Can You Argue?

Most people relish the idea of a good argument….the only problem is most have no idea how to set about doing it….they have these platitudes in their minds and that is as far as it goes….so the argument looks more like just a regurgitation of talking points rather than some intellectual exchange.

So begs to ask….do you know how to argue?

The Old Professor is here to help.

This is a fascinating article from Vox…..

Anyone who has argued with an opinionated relative or friend about immigration or gun control knows it is often impossible to sway someone with strong views.

That’s in part because our brains work hard to ensure the integrity of our worldview: We seek out information to confirm what we already know, and are dismissive or avoidant of facts that are hostile to our core beliefs.

But it’s not impossible to make your argument stick. And there’s been some good scientific work on this. Here are two strategies that, based on the evidence, seem promising.

If that article did not help then maybe this one will….

Business professor Michael Norton and behavioral economist Dan Ariely have given us some hope to hang onto. Their research has showed that when stripped of partisan information, Americans’ description of an ideal society is remarkably similar regardless of political affiliation. They found that when we boil the issues down to core values, we tend to agree.

But we’re up against a massive force. Our modern political parties are powerful tribes through which we express our social identities and take cues on how to vote. Often, it’s more important to humans that they be accepted by their tribe than to be right. And it’s not even that irrational: evolutionarily, not being part of a tribe was a death sentence.

Given the fight we’re up against this November, we’ll need all the tools in our tool kit to change hearts and minds. We reviewed the literature on moral persuasion to help uncover clever strategies to use in debate. The hope is these tactics will help people have productive conversations with people we disgree with.

Here are five strategies to change someone’s mind (and your own). To illustrate each tactic we have used the example of how to argue for and against gun control.

If that was a bust for you I have one more aid in your political arguments to come…..

You’ve probably gotten in a political argument in the recent past, whether with your nutso cousin at Thanksgiving or your militantly ignorant co-worker at a happyhour.

And you’ll probably get in another political argument sometime in the near future. Hard as it may be to believe, you can actually win these arguments.

Here’s how.

1. Forget facts.
Psychologists who study political belief and persuasion think it’s adorable how obsessed argumentative people are with those cute little things called facts. When it comes to winning arguments, truthfulness and details simply don’t matter as much as we think theydo.

People think emotionally, and they very often will have these gut moral intuitions that certain things are right or wrong,” said Matthew Feinberg, a psychologist at Stanford. The process of belief formation runs in the opposite direction than we’d hope: People “come to the conclusion first, and then the reasons they kind of pull out just to support theirbeliefs.”


This runs counter to a lot of what we learn when we’re writing term papers in school or reading our favorite authors, of course — in these contexts, logical precision is key. But when you’re engaging in a live argument with someone who views the world very differently than you do, it’s important not to get too hung up on factualaccuracy.

So how do you capitalize on this knowledge?


There you have it… are armed to the teeth with techniques for your next debate/argument….it is up to you to wisely go forth and argue.

Be Smart!

Learn Stuff!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Sanctions–A Horrible Idea

I have made my thoughts on sanctions abundantly clear….in case you missed it….as a penalty for bad behavior hey do not work!

If you need more information (most will not for that would mean reading something before commenting)…..

Sanctions And Tariffs

Is Sanctions The Answer?

I told you I had strong opinions on sanctions.

They have not worked on Cuba….or Venezuela….or any other nation we deem as a bad player….and that goes for Russia.

The West has put into place massive sanctions against Russia since they invaded Ukraine….and we continue to find new ways to sanction the nation.

Let’s look just how effective these measures have been to Russia.

The International Monetary Fund has said it expects the Russian economy to grow by 1.5% this year despite the US-led Western sanctions campaign against the country, which President Biden once vowed would “turn the ruble into rubble.”

The Russian economy shrank by 2.1% last year, but it has bounced back as Russia is adjusting to the sanctions. The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday called the economic war a “stalemate,” comparing it to the situation on the battlefield in Ukraine.

The report said the sanctions initially made it harder for Russia to acquire microchips and other technical components, but Moscow then found sanctions loopholes through neighboring countries. Russia has also had no problems selling its oil as its found new markets in India and elsewhere in Asia.

The Journal cited analysts who said the sanctions will hurt Russia in the long term, but Moscow continues to forge stronger ties and significantly increase trade with China. An alternative to the US-dominated global financial system is slowly being formed by Russia, China, and other countries targeted with US sanctions.

The US has successfully crushed the economies of smaller countries with sanctions, but the sanctions on Russia were the harshest imposed on such a large economy. US sanctions on smaller nations are losing some of their power as China and Russia offer alternative markets.

For example, Iranian oil sales in 2022 exceeded those in 2016 before the US withdrew from the nuclear deal in 2018 and reimposed sanctions on the country. Most of the new Iranian oil sales have been to China.


So the economic attack is not hurting Russian economy….why keep looking for more ways to fail in this corner?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”