“Who Stole My Surfboard?”

Let me begin my last post of the week with a celebratory theme…..Happy Bastille Day to my friends in France.

It is Friday and closing in on another weekend so I thought I would end my week of posting on a humorous note….a little something to tickle your funny bone.

I recently wrote about a pod of orcas that seem to have vendetta against sail boats (who can blame them?) and now a thief of Southern California surfboards.

Surfers off the coast of Santa Cruz, California, now have to worry about more than bad weather and riptides. That’s because an especially ornery southern sea otter is wreaking havoc there, approaching surfers and forcing them off their surfboards, then hopping on the boards herself—sometimes even gnawing on them. “This may seem cute but it’s not,” tweeted Mark Woodward, who the Guardian notes has been taking pictures of local sea otters harassing people for a few weeks. Accompanying his tweet were several photos of “Otter 841” perched atop someone’s surfboard. “This sea otter was very aggressive and the surfer actually abandoned his board and swam to shore.”

Woodward also recently tweeted a video of one surfer trying to fend off the 5-year-old otter, who wasn’t deterred even when the surfer shook and flipped the board. Per NBC News, Otter 841 has been “stalking” surfers for months, but the New York Times reports that she’s been involved in odd interactions for a couple of years, starting with a 2021 incident in which she climbed aboard a watercraft. Despite sea otters usually going out of their way to avoid humans, this otter “grew more bold” over time, the paper notes, adding that such interactions with female sea otters are sometimes spurred by hormonal surges, or because they’ve become acclimated to humans.

Not all of the incidents involving Otter 841, who was born and raised in captivity before being released into the wild, have been completely unpleasant. Noah Wormhoudt, 16, was surfing off of Santa Cruz last month when the creature commandeered his board. “It seemed friendly, so we got comfortable with it,” he tells the Times. “It was a pretty cool experience.” He added that the otter “was shredding, caught a couple of nice waves.” But Gena Bentall of the nonprofit Sea Otter Savvy says such close encounters are “extremely dangerous,” as sea otters “have sharp teeth and jaws strong enough to crush clams.”

Come on people!  That is just entertaining considering how obnoxious most surfers can be.

Enjoy your weekend.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

UFOs And Schumer

Ask yourself why!

The big news is that a bi-partisan group will push for the government to make UFO information public (except when national security would prevent it)….

This is not a joke!

I am serious!

Over the last six years, the entire UFO topics has shifted from conspiracy theory to suddenly the U.S. Government accepting the objects in the sky are real but they don’t know what they are. On Thursday, the New York Times finally addressed the latest developments in the story with a breaking news update that could send this issue to a whole new level. Before this update, there were already a number of U.S. Senators who kept on appearing in news shows and pushed for public hearings after the recent whistleblower claims from David Grusch. But the highest-ranking senator just turned this story on its head by tweeting the New York Times Story on his official Twitter account. According to the report, Schumer is officially going to push legislation that will attempt to declassify UFO documents.

In the legislation, the Senate Majority Leader will also force private companies to present every bit of important information that deals with “extraterrestrial matters”. That phrase was written by the article author in the New York Times, making it the first time that terms is coined by one of the highest authority news organizations in the world. Here’s what Chuck Schumer wrote on his official Twitter account: “I’m introducing new legislation to declassify government records related to unidentified anomalous phenomena and UFOs as an amendment to the NDAA, modeled after the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act.” This legislation will have bipartisan support, according to the New York Times.


What are the chances that this will pass?

Slim to none…..

Sorry but if this is the best we can do for bi-partisanship then all is lost.

You telling me these slugs could not find something more important than is ET stopping by for a joy ride?

This country is circling the drain and we are going to waste time and resources worrying about something that holds no importance to the grand scheme of things.

We have national hunger…..a failing infrastructure….a government that cannot function without the cash of lobbyists….rights are being eroded away…..and finally lazy politicians who can be bought and sold.

And you think this country can be saved from itself….I have my doubts.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”