IST Saturday News Dump–29Jul23

Another weekend with heat and sweat…..but I am happy to report that no one used a nuke….Russia is not marching down Main Street…on a more sad note….some Americans were shot….some famous person died….

It is Summer and vacation time….how about a trip to a haunted town for a change?

There’s an area that falls into this very category in Connecticut, but there’s a pretty good chance you’ve never heard of it, because it’s illegal to even step foot there.

The story of this haunting goes all the way back to the early 1740s, when a group of people, many of who were of the Dudley family, settled in the area located in a portion of Cornwall, CT and named it Dudleytown.

It’s located in a valley called the Dark Entry Forest – red flag much? – and was used as a farm until the 19th century, when many of the residents left for somewhere with more fertile land.

Now, that might not sound like a recipe for a haunting, but what if I told you that the town seemed to be a hotspot for death?

All this hysteria around nukes these days…isd it possible that we were and on the brink and saved by an unlikely entity?

Are aliens the one who prevented humanity from descending into a nuclear war? That’s what a former NASA astronaut claims.

Edgar Mitchell, who was part of the Apollo 14 mission to the moon, gained notoriety with the dissemination of various conspiracy theories since his return from the moon in 1971.

Mitchell, the sixth man to set foot on the moon, was interviewed back in 2016, where he admitted to being convinced of the existence of aliens and extensively spoke about claims that aliens have visited Earth.

In that conversation with the Daily Mirror, he raised the astonishing claim that aliens were responsible for preventing a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union during the peak tension of the Cold War.

Just illustrates the the “right Stuff” does not necessarily mean brains.

How about a AI girlfriend?

Is there anyone old enough to remember Dr. Goldfoot and his FemBots?

Our modern world is so alienating that legions of lonely men are turning to an unlikely source of comfort: AI-generated girlfriends, powered by chatbot tech.

We already knew that could lead to some dark places, but new reporting from The Guardian suggests that these endlessly patient silicon fembots — Replika is one such popular app that generates AI companions — could be spawning a new generation of incelswho will have trouble relating to actual people if they ever enter into a relationship with a flesh-and-blood human.

Tara Hunter, the acting CEO for the domestic violence advocacy group Full Stop Australia, expressed alarm over the rise of these chatbots in an interview with the newspaper.

“Creating a perfect partner that you control and meets your every need is really frightening,” Hunter said. “Given what we know already that the drivers of gender-based violence are those ingrained cultural beliefs that men can control women, that is really problematic.”

With the worldwide extreme heat comes with massive sun exposure….what to do, what to do?

As climate change continues to send global temperatures skyrocketing, apocalypse-friendly fashion accessories are apparently becoming increasingly commonplace. Case in point, according to new reporting from The Guardian, residents and visitors of the blistering city of Beijing, China have taken particularly fondly to a little something called the “facekini” — a summertime ski-mask-meets-swimming-cap of sorts made from UV-resistant fabrics and designed to cover a wearer’s entire head and face.

The skintight coverings have openings only for a wearer’s eyes, nostrils, and mouths. Yes, they’re terrifying. But with Beijing air and ground surface temps reportedly reaching highs upwards of 95 and even roughly 176 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively, you can’t say it isn’t practical.

This might not catch on here in the US for wearing one of these could possibly get one shot by the police thinking that one is some sort of terrorist.

Did you see Jurassic Park and its hundreds of knock offs?

It appears that some sleeping beast has awaken….

Scientists have revived a possibly extinct microscopic worm that survived in Siberian permafrost for nearly 50,000 years. Nematodes, better known as roundworms, were found inside a fossilized squirrel burrow some 130 feet underground near Siberia’s Kolyma River in 2002, per the Wall Street Journal. Scientists successfully resuscitated the worms in a warm petri dish in 2018 but were unsure of their age and species. In a study published Thursday in PLOS Genetics, they reveal them to be a previously unknown and possibly extinct species, Panagrolaimus kolymaensis. New carbon dating on the permafrost in which the nematodes were found suggests they last awoke when Neanderthals and woolly mammoths wandered the Earth some 46,000 years ago.

As the Arctic ice melts could there be some unseen horror waiting to take control?

Science fiction is rife with fanciful tales of deadly organisms emerging from the ice and wreaking havoc on unsuspecting human victims.

From shape-shifting aliens in Antarctica, to super-parasites emerging from a thawing woolly mammoth in Siberia, to exposed permafrost in Greenland causing a viral pandemic – the concept is marvellous plot fodder.

But just how far-fetched is it? Could pathogens that were once common on Earth – but frozen for millennia in glaciers, ice caps and permafrost – emerge from the melting ice to lay waste to modern ecosystems? The potential is, in fact, quite real.

The stuff of SciFi but is this something else for us to worry about along with the Gulf Stream collapse and the ever expanding extreme heat?

Enough is enough and I have hit that mark.

As always please enjoy your Saturday and be well and be safe.

“lego ergo scribo”