Florida Does It Again

We could write volumes on the lunacy coming out of Florida under the watchful eye of DeSantis….and now they have gone that proverbial one step further….this time in education.

I am a proponent of teaching history as it is….that means no whitewashing the embarrassing bits….teach it like it is.

We know that these Reds States, like my own, are hell bent on turning back the pages of history and throwing white paint (no pun intended) on the whole institution of slavery and Florida is one of the first to put a ‘happy face’ on the ordeal.

Florida education officials have changed state standards, in keeping with Gov. Ron DeSantis’ policies, to mandate teaching public school students that some Black people benefited from being enslaved because they learned useful skills. The state Board of Education immediately defended the policy, unanimously approved Wednesday, by saying lessons will still include the “darkest” parts of the nation’s past, Politico reports. “It’s the good, the bad and the ugly in American history,” Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr. said. State officials denied that students will be taught that “slavery was beneficial”; the policy calls for instruction in “how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.”

The 216-page social studies policy requires attributing racial violence partly to Black people, saying, “Instruction includes acts of violence perpetrated against and by African Americans but is not limited to 1906 Atlanta Race Riot, 1919 Washington, D.C. Race Riot, 1920 Ocoee Massacre, 1921 Tulsa Massacre and the 1923 Rosewood Massacre.” The statewide teachers union called the policy “a big step backward,” per NBC News. “How can our students ever be equipped for the future if they don’t have a full, honest picture of where we’ve come from?” said Andrew Spar, president of the Florida Education Association.

This is a lie!

We can pretend all we want but this is just pure manure spread to make the whole institution appear to be something positive….ranks up there with slaves got room and board….

Anyone with half a brain will see through this….but sadly children may not and will then go along thinking that slavery was ‘not all that ‘bad’ after all.

How long before other Red States start teaching this lie and adding to the whitewash?


I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

What To Do When The Supply Runs Out?

The news is not good for Ukraine…..the US is running out of weapons to send to their little corner of Hell.

The North Atlantic alliance is running so low on weapons it may be unable to keep supplying Kiev, according to CNN. A high-ranking British defense official said the predicament was created because NATO had no long-term plans for the war in Ukraine. 

On Tuesday, CNN reported speaking with a defense official who claimed the US was approaching the point where it could no longer supply Ukraine with weapons. “There is a set level of munitions in US stockpiles around the world, essentially an emergency reserve, that the military is not willing to part ways with. The levels of those stockpiles are classified.” The outlet explained US officials believe “the US has been nearing that red line.”

What will Ukraine do to ward off the advances of the Russian Bear?

Not to worry the US has a plan to prevent this conflict from a disastrous end…..

The Biden administration is expected to announce a new $1.3 billion weapons package for Ukraine in the coming days, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing two unnamed US officials.

The funds will be provided through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), which allows the US to purchase weapons for Ukraine as opposed to shipping them directly from US military stockpiles, which is the main way the US has been arming Kyiv.

The sources told Reuters that the new package will include an anti-drone air defense system, known as the VAMPIRE, Phoenix Ghost drones and Switchblade drones, which are both small loitering munitions, and another counter-drone system made by Australia’s DroneShield.

Because the weapons systems are being purchased, it could take months or years for them to be delivered. The report comes as US officials are warning the Pentagon is draining its stockpiles to dangerously low levels.

According to the State Department, the US has provided Ukraine with $10.8 billion in USAI funds so far in the 2023 fiscal year. In the 2022 fiscal year, which ended on September 30 for the federal government, the US announced $6.3 billion in USAI aid for Ukraine.

Funds for Ukraine are still being pulled from the $113 billion that Congress has authorized to spend on the war. The administration is expected to ask Congress to approve more soon.


Okay I am officially tired of the Ukraine Shit Show.

Why cannot this type of commitment be found for the people of this country?

I guess us mere peasants do not have the criminal organization to pull off buying these tools in government.

At what point do the American people realize just how pathetic this truly has become?

Well at NO point!

You see their opinions are given to them by the MSM which is owed in the most part by the companies making obscene profits from this war…..they, Americans, will continue with their warmongering diatribes as long as they are content with someone telling what they believe.

I do not want to hear the canned BS….it is simple….if there is ‘more’ money for these stupid little wars then that same cash can be spent here on Americans.

You see no matter which side wins this conflict my life will not change and neither will yours.

Will they ever see this for what it is….a clown show?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”