IST Saturday News Dump–26Aug23

Will sports fan we survived another week…..for us here on the Gulf Coast another sweltering week….did you know that Death Valley has gotten more rain than the Mississippi Gulf Coast?

Let’s start with the health benefits of eating pizza……

Eating pizza most certainly carries psychological benefits as a comfort food, but a new study out of Italy suggests that it might help with rheumatoid arthritis, too.

Published in the journal Nutrients, the study — conducted by researchers from several Italian cities as well as Providence, Rhode Island, which purports to have the largest per capita Italian diasporic community in the US — appears to be the first of its kind, as researchers looked at whether pizza could have beneficial effects for folks with rheumatoid arthritis, which causes uncomfortable or painful swelling in the joints.

While pizza is considered a junk food in the US, the way they do it in Italy — with fresh mozzarella, basil, cherry tomatoes, and more healthy ingredients — does indeed make these delicious pies more nutritious than the average greasy slice or frozen pie in the US.

Almost every car company is pushing their version of the electric car and using the climate to help sales…..but are they all that ‘green’?

We live in a pivotal time within the automotive landscape. The traditional internal combustion engine, or ICE cars, are yielding to more varied production. This is in the form of hybrids, vehicles that combine ICE technology with electric power. Of course, this also leads to the hot new trend, one that appears to be melting ICEs little by little, that being none other than the fully Electric Vehicle, or EV. Today, though ICE cars are by far the vast majority represented on the road and in sales, there are now millions of EVs driving alongside them. Some have embraced the trend, as a new method of causing less people pollution on our blessed Earth, while others do not believe EVs are as ecologically beneficial.

The truth is that one cannot believe everything they read. We must think for ourselves and draw our own conclusions. There are two sides to every coin, and nothing must be taken at face value. Where there are pros there are cons, as usually nothing is ever as good as it seems. In terms of ICE versus EV, we can argue over performance, looks, and sounds, but the real matter at hand is the effect humans have on each other as well as our planet.

Would you like to be immortal?  If so thyen you have something to look forward to in the coming years.

There are some scientists who think immortality will be achievable for humans.

It might involve swapping out human bodies for machine versions or it could involve a wonder drug.

The timeline of how we’ll get there is also heavily debated.

One futurist has predicted that humans will become immortal by 2030.

Ray Kurzweil is a computer scientist and former Google engineer who has correctly predicted future technologies in the past.

Having a baby?  You might not want to do it in my state of Mississippi…..

If your future plans include starting a family and you’re open to a move (or wondering whether your current location is ideal), WalletHub has some insights. The site looked at all 50 states and the District of Columbia, not only on the issue of costs tied to having a baby—everything from delivery expenses to the price of child care and health insurance premiums—but also two dozen other metrics in three additional categories: health care (think infant and maternal mortality rates, the quality of women’s hospitals, postpartum depression rates, and food security for infants); baby friendliness, including birth rate, parental-leave policies, and mom groups and child care centers per capita; and family friendliness. Massachusetts topped WalletHub’s list, while Mississippi came in last.

Mississippi also comes in last in the category of “Family Friendliness”….not what our politicians claim…they say that they do everything to protect the “family”.

AI garbage in, garbage out!

Lots of experts on AI say it can only be as good as the data it’s trained on — basically, it’s garbage in and garbage out.

So with that old computer science adage in mind, what the heck is happening with Google’s AI-driven Search Generative Experience (SGE)? Not only has it been caught spitting out completely false information, but in another blow to the platform, people have now discovered it’s been generating results that are downright evil.

Case in point, noted SEO expert Lily Ray discovered that the experimental feature will literally defend human slavery, listing economic reasons why the abhorrent practice was good, actually. One pro the bot listed? That enslaved people learned useful skills during bondage — which sounds suspiciously similar to Florida’s reprehensible new educational standards.

“This video is intended to show a number of queries for which I believe it’s probably in Google’s best interest not to show in SGE,” Ray said during her talk. “These are controversial in nature and the idea of showing an AI-generated response is not great for society as a whole.”

There you have your long anticipated news dump.

Enjoy your Saturday and as always….be well and be safe….

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”