clear the full Senate or House without Republican support, and GOP lawmakers have said they won’t back it, CBS News reports. The committee vote was along party lines, 11-10. The Democrats’ effort picked up steam after news coverage about Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito accepting but not reporting gifts from Republican donors. The idea of an ethics code has been around but has never gone anywhere with the court.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, a Democrat, said he suggested it to Chief Justice John Roberts 11 years ago. “Unfortunately, he did not accept my suggestion,” Durbin said Thursday, per the Hill. “Since then as more and more stories have emerged of justices’ ethical lapses, the American people’s confidence in the Supreme Court has dropped to an all-time low.” Republicans said the proposal is retaliation for a series of rulings that Democrats have opposed. “This is a bill to destroy a conservative court,” GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham said.

The Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal and Transparency Act also would create a transparent process for members of the public to submit ethics complaints against justices. A panel of chief judges from lower courts would make recommendations after complaints are received. Gifts, travel, and income received by the justices and their law clerks would be subject to disclosure rules comparable to those in the Senate and House. Lower court judges have had to follow a code of conduct since 1973, but it doesn’t apply to Supreme Court justices. “The highest court in the land has the lowest standards of ethics anywhere in the federal government,” said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, the bill’s main sponsor, per the Washington Post.

Why would the GOP go along?

They have the nation by the short hairs….just where they always wanted to be.

This does not go far enough at all….we need term limits, mandatory retirement, as well as this code the Dems are calling for….but as usual we will be stuck with these crooked political hacks deciding what is law and what is not.

More years of this assault on the laws of this nation and there will be few to no rights left.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

I Know You May Be Tired Of My Ukraine Diatribes

Hang on to your jock straps….there will be MORE!

Tired of my constant bitching about this Ukraine thing?….well get over it for I am far from over….

First there is this counteroffensive that is plugging along…..but how is it going that it finally was put into operation?

Hopes were high throughout the spring, as a Ukrainian military equipped with Western weapons prepared to launch a counteroffensive that would reclaim land seized by Russia, which had invaded its much smaller neighbor for the second time in early 2022.

“We are getting ready for the counteroffensive, so that we can finally end this war,” one Ukrainian soldier said in late May. The counteroffensive began about three weeks later, with Ukraine making initial gains in Donetsk and Luhansk, two regions in eastern Ukraine that were illegally annexed by Russia last year.

Since then, however, the pace of progress has slowed considerably, leading to some frustration from Ukraine’s backers in the West, who hoped that the heavy weaponry and training they had provided would drive the Russian occupiers out of the country’s southeastern provinces.

So far, however, Russia’s defensive positions appear to be holding — while questions about the future of the conflict are growing.


A report has come out that the West know Ukraine was not ready for a major counteroffensive regardless the chest thumping by Zelenskyy (why two ‘Y”s)

The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday that Western officials knew Ukrainian forces didn’t have enough training or equipment for their counteroffensive but hoped they would be able to break through anyway.

The report reads: “When Ukraine launched its big counteroffensive this spring, Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons—from shells to warplanes—that it needed to dislodge Russian forces. But they hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day. They Haven’t.”

Leading up to the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which was launched in June, the Discord leaks and media reports revealed that the US did not believe Ukraine could regain much territory from Russia. But the Biden administration pushed for the assault anyway, as it rejected the idea of a pause in fighting.

Ukrainian forces have struggled to push through Russia’s defenses, which include vast minefields, resulting in heavy Ukrainian armor losses in the first few weeks of the counteroffensive. US officials speaking to The New York Times and The Washington Post have blamed the lack of success on Ukraine, saying Ukrainian forces are not using the “combined arms” tactics they learned from NATO countries.


Since the ‘counteroffensive’ is looking like a stalemate at best….why would the West keep prodding Ukraine to launch one?

What about those weapons that the West sends….shipment after shipment….and yet….

Ukrainian President Voldymr Zelensky said in an interview aired on Sunday that the Ukrainian counteroffensive started later than he wanted due to a lack of weapons and training.

“We did have plans to start it in spring. But we didn’t, because, frankly, we had not enough munitions and armaments and not enough brigades properly trained in these weapons, still, more, that the training missions were held outside Ukraine,” Zelensky told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria.

During the lead-up to the counteroffensive, which was launched in early June, Ukrainian troops were being trained inside NATO countries. Zelensky said that the delay allowed Russia to lay more minefields, which Ukrainian forces have struggled to get through.

“And because we started it a bit later on it can be said and it will be shared truth understood by all of the experts that it provided Russia with time to mine all of our land and build several lines of defense,” he said.

Despite the massive amount of weapons and ammunition the US and its allies have poured into Ukraine, The Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend that Western officials did not believe Ukraine had enough to dislodge Russian forces. Ukraine’s Western backers hoped the Ukrainians would have been able to break through, but the offensive is faltering.

US officials speaking to the media have blamed Ukraine’s lack of success on its tactics, complaining Ukrainian soldiers are being too cautious and aren’t using the “combined arms” training they learned from NATO that integrates infantry, artillery, and armor. But the US and its NATO allies would never launch such an offensive without air superiority. When Ukraine did launch a major attack with armored vehicles in the first weeks of the counteroffensive, it resulted in heavy losses.


Not enough weaponry?

Finally you know all those weapons that we send daily to Ukraine how are they being used?

The Pentagon inspector general found the arms Washington sent to Kiev did not undergo the required inspections. A report from the inspector general found weapons the US sent to Ukraine in the hands of criminals and on the black market. 

The Arms Control Act requires the White House to establish an inspection system for weapons the US sells or gifts to third countries. The law mandates the monitoring continues to the end-use of the weapon. In Ukraine, the embassy in Kiev has been assigned responsibility for monitoring the weapons transfers. 

The Department of Defense inspector general report on American weapons transfers to Ukraine from February to September of last year found that legally required monitoring was not taking place. “The DoD is unable to conduct [End Use Monitoring] in Ukraine because completing [End Use Monitoring] in accordance with DoD policy requires in-person access to the defense equipment provided,” it said. “Intelligence methods provide some accountability for observable platforms, such as missiles and helicopters, but smaller items, such as night vision devices, have limited accountability.”

“The DoD OIG found deficiencies in the DoD’s transfer of military equipment to the Government of Ukraine requiring [End Use Monitoring], including Javelin missiles, Javelin Command Launch Units, and night vision devices; and in Ukraine’s security and accountability of US.-provided military equipment requiring [End Use Monitoring],” the report added.

Is the West treating Ukraine like cannon fodder?

Read this person’s opinion on that question.

Using Ukraine as Cannon Fodder

And the struggle continues….

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”