The Poor Will Be Poor

This is a re-post from my secondary blog….I am trying to do this from my phone so things may not work out….

If you have been following politics for any length of time you have heard the tired meme about the poor….”pull themselves up by their own boot straps”….in other words  the poor are blamed for their poverty.
The facts do not hold this BS as accurate.
Hopefully my new PC will appear and I can have it up and running in a day or so.
Thanx for bearing with me through this situation….I appreciate your time.
I Read, I Write, You Know
“lego ergo scribo”

8 thoughts on “The Poor Will Be Poor

  1. I have my social securityand a modest state pension. I think that makes me much better off than half the wage earners in North Carolina. Another factor is that the food banks seem usually empty for much of the month. This is compounded in that retirees and the working poor have lost at least 25% in purchasing power in last 3 years. My 2017 KIA had better last me the rest of my life. At almost 75 now I can’t imagine being able to buy even a very low mileage used car if need be. My peers are becoming very insecure re the apparent financial struggles we face. Medical took 25% of my income in 2022. I have not had the boots or the straps in 15 years.

    1. I am 77 and have my state pension and SS….like you it is enough but that is changing as I type…..nothing is getting better as it should by all the promise and the hype….but most people I know are not seeing all this ‘good economy’. chuq

  2. I don’t fit the profile of forever poor, although I never actually sought to be “rich”.

    I am “poor” AGAIN for very sinister reasons. At 72 I’m poorer than I was at 16…while suffering terrible health. I’m tired of being good. That’s right. I’m too good. I would prefer to be an axe murderer now, much more exciting. AND I’m ENTITLED!!

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