IST Saturday News Dump

I apologize for the limited posting yesterday but I made an unwise choice to work in garden and at 115 the heat kicked my old ass but good….It took the rest of the day to get back to normal.

Enough about my problem….let’s move on to the worthless news….

Another hot weekend….in the past week the news was full of Trumpisms…..some celeb wore a ‘free the nipple’ shirt…..more famous people died….someone won a billion dollar lotto…..

But none of that will make into IST’s magnificent news dump.

I begin with one that made me chuckle….I usually do not care what some celeb has done for it changes nothing….but then I see a headline I cannot resist…..

Singer Kesha has a beef with her dog…..

Why, you ask? Well, the pooch got hold of Kesha’s $250 (£196) vibrator and gave it a good chewing.

The 36-year-old singer took to Twitter on Wednesday to confirm the news, writing: ‘Woke up this morning and saw my mom’s dog chewed my $250 vibrator to pieces I’m livid.’

Needless to say, the star’s social media post drummed up some wonderful responses, with one person quipping: ‘We’ve all been there.’

Other replies to her tweet included: ‘This is why we have cats’ and, ‘Honestly, can you sell it on Ebay, would love to buy your used dog chewed vibrator queen.’

Let’s all take a moment to let that last tweet sink in.


Sorry that had to be the lead this weekend….it is too good to ignore.

With the extreme heat we are all advised to drink water to stay hydrated….then there is water toxicity.

An Indiana mom on vacation with her family died in a rare case of water toxicity, when a person drinks too much water more quickly than their kidneys can clear it and their sodium levels drop, causing their cells to fill with water and swell. Ashley Summers, 35, was with her husband and two daughters at the state’s Lake Freeman over Independence Day weekend when the final day of their trip went horribly wrong, WRTV reports. On the Fourth of July, Summers’ family says, she started feeling dehydrated, lightheaded, and developed a headache. She felt like she couldn’t drink enough water, and reportedly drank about four bottles of water in about 20 minutes, her brother tells WLFI.

“I mean, an average water bottle is like 16 ounces, so that was 64 ounces that she drank in a span of 20 minutes. That’s half a gallon. That’s what you’re supposed to drink in a whole day,” he says. When the family arrived home that night, she lost consciousness in the garage, was rushed to a hospital with brain swelling, but never came to. She died two days later. Certain underlying conditions, or other factors such as alcohol consumption can increase the risk of water toxicity, People reports. “Making sure that you’re drinking things that have electrolytes and sodium and some potassium” on hot days when you’re exerting yourself is important, says one doctor. Staying in the shade and eating snacks like fruits and vegetables can also help.

Beware and be safe.

Most of us are aware of this fad of veganism…..plant based everything…..well it could have its drawbacks…..

A vegan influencer seems to have died of starvation-related causes after eating only raw fruits and vegetables — and not drinking water — for years.

As The Sun reports, Russian influencer Zhanna Samsonova, better known as Zhanna D’Art on social media, died in Malaysia on July 21 after her friends and family begged her to seek medical attention.

The influencer’s mother Vera told Russian media that her 39-year-old daughter died of a “cholera-like infection” not long after she implored her to come back home to Moscow.

“I understood that Zhanna was about to die,” the elder Samsonova told the Russian newspaper Novye Izvestiya, “but still I could not help her in any way. My daughter’s life has turned into a nightmare.”

Along with eating only uncooked fruits and vegetables — primarily durian and jackfruit, according to friends — the influencer also claimed to not have had any water to drink for years because, she insisted, she simply didn’t need it.

“I have not drunk water for the last 6 years. This is a common occurrence in those who are on a fruit diet,” D’Art wrote in an Instagram post from 2022. “This is not something that I limit or restrain myself, it’s just that my body does not require it.”

That belief was, of course, incorrect. As the Mayo Clinic notes, water is “essential to keeping your body functioning properly and feeling healthy,” and most of our bodies’ systems require water to survive. And the universal medical consensus is that a varied, well-balanced diet is necessary for healthy functioning. While it’s possible to get all the nutrients you need from a robust vegan diet that includes cooked foods, experts have established that raw veganism can be very unhealthy.

All told, it sounds like a tragic intersection of bunk medical science and influencer culture.

Though the raw food enthusiast looked relatively normal in the aforementioned post, more recent photos show her looking emaciated and sickly, which friends of D’Art’s say “horrified” them.

“Her hands were like those of my 12-year-old sister, thin,” that friend told Russia’s news site. “I lived one floor above her and every day I feared finding her lifeless body in the morning.”

