The Rise Of The Fourth Reich?

With the victory of Wilders in the Nederlands I thought I would take a closer look at what is happening here in the good old US of A.

It is looking more and more like the tide of Fascism is coming at a break neck pace to the US and the 2024 election will tell the tale.

There has been much talk and speculation that a Trump win in next November contest would spell disaster for this country (something I agree on)

There is a specter on the horizon of a republi-fascist coming…..

The ridiculous Trumpenleft fascism-denying criticism continued even after the orange beast sent thousands of his frothing backers to physically attack the US Capitol in an effort to block Congressional certification of Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election –  the putsch attempt that Trump wanted to participate in alongside AR-15-toting Oath Keepers, Three Percenters and Proud Boys.

Here we are now coming up on the third anniversary of January 6.  Trump and his party have been screaming it off the rooftops ever since: they are a fascist menace to what’s left of US democracy. And now they may well come to power in 2025 with a fully worked up plan for the Christian white nationalist takeover of the US state.

I have been documenting this at painstaking length here and on CounterPunch across the Biden years and cannot repeat all the details here (my writing on this topic is probably already at the word count level for a small book).

That said, here are four of the most relevant recent developments:

The Republi-Fascist Specter Looms

Trump is looking for few good men (fascists)…..

During a Sunday morning panel, MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin referenced a recent Axios report by Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen, in which they exclusively report ex-President Donald Trump “allies are pre-screening the ideologies of thousands of potential foot soldiers, as part of an unprecedented operation to centralize and expand his power at every level of the U.S. government if he wins in 2024.”

Watch this video….

Could Trump be yet another Mussolini?

Good question and the answer is….

Former senator and MSNBC political analyst Claire McCaskill is comparing former President Donald Trump to fascist leaders such as Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, saying that Trump is “even more dangerous” because of his extreme self-centeredness and lack of political center.

McCaskill made these remarks during a discussion on the New York Times‘ analysis of Trump’s recent rhetoric against his political enemies.

McCaskill pointed out that Trump’s use of derogatory language, such as calling his opponents “vermin,” echoes the tactics employed by Mussolini and Hitler in their drives towards autocracy and dictatorship.

From experience we know that Trump hates some Americans….the handicapped, minorities, etc….and demonizing people is what fascists and authoritarians do….every speech he makes seems to be sermon of hate….kinda like the 20s and 30s in Germany.

Donald Trump’s hate sermons are becoming even more intense and combustible. As he comes ever closer to openly quoting Adolf Hitler and the other 20th-century fascists, his behavior is clearly intentional and strategic.

Trump publicly admires and praises tyrants and demagogues and views them as role models. If he returns to power in 2025, he intends to create an American Fourth Reich. Consider Trump’s speeches, interviews and social media posts over the last few weeks.

At a rally in Hialeah, Florida, last Wednesday, Trump painted a picture of a hellish (predominantly white) America overrun by serial killers and other human monsters from foreign (and predominantly nonwhite) countries, insisting that only he could save (white) America from the death and contamination caused by Democrats and “the left.”

Does Donald the Orange want to set up his own little Reich with him as the master of all?

You bet your ass he does!

Just look at the speech he made on Veterans Day….it smacks of fascism…..period!

Trump’s Veterans Day Speech

Please stop being a blind follower!

Think about the future.

With Trump our future looks pretty damn bleak.

Be Smart!

Learn stuff!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

6 thoughts on “The Rise Of The Fourth Reich?

  1. A fascist authoritarianism at the helm of American politics would be a disaster for the Nation but it won’t be any more of a disaster than was the German Reich under old Adolph or than was Iralia under old Muskoleanee….or than the old Sovietsky was under Stolen valor….There will be survivors… and there will be a new age where everybody absolutely determines that it will never happen again and then in a generation or two, it will happen again… a frustrating but very dependable human cycle.

      1. When half the country finds themselves in some kind of detention situation, they will learn quickly– and, as always… too late.

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