IST Saturday News Dump–02Mar24

It is that magical time again when the Old Professor brings you all the news you missed while on social media.

The national news has been as thrilling as watching flies mate.

The only thing I found interesting is that Biden is keeping his campaign speeches a secret….(WTF?)

The Joe Biden reelection campaign has taken several severe steps to curtail pro-Palestinian supporters from interrupting his speeches. The campaign has gone as far as keeping rallies small, avoiding colleges, and not informing the public of the location of events.

Throughout most of January, the President was met with chants of “genocide Joe” at least a dozen times. Pro-Palestinian protesters label the president “genocide Joe” because of his unfettered support of Tel Aviv as Israeli forces commit a brutal slaughter in Gaza.

In response to the protests, the campaign hired Doug Landry to prevent further demonstrations. Landry has worked on planning logistics for past presidential campaigns.  According to NBC News, the President’s reelection team has taken “extraordinary steps” to thwart pro-Palestinian protests “by making [their events] smaller, withholding their precise locations from the media and the public until he arrives, and avoiding college campuses.”


Apparently Grandpa Joe does want people at his stops just those with cash or those that will kiss his ass.

Or maybe he is embarrassed at the lack of backbone when it comes to Israel.

Or maybe he is just old and afraid of large crowds.

You pick.

Enough politics!

The news here has been so damn boring…I care less where some random duchess is or what shoes some lame celeb wore to whatever award show that was aired….

So with that off my chest let’s move on to the ‘Dump’….

We all must see a doctor from time to time and the older you get the more frequent the visits become…..but is your doctor making a diagnosis or is some random program doing for him?

You may remember a series of lawyers who have attempted to use AI tools in court — and were subsequently embarrassed and sanctioned when the chatbots screwed up, sometimes even inventing plausible-sounding cases that didn’t actually exist.

So consider this: how would you feel if your doctor did the same thing, feeding your symptoms into an AI system to diagnose what’s wrong with you?

That’s a looming question, Politico reports in a fascinating story, that’s currently stressing out regulators. And it has an alarming immediacy, because according to Politico‘s reporting doctors are already using unregulated and little-tested AI tools to aid in diagnosing patients — so this isn’t some hypothetical conversation about a far-off future, but an already-happening-right-now phenomenon that could well be just one malpractice suit away from becoming a major medical and regulatory scandal.

“The cart is so far ahead of the horse, it’s like how do we rein it back in without careening over the ravine?” University of California public health researcher San Diego John Ayers asked Politico.

Remember in school the class that you hated the most?  Was it math?  It was for me.

There is an interesting question to consider….was math discovered or invented?

For most of us, our mathematical education involved a lot of names. There’s Pythagoras’s Theorem; the Riemann Hypothesis; Hilbert’s Hotel, and so many more concepts and theorems intrinsically linked to the scholars who first discovered them. Or should we say invented them?

It’s a serious question. We’re so used to math being this indispensable tool, letting us unravel the fundamental laws of the Universe, get rich quick, or simply plan the most efficient party guest list, that we don’t often stop to consider where it comes from.

So which is it? Is math invented, with all those theorems and concepts so rigorously proved throughout millennia just a byproduct of human perception; or is it discovered, prompting the notion of some factual, real “six” out there in the cosmos somewhere?

It’s a trickier question than you might think.

Recently my friend John at John’s Web Space and I wrote about microplastics in our food and water….well there could be a solution for those in our water…

oiling water is one of the oldest survival tricks in the book and is always a good idea when sourcing water from potentially contaminated sources. Boiling will kill any bacteria, viruses, and virtually any dangerous disease-causing germ. Now, a new study suggests that trusty boiling can also be a reliable technique to deal with one of the most pervasive contaminants of the 21st century: microplastics.

Researchers in China published a new study showing that boiling calcium-rich tap water can remove nearly 90% of nano- and microplastics (NMPs). Although the health hazards of contamination with microplastics are still unclear, this method is as easy and accessible as making a morning cup of tea or coffee.

But do we trust any research out of China?

Are you a cult member?

If for any reason you belong to a group whether political or religious or anything else and you believe these things….

Opposing critical thinking

Emphasizing special doctrines

Inappropriate loyalty to leaders

Those things smack of the GOP these days but to be fair sounds like some these on-line exercise scams.

But that is just me.

I apologize….I wish I had more to tickle my readers interest but like I wrote….it has been a boring week.

With that I shall call it a morning and have some food and a nap.

I hope everyone has a good Saturday and as always….Be Well and Be Safe….

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”