America: Love It Or Leave It

A favorite of conservatives and other weak minded individuals…. at least decades ago.

An old tome from days of my youth is making a comeback….well at least in Missouri….I wish I had a nickle for every time some moron used that in an argument….if so I would be a rich man today.

But enough about me.

It seems that some cross-eyed Repub in Missouri has advice for black people….

On Monday (June 17), Valentina Gomez, who’s running for Missouri Secretary of State, shared a video on social media where she denounced Juneteenth as a “rachet holiday” and told Black people to “get the f*** out” of America.

“Reparations from slavery and Black victimization is about to be shoved down our throats for the most ratchet holiday in America,” Gomez said ahead of Juneteenth. “BLM [Black Lives Matter] raised millions. And what did they do for Black lives?”

“It is outrageous to see people ask you for reparations, even though they never went through slavery,” she continued. “These ungrateful people should be celebrating because they were born in the greatest nation to ever exist.”

“Here’s a tip,” Gomez added. “If you don’t like America, kindly, get the f*** out.”

Gomez, one of the candidates vying to become the GOP nominee for Missouri Secretary Of State in the August 6 primary, has been known to hurl homophobic remarks during her campaign. In Monday’s video, Gomez wore a shirt with the phrase “Don’t be weak and gay,” a callback to a remark she made earlier this year in a campaign ad.

Watch Gomez’s message to Black Americans below.

Maybe Ms Gomez might want to re-think her stupidity for there is a chance since she is a minority that it might be used against her….(we can only hope)

I love these people…..actually it is more loathe than love….but that is beside the point.

This antiquated thinking needs to be put where it belongs….in the crapper.

But I guess conservatives and other half wits cannot think for themselves so they have to resurrect stupidity from the past.

On reparations….that is a tricky subject and no one has defined the parameters so to make a blanket statement is always ill advised.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

We Had A Good Year

****Here we go again….there will be harsh language used in this post once again… if they offend you….then go away.****

The US has sent billions in money and weapons to Israel and we are preparing to send another multi-million dollar package….and then I read a story about the good news from Israel and their export business.

The Israeli Defense Ministry announced that, for the third straight year, Tel Aviv had set a new record for weapon exports. Israel sold $13 billion in arms last year, with India the largest importer.

In a statement on Monday, the ministry touted Tel Aviv’s ability to distribute munitions around the globe. “For the third consecutive year, Israel set a new record in defense exports, with over $13 billion in 2023, the highest figure to date,” it wrote.

“Israel’s defense exports have doubled within five years, with over a third of the agreements signed – missile, rocket, and air defense systems,” the statement continued. “Israeli defense industries signed hundreds of significant contracts worldwide with the help and support of the Israel Ministry of Defense, including mega-deals amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars.”

The exports included missiles, rockets, electronic warfare equipment, radar war systems, weapon launchers, drones, and ammunition.

At $13 billion, Israel is the world’s ninth-largest arms dealer, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). India was the top importer of Israeli weapons during the same period, purchasing nearly $1 billion in gear. The SIPRI research found that the Philippines and the US were Israel’s second and third-largest arms export recipients respectively.

Haaretz noted that the SIPRI report is not comprehensive, and Israel has conducted weapons sales with Azerbaijan that go undocumented by the international arms watchdog.


WAIT a goddamn minute!

They, Israel, sold $13 billion in weapons….were any of it weapons we gave them for the ludicrous lie of self-defense?

If they had fucking weapons to sell then why is the West giving them more?

How about these asswads use the weapons for their own defense and let the rest of the world get on.

What part of this whole goddamn stupidity does not piss me off?

I am sick of these jerk water nations demanding shit from this country and then being fucking disrespectful after they get the shit.

Plus after the video that fucking moron BiBi released…..the US should tell this prick to go fuck himself and walk the fuck away from this massive clusterfuck that has been years in the making.

I have no use for this prick or anyone that admires his worthless ass.

Damn!  I feel so much better now.

****This ends the rant you may go about reading the rest of this post….you never know you might learn something.****

In conclusion this is a story that you will not hear on American MSM….it is about the attack on 07 October….

A review by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) set to be released this summer will conclude that Israeli soldiers killed many of their own people on October 7, Israeli media reported. The inquiry is expected to identify multiple failures of the IDF during the Hamas rampage in southern Israel.

According to Israel’s Channel 12 News, the IDF report due to be released in mid-July found “many casualties due to our forces firing on our forces.” Tel Aviv has been accused of ordering its soldiers to kill hostages rather than allow Hamas to use them in negotiations, a policy long known as the ‘Hannibal Directive.’

The IDF’s October 7 review appears to point to incompetence rather than the intentional killing of its own civilians. However, Israeli outlet Ynet’s investigation of the IDF’s conduct found Tel Aviv had ordered troops to follow the Hannibal policy.

Still, the conclusions from the forthcoming report will amount to an official admission that scores, if not more, of Israelis were killed by IDF soldiers, not Hamas.

IDF Report Found Multiple Cases of Friendly Fire Deaths on Oct 7

No judgment made by me just facts that are mostly withheld to keep the blind support going…..that is not true….I am judging a bit.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”