“She didn’t make it,” that friend added.

In spite of her increasingly-unwell appearance, D’Art reportedly insisted that she looked and felt younger and healthier than the people around her who ate what she called “junk food.”

As The Sun notes, those close to the influencer described her diet as a form of anorexia and claimed that in the months leading up to her death last month, her eating disorder had gotten worse.

“She chose this path,” her mom said. “I fought for many years [but] she did not listen to her mother.”

I will stick with my steak thank you.

But speaking of the garbage labelled ‘plant based’….

Plant-based meat substitute maker Beyond Meat said its revenue plunged 30.5% in the second quarter as consumer demand for its burgers, sausages and other products fell despite price cuts. The California-based company lowered its full-year revenue forecast as a result. Beyond Meat now expects revenue between $360 million and $380 million for the year. That’s down from the $375 million to $415 million it forecast at the end of the first quarter, the AP reports. Beyond Meat’s shares fell 10% in after-hours trading Monday.

US revenue dropped 40% as both retail and food service sales weakened. International revenue was down 8.7%. In a conference call with investors, Beyond Meat President and CEO Ethan Brown said the company faced tough comparisons to the second quarter of 2022, when a new beef jerky product generated sales and restaurants were reopening and placing big orders. But Brown said the company is also struggling to appeal to new customers because of perceptions that its products are unhealthy and overly processed. Brown said an ad campaign launched last week will better explain its “clean and simple” manufacturing process and highlight the products’ health credentials.

“We’re going to be much more aggressive in our marketing,” Brown said. “It is an education issue. The facts are there. The health benefits of our products are very strong.” Brown said Beyond Meat has also reached out to some of its competitors to discuss working together on ads that would help change perceptions about the category. Beyond Meat makes plant-based burgers and nuggets in a partnership with McDonald’s in Europe, but those products aren’t offered in the US. Brown said he expects more US fast food restaurants to add plant-based options in the near future.

Could the luster on this fad be waning?

I want a burger not something that is suppose to taste like a burger.

More news of animals taking back their environment…..

Orcas, sea otters, dolphins and now a couple of river otters have disapproved of people invading their space….

One of three women hurt in a river otter attack in southern Montana was injured so badly that she had to be taken to a hospital by helicopter, authorities say. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks says the women were floating in inner tubes on the Jefferson River a few miles from the Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park around 8pm Wednesday when they saw one or two otters and were attacked by at least one of them, NBC News reports. The attack ended when they got out of the water. Authorities say the most seriously injured woman had wounds to her face and arms while the other two were bitten on their arms.

The women called 911 and multiple agencies responded, along with a local landowner. Northern river otters can weigh up to 20 pounds, around the size of a small dog, and attacks on humans are rare but not unheard of. “While attacks from otters are rare, otters can be protective of themselves and their young, especially at close distances. They give birth to their young in April and can later be seen with their young in the water during the summer,” Fish, Wildlife, and Parks said in a statement. “It’s just not something you run into very often,” says Jefferson County Undersheriff James Everett, per the AP. “Bears do it, moose, too, and occasionally a deer, but otters? That’s not normal.”

Signs have been posted at fishing access sites in the area warning of aggressive otter activity but FWP officials say no further action against the otters is planned since the attack was apparently defensive, the Bozeman Daily Chronicle reports. “If folks are attacked by an otter, our recommended response is to fight back, get away, and get out of the water,” says FWP official Morgan Jacobsen.

Score another victory for animals.

Lastly….some random general says our military AI will be better than any opponent….

A decorated Air Force general is getting some heat after saying that any artificial intelligence employed by the United States’ military will be better because of our country’s so-called “Judeo-Christian” values.

As The Washington Post notes, Lt. Gen. Richard G. Moore was speaking last week at an event held by the conservative Hudson Institute think tank in Washington, DC when he made the incendiary — and, let’s be honest, ignorant and dog whistly — remarks in reference to the Pentagon’s AI endeavors.

“Regardless of what your beliefs are, our society is a Judeo-Christian society, and we have a moral compass,” Moore told the assembled crowd. “Not everybody does.”

Moore went on, without a hint of irony or any direct reference to specific countries or groups, to note that “there are those that are willing to go for the ends regardless of what means have to be employed,” and added that the future of AI weapons will depend on “who plays by the rules of warfare and who doesn’t.”

Moral compass?

These religious types are so full of shit it is sickening.

That is my news of the weekend…..have a great Saturday and as always….be well and be safe….

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”