Closing Thought–05Jun24

The testing ground for right wing stupidity seems to be Florida and Texas….and that brings me to the Texas GOP platform that has been approved.

As the party has drifted further right, its platform has done the same. In 2022, it called for a referendum on Texas secession; resistance to the “Great Reset,” a conspiracy theory that claims global elites are using environmental and social policies to enslave the world’s population; proclamations that homosexuality is an “abnormal lifestyle choice”; and a declaration that President Joe Biden was not legitimately elected.

(such bullshit!   What happened to separation of church and state….besides I do not believe in ‘forced’ religion)

Nothing about this platform works to make lives better for the people of Texas…..instead it wasted time on issues that mean nothing to the average Texan…..but this is typical of every Red State….the people mean absolutely nothing to these clowns….and that is just a little sad….that they vote these d/bags into office every time.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

More Wasted Time

The House of Representatives is nothing but a black hole of wasted time and energy….I have been saying this for years…..the Reps send more time passing stupid bills that usually go go nowhere and when they are not wasting that time they are wasting it on some lame ass Congressional hearing that is nothing more that a theater of the absurd….I give you the stupidity of the Fauci hearing.

But that is not what I am hear to rant about…..the bill to sanction the ICC.

In a 247-155 vote, the House passed a bill today that would impose sanctions on anyone who has assisted the International Criminal Court in its investigation of Israel’s conduct in Gaza, a group that could include U.S. allies like Germany and Japan that fund the tribunal.

The bill, titled the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act, aims to punish the ICC for its chief prosecutor’s recent decision to seek arrest warrants against several leaders from Israel and Hamas, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. More than 40 Democrats joined Republicans to back the proposal despite opposition from the Biden administration.

The bill, which faces an uphill battle in the Democrat-controlled Senate, would also sanction immediate family members of those targeted. The sanctions include bans on entering the U.S. and doing business with American companies or citizens.

“We cannot stand by and allow the court to do what it’s doing,” said Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), a lead sponsor of the legislation. Roy argues the proposal would send a strong message to the international community that the United States will not allow politicized cases against itself or its allies.

“This is a kangaroo court,” said Rep. Guy Reschentaler (R-Pa.), another sponsor of the bill. “To defend it is to defend an institution that is anti-American, anti-Israel and anti-semitic.”

The vote came just a day after the Biden administration announced that it opposed the bill. “There are more effective ways to defend Israel, preserve U.S. positions on the ICC, and promote international justice and accountability, and the Administration stands ready to work with the Congress on those options,” the White House said in a statement, leaving open the possibility of a compromise on sanctions against the court.

This is a complete waste of time.

How much did this cost AIPAC?

This country has many problems in search of solutions and yet those we elect to better the nation spend their time pissing around with meaningless horse manure.

This is just an example of the do-nothing BS that the Reps psend their time and our money doing.

This is stupidity personified.

Why do we allow this sort of thing to continue?

Easy answer….MONEY!

And this corruption gets worse every year.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”