Magical Time In Mississippi

College of Political Knowledge

Mississippi series

In about a month Mississippians will go to the polls and vote in their respective primaries.

2023 is election year for Mississippi….it is magical because the idiot voters will fall for the manure spread….every election the voter falls for the crap….

For instance there is Delbert Hoseman running for re-election as lt gov…..this from his campaign.

Lieutenant Governor Hosemann is committed to serving the public with open and fair government. Since he was elected, he has worked to enact the largest tax cut in the State’s history, provide teachers with a competitive salary, support law enforcement to ensure safe communities, and make Mississippi more business-friendly and attractive for economic development. Lieutenant Governor Hosemann is not a lifelong politician. His career in the private sector has made him a proven and effective leader uniquely qualified to move the State forward.

Business friendly?

If it is so damn good then why is Mississippi at the bottom of the economic list if it is so friendly where are the companies rushing to the state?

When it comes to the US economy, a variety of factors underlie its health (or lack thereof), with the economies of individual states playing a significant part. WalletHub wanted to see which ones are really pulling their weight when it comes to contributing to the national coffers, so it looked at all 50, plus the District of Columbia, examining more than two dozen metrics in three main categories: economic activity, meaning factors such as GDP changes, exports per capita, and startup activity; economic health (e.g., unemployment rate, median household income, and share of the local population in poverty); and innovation potential, which looks at such factors as the share of high-tech jobs and entrepreneurial activity.

Mississippi ranks 48 out of 50 in economic activity… start up activity it ranks 49….ranks 47th in household income….high tech jobs we are at 48 out of 50….

And yet the GOP politicians talk to us about business friendly….nothing about their grand plan has done anything to help the average Mississippian and yet they are voted in almost unchallenged.

Just one question for the voters of Mississippi….what are you people thinking?

Is it ignorance?  Or just massive laziness?

There will be more from me on this election in my state.

Learn from Mississippi’s laziness/stupidity….don’t let this infect your state.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Zelensky Will Say Whatever It Takes

I have noticed that the opinions on the Ukraine conflict are lacking….that is concerning for the US is pumping money and equipment into the country at break neck speed and no one cares enough to pay attention.

For instance recently Zelensky has made a bold statement…..

The “Z” Man played the nuke card knowing that the West is ate up with nuclear paranoia.

Volodymyr Zelensky wished the United States a happy Independence Day and offered thanks for supporting Ukraine in its defense against the Russian invasion. Later in the day, however, the Ukrainian president delivered a more ominous-sounding message, alleging that, per Ukrainian intelligence, Russian forces had positioned “objects resembling explosives” on the roofs of certain facilities at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine, Europe’s largest nuclear facility, per the Hill. In his nightly address, Zelensky noted this was being done “perhaps to simulate an attack on the plant”—meaning, an attack meant to insinuate that Ukraine had gone after its own power plant, which has been under Russian control since the beginning of the war.

Indeed, the Institute for the Study of War, a US-based nonprofit think tank, tells Newsweek that Russia “is likely focused on accusing Ukraine of irresponsible actions around the [Zaporizhzhia plant], including setting conditions for a possible false flag attack.” Renat Karchaa, an adviser to the head of Rosenergoatom, which manages Russia’s nuclear power program, told Russian TV on Tuesday that Ukraine planned on attacking the Zaporizhzhia plant overnight on Wednesday, “with the use of high-precision long-range weapons,” including a “high-precision rocket with a warhead stuffed with radioactive waste,” per Tass.

In a Tuesday statement cited by the Guardian, Ukraine’s armed forces said that “operational data” relayed that the alleged explosive devices had been placed on top of the power plant’s third and fourth reactors, with an attack potentially coming “in the near future.” “If detonated, they would not damage the reactors but would create an image of shelling from the Ukrainian side,” the group’s statement noted. The Guardian notes that no evidence has been provided by Karchaa, Zelensky, or the Ukrainian military for their allegations.

A year ago this news would have sent the warmongers into a frenzy of diatribes and condemnations….today barely a wimpy.

Then a report from the IAEA does not confirm Zelensky’s attempt to generate more sympathy that equates into more money.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Wednesday that its inspectors have seen no sign of explosives at the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in Ukraine despite claims from Kyiv that Russia had planted bombs.

According to an IAEA press release, Director-General Rafael Grossi said the agency’s experts “have in recent days and weeks inspected parts of the facility — including some sections of the perimeter of the large cooling pond — and have also conducted regular walk-downs across the site, so far without observing any visible indications of mines or explosives.”

The press release said Grossi has requested more access to the ZNPP, specifically the “rooftops of reactor units 3 and 4 is essential, as well as access to parts of the turbine halls and some parts of the cooling system at the plant.”

Grossi said with “military tension and activities increasing in the region where this major nuclear power plant is located, our experts must be able to verify the facts on the ground. Their independent and objective reporting would help clarify the current situation at the site, which is crucial at a time like this with unconfirmed allegations and counter allegations.”


Once again Zelensky proves what a bullshit artist he can be.

Americans have become bored with this conflict….they have moved on to other topics that they can piss and moan about and do nothing about but find fault with others writings.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”