Trump’s Agenda47

My friend and fellow blogger, John over at knowing how much I hate war has sent me a link to something Trump is proposing during a campaign stop….

Something that Trump calls Agenda47…..keep in mind that this is from his website….

President Trump presided over an era of Peace through Strength and was the only President in generations who did not start a war during his term. He rejected the catastrophic advice of many of Washington’s generals, bureaucrats, and diplomats who only know how to get America into unnecessary conflicts.

“For decades, we’ve had the very same people, such as Victoria Nuland and many others just like her, obsessed with pushing Ukraine toward NATO, not to mention the State Department’s support for uprisings in Ukraine,” President Trump. “These people have been seeking confrontation for a long time, much like the case in Iraq and other parts of the world, and now, we’re teetering on the brink of World War III. And a lot of people don’t see it, but I see it, and I’ve been right about a lot of things.”

“Take a look at the globalist warmonger donors backing our opponents. That’s because they’re candidates of war. I am the President who delivers peace, and it’s peace through strength. There was a reason we had no conflict, there was a reason we didn’t get into wars, because other countries respected us.”


World War III has never been closer than it is right now. We need to clean house of all of the warmongers and America-Last globalists in the Deep State, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the national security industrial complex.

One of the reasons I was the only president in generations who didn’t start a war is that I was the only president who rejected the catastrophic advice of many of Washington’s Generals, bureaucrats, and the so-called diplomats who only know how to get us into conflict, but they don’t know how to get us out.

For decades, we’ve had the very same people, such as Victoria Nuland and many others just like her, obsessed with pushing Ukraine toward NATO, not to mention the State Department’s support for uprisings in Ukraine. These people have been seeking confrontation for a long time, much like the case in Iraq and other parts of the world, and now, we’re teetering on the brink of World War III. And a lot of people don’t see it, but I see it, and I’ve been right about a lot of things. They all say, “Trump’s been right about everything.”

None of this excuses in any way the outrageous and horrible invasion of Ukraine one year ago, which would have NEVER happened if I was your president—not even a little chance. But it does mean that here in America, we need to get rid of the corrupt globalist establishment that has botched every major foreign policy decision for decades, and that includes President Biden, whose own people said he’s never made a good decision when it comes to looking at other countries and looking at wars. We have to replace them with people who support American interests.

Over our 4 years in the White House, we made incredible progress in putting the America-Last contingent aside and bringing the world to peace—and now, we’re going to complete the mission. The State Department, Pentagon, and National Security Establishment will be a very different place by the end of my administration. In fact, just into my administration it’ll be a very different place, and it’ll get things done just like I did four years ago. We never had it so good. We’ll also stop the lobbyists and the big defense contractors from going in and pushing our senior military and national security officials toward conflict, only to reward them when they retire with lucrative jobs—getting paid millions and millions of dollars.

Take a look at the globalist warmonger donors backing our opponents. That’s because they’re candidates of war. I am the President who delivers peace, and it’s peace through strength. There was a reason we had no conflict, there was a reason we didn’t get into wars, because other countries respected us. I entirely built all right from the beginning—rebuilt our military. It’s a big reason for that. They didn’t want to mess around with the United States, and now they’re laughing at us. We could end the Ukraine conflict in 24 hours with the right leadership. At the end of my next four years, the warmongers, and frauds, and failures in the senior ranks of our government will all be gone, and we will have a new group of competent national security officials who believe in defending America’s vital interests above all else.

Thank you very much.

I thank my friend John for turning me on to this….and now for my take on his proposal.

While I agree with just about every word of this statement I just think it is manure for the public.

I cannot see a person who moves money more than young women would turn his back on lobbyists that have buckets of cash to give away.

To me it is a bullshit promise that will go nowhere.

Any thoughts?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Is DeSantis Spinning His Wheels?

In about 6 months the primaries will begin to determine the presidential nominee….so now would be a good time to start paying attention to the choices in 2024.

GOP frontrunner (for now) Trump is blowing the doors off of DeSantis attempt to gain the GOP nomination for president….no matter how hard DeSantis tries he just cannot make many in-roads with the lunatic Right.

Try as he might, Ron DeSantis can’t seem to gain any ground on former President Trump in the polls. So much so that the spokesman for the main super PAC supporting the Florida governor delivered an unusually frank assessment of the race by referring to Trump as the “runaway frontrunner,” reports the Hill. “Right now in national polling we are way behind, I’ll be the first to admit that,” said Steve Cortes of the Never Back Down super PAC. DeSantis, he added, had an “uphill battle” ahead of him. A look at related coverage:

  • Blame game: In an interview with Fox News, DeSantis blamed his poll numbers on the media, notes Florida Politics. “Well, I think if you look at the people like the corporate media, who are they going after, who do they not want to be the nominee?” he asked. “They’re going after me.”
  • Blame game, II: In the same interview, DeSantis also faulted Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador for calling on US citizens not to vote for him. “Who’s the president of Mexico attacking because he knows we’ll be strong on the border and hold him accountable in the cartels?” DeSantis asked. “He’s going after me.”
  • Big Picture: The campaign doesn’t appear to be gaining traction, writes Nicholas Nehamas at the New York Times, adding that the governor getting drenched in a July 4th parade in New Hampshire seemed a fitting symbol of things at the moment. “They realize they’re in a hole,” a GOP strategist tells the Hill. “They realize they can potentially win this and they are the only other game in town, but again, they are in a big hole.”
  • A counter: DeSantis shrugged off the short-term poll stagnation in his Fox interview, saying he is “running to win in January and February.” He also pointed to a healthy $20 million campaign haul in the six weeks since he formally launched. (The AP calls the sum “formidable.”)
  • Video controversy: Another DeSantis story making headlines of late was a controversial video he released criticizing Trump for the latter’s support of LGBTQ issues over the years. The conservative Log Cabin Republicans group, among others, denounced the video as homophobic, though DeSantis defended it as “fair game,” per the AP. The intent, he said, was “identifying Donald Trump as really being a pioneer in injecting gender ideology into the mainstream where he was having men compete against women in his beauty pageants.” The Trump campaign dismissed it as “a desperate DeSanctus campaign, with a flailing candidate, in its last throes of relevancy.”

So do we write DeSantis off or hold him in reserve when needed?

In Florida DeSantis is a big fish in a little pond….nationally he is just another little fish with a big mouth.

Your thoughts.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”