Random Space News

It is a Sunday and I try to bring a few things to my readers that they may if either missed or maybe just do not care….but anyway a bit of FYI….

It has been awhile since I posted on the doings in outer space….I hope to correct my oversight…..

First there have been a couple reports that would give ammo to those idiots that believe the Ancient Alien BS….

Some ‘experts’ believe that there are signals conning from the center of the Milky Way…..

Could intelligent aliens be lurking at the heart of the Milky Way? 

A new search for extraterrestrial life aims to find out by listening for radio pulses from the center of our galaxy. Narrow-frequency pulses are naturally emitted by stars called pulsars, but they’re also used deliberately by humans in technology such as radar. Because these pulses stand out against the background radio noise of space, they’re an effective way of communicating across long distances — and an appealing target to listen for when searching for alien civilizations. 

Scientists described the alien-hunting strategy in a new study, published May 30 in The Astronomical Journal. Researchers led by Cornell University graduate student Akshay Suresh developed software to detect these repetitive frequency patterns and tested it on known pulsars to be sure it could pick up the narrow frequencies. These frequency ranges are very small, at about a tenth of the width of frequencies used by a typical FM radio station. The researchers then searched data from the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia using the method. 


And the Pentagon is adding fire to this spurious saga….

Sightings of UFOs are nothing new.

But now the United States government is being more open about the fact that the sightings often cannot be explained

In one of the latest revelations, a Pentagon chief confirmed that unidentified metallic orb UFOs have been seen “all over the world.”

Sean Kirkpatrick, a physicist and director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), said Wednesday: “We see these [‘metallic orbs’] all over the world, and we see these making very interesting apparent maneuvers.”

Kirkpatrick made the comments during AARO’s presentation to NASA.

Kirkpatrick and Co. also made recommendations to the agency, such as erasing the stigma around UFO research and hunting for alien “artifacts” found int he solar system.

NASA Confession: Pentagon Chief Finally Admits ‘Metallic Orbs’ Have Been Seen ‘All Over the World’

All this talk about man moving and living on Mars….but it will take some sort of terraforming to make it so more and more can move for a better future…..

If humanity is going to colonize other planets, we probably have to start with Mars. But the North Pole is balmy by comparison with the Red Planet, and the surface of Mars makes Earth’s radioactive Lake Karachay look like a country spa. The solution, some futurologists and scientists believe, is to terraform Mars — transform the planet until it is more capable of supporting human life.

It’s a mammoth task. Mars is lethal in multiple ways. If you were to be teleported this moment to Mars, in the clothes you’re wearing now, the gas in your bloodstream would turn into bubbles. Like a shaken can of Coke, you would fizz to death. If somehow you avoided that, you would soon die of oxygen deprivation, cold exposure, or radiation poisoning.

Ultimately, a terraformed Mars would need a strengthened magnetosphere – the protective magnetic layer that shields Earth from the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation – and a thicker atmosphere. That atmosphere is currently almost entirely composed of carbon dioxide, with negligible amounts of oxygen. The planet would also need to be much warmer; its surface temperature is, on average, -81 degrees Fahrenheit.

If we managed to warm the planet up, we’d release frozen CO2 reserves at the planet’s polar caps and elsewhere. That would help thicken the atmosphere, making it possible for water, rather than ice, to exist on the surface – conditions that would make it easier to introduce plants, which produce oxygen. But how would we even start that warming process?


Then there is the imperialistic rhetoric coming from NASA…..over the water ion the Moon….

NASA chief Bill Nelson has Moon water on the mind. Specifically, he’s worried that China might get to that precious American — er, excuse us, internationally unclaimed — Moon water first.

“I think the United States will get [to the Moon] first,” Nelson told the Spanish newspaper El País when pressed about the burgeoning US-China race to Earth’s natural satellite. “What worries me more is that both they and we are going to land at the South Pole, where we think there is water.”

“Water is important because it is composed of oxygen and hydrogen, and that’s oxygen to breathe and hydrogen for rocket fuel,” he added. “We want to preserve those potential reserves for the international community, and prevent China from coming in and saying that the water is theirs, as they have done with the Spratly Islands.”

There’s so very much to unpack here, not the least being that the US has historically also claimed various island nations as its own. But Moon water is kind of a different thing, no? Feels a bit more finders-keepers, especially considering that if the US gets its hands on that water first, it presumably won’t be sharing with China, either.


“Our God Given water”?

When did the Moon become a colony of the US?

Apparently NO one remembers the Outer Space Treaty we signed in 1967…..but then the US has never been one to honor its treaties….just ask the Native Americans.

Enjoy your Sunday.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”