RNC Job Interview

Who did not see this coming?

If you watch politics this is not a surprise….but it is a major news story….and a source of humor for people like me.

We have new leadership for the RNC, Trump has his people entrenched in control over party politics….no one will buck ‘The Boss’….this means they need to hire more people to help lead the rush to whatever it is that Trump envisions for the US.

If you need a job and are considering applying to the RNC you might want to have a heads up….

Republican National Committee employees let go in a “bloodbath” earlier this month are being allowed to reapply for their jobs—and insiders say they’ve been startled by one of the interview questions. Sources tell the Washington Post and the New York Times that Trump advisers conducting the interviews have asked: “Do you think the 2020 election was stolen?” The question about Trump’s false claim is seen as a “litmus test” for loyalty to the former president, the Post notes.

  • RNC spokeswoman Danielle Alvarez did not deny the question had been asked. “Candidates who worked on the front line in battleground states or are currently in states where fraud allegations have been prevalent were asked about their work experience,” she said in a statement. “We want experienced staff with meaningful views on how elections are won and lost and real experience-based opinions about what happens in the trenches.”
  • Insiders tell the Post the question was “open-ended,” though one former RNC employee says: “But if you say the election wasn’t stolen, do you really think you’re going to get hired?” The Times‘ sources say most of the applicants told interviewers there were some irregularities and changes to procedures in 2020 that were cause for concern.
  • The Trump campaign “has effectively merged its operations with the RNC,” CNN reports, and potential hires were told they might have to move to West Palm Beach, Florida, where the campaign is based.
  • “Donald Trump is demanding fealty to his extreme, antidemocratic beliefs to be part of his Republican Party,” Biden campaign spokesman Ammar Moussa said in a statement.
  • Trump installed loyal supporter Michael Whatley and daughter-in-law Lara Trump as co-chairs of the RNC earlier this month. On Tuesday, Lara Trump told NBC News that the party is “past” litigating the 2020 election. “The past is the past, and unfortunately, we had to learn a couple of hard lessons in 2020,” she said. “Believe me, we are applying them all across this country in every single state, and we want to ensure that, indeed, every single legal vote is counted.”

Also keep in mind Project 2025….the playbook for a Trump presidency….

Project 2025

Just a reminder of what could come.  You want to be terrified then read this playbook.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Scary Scenario For The UK

Ever since Vlad the Invader went into Ukraine and starting thumping his chest with nuclear warnings and threats the whole world has been a tither with predictions of Putin marching down some Main Street…..but a report by an UK general gives a dire prediction….

A British general admitted on Tuesday that the UK couldn’t handle a war with Russia for more than two months as London has significantly depleted its military stockpiles by arming Ukraine.

Lt. Gen. Robert Magowan, the deputy chief of the defense staff, made the comments during a British parliament hearing where he was urging for more military spending.

MP Mark Francois, a member of the Conservative Party, asked Magowan if it was true that the UK “couldn’t fight Putin for more than a couple of months in a full-on shooting war because we don’t have the ammunition and the reserves of equipment to do it.”

Magowan said Francois’ statement was true. British Defense Minister Grant Shapps was also at the hearing and downplayed the lack of UK military readiness, saying any war with Russia would be fought alongside NATO allies, and referred to Article 5 of the alliance’s treaty that outlines mutual defense commitments.

“For people watching, and hearing that the UK isn’t ready for war exclusively with Russia, it’s important to understand that because we are in NATO and Article 5 exists, we would never be in that situation,” Shapps said, according to The Telegraph.

The comments came after a report from the House of Commons defense committee found that the British military was “increasingly overstretched” and wasn’t ready for a war with Russia. In December, The Times of London reported that the UK had “nothing” left in its military stockpiles after sending so many weapons to Ukraine.

Despite the state of the British military, the UK is one of the NATO countries most involved in the Ukraine proxy war. A recorded conversation between two German military officers that was recently published by Russian media revealed that British soldiers are “on the ground” in Ukraine helping Ukrainian forces fire Storm Shadow missiles.


So arming Ukraine and now Israel is putting the UK at risk in the of a Russian conflict.

Would not commonsense dictate that country comes first and screw the others?

Just a thought.

Please if there is nay more info on this situation then share with my readers….I am sure they will appreciate it.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”