Rama-Lama-Ding Dong Speaks

There is this billionaire that is trying desperately to gain the GOP nomination and he keeps spouting crap and promising crap that he can never deliver…..

Let’s talk about his latest manure spreading…..

Vivek Ramaswamy, predicting that he would “get a lot of pushback,” outlined a proposal Wednesday night to fire more than 1.6 million federal workers and shut down agencies including the FBI. “Do we want incremental reform? No,” the Republican presidential candidate said, per Reuters. “Or do we want a revolution?” Ramaswamy, speaking at a pro-former President Trump think-tank in Washington, DC, said he would also eliminate the Department of Education; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; the Food and Nutrition Service; and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which oversees radioactive materials and nuclear power plant safety.

Ramaswamy said that if elected president, he would reduce the federal payroll by half in his first year in office and by 75% during his first term, the AP reports. With the FBI, he said 20,000 employees would be fired and another 15,000 sent to other agencies including the Drug Enforcement Administration. He claimed that despite “myths” about the limits of presidential authority, he would be able to make the changes without the approval of Congress. “We will use executive authority to shut down the deep state,” he said.

“Speaking as a CEO, if somebody works for you, and you can’t fire them, that means they don’t work for you,” the entrepreneur said. Other candidates, including Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, have also vowed to eliminate government agencies but Ramaswamy’s proposals go further than anything his rivals have proposed. Experts on the Constitution and the separation of powers said the legal theories behind his proposal wouldn’t survive a court challenge, the New York Times reports. Peter M. Shane, a specialist in separation-of-powers law at New York University, described a campaign white paper on the theories as “fantastical.”

1.6 million unemployed people….what would that do to the markets and the economy?

Just a thought.

This idiot is trying to find his niche in the GOP field….wild promises seems to be the way to go with the slugs.

Let’s see how popular these wild ideas are with the GOP voter. (wink, wink)

Enough said….I hope everyone has a great weekend.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Will Threats Work?

Meanwhile back in Ukraine…..

Zelensky will visit DC again with his hand out….because support is faltering…..Zelensky’s next visit comes as support for the proxy war in Ukraine is faltering among Republican voters. According to a recent poll from CNN, 55% of Americans oppose Congress authorizing more spending on the conflict, including 71% of Republicans who were asked.

Apparently support is on the wane and what can Zelensky do to keep the cash rolling in?

Threats seems to be his next move.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky implied in an interview with The Economist that Ukrainian refugees in Europe might resort to terrorism if Western aid to Ukraine is curtailed.

The Economist report reads: “Curtailing aid to Ukraine will only prolong the war, Mr Zelensky argues. And it would create risks for the West in its own backyard. There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally ‘behaved well’ and are ‘very grateful’ to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a ‘good story’ for Europe if it were to ‘drive these people into a corner.’”

Zelensky also said in the interview, published on September 10, that anyone who is not supporting Ukraine is with Russia. “If you are not with Ukraine, you are with Russia, and if you are not with Russia, you are with Ukraine. And if partners do not help us, it means they will help Russia to win. That is it,” he said.

Despite Ukraine’s faltering counteroffensive, the Ukrainian leader said he was preparing for a long war and rejected the idea of diplomacy with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The report reads: “Tapping loudly on the table, Mr. Zelensky rejects outright the idea of compromise with Vladimir Putin. War will continue for ‘as long as Russia remains on Ukrainian territory,’ he says.”

The Biden administration seems happy to support an open-ended conflict and is looking to tie the hands of a future president by negotiating a deal with Ukraine for long-term military support. The US and other G7 nations vowed at the recent NATO summit in Vilnius to negotiate their own bilateral security deals with Ukraine.


Is that the way to victory by threatening the nations that kindly took in refugees and made them comfortable?

Will the countries around Ukraine put up with being threatened?

So if things are not going good the way forward is to threaten your allies…..good plan.

Who will be the first to bow to this threat?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”