Apologies From A Boomer

It is a rainy Sunday (finally) in the Deep South and I am at a loss for a subject for today’s post….a blogging friend, https://cigarman501.com/2023/07/23/relics-of-the-good-old-days/ ,  did a post on the ‘good old days’…..and he inspired me although I am nowhere near as eloquent as he…..

Probably no generation has yielded as many turncoats to their youth as the Sixties.

I am a Baby Boomer, those born between the years 1946-1964…..the generation of peace, love and rock and roll.

Somewhere all the high ideals that we Boomers embraced were replaced with greed, hate and country music.

Maybe there is something in the results of drugs….or maybe they listened to too many rock songs played backwards and it turn their brains to shit.

In other words Boomers broke the country.

The 2020 election — barring a shocker — offered a strong chance of producing a president in their 70s.

American voters face leading candidates who are another septuagenarian baby boomer whose vision for America is to go back to the so-called glory days (Donald Trump), go back to boring (Joe Biden) or radically reshape America by spending trillions upon trillions of dollars (Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders) the U.S. may not really have.

And the strangest bit is that each of these frontrunners, even with radically different approaches, is promising to somehow address massive structural problems that their own generation — the enormous baby boom — largely created during a three-decade run dominating American political life.

The offering includes outliers like Pete Buttigieg, the millennial South Bend, Ind. mayor running openly on generational change. But the most likely outcome as it stands now is that the nation will yet again ask a baby boomer to fix what the baby boom broke. And it’s a lot to fix.

“We have Social Security. We have the national debt. We have what’s called ‘deferred maintenance’ in infrastructure. And of course we have the climate,” Bruce Gibney, author of “A Generation of Sociopaths,” said in the first episode of “Baby Bust,” the new POLITICO Money podcast series on the political and financial legacy of the baby boom generation. “I think the main impediment right now is the death grip the boomers have had over the political system.”


The country is screwed up and too many want to blame this downfall on the Millennials….but sadly it is NOT their fault for this screwing…..

Everyone likes to bash millennials. We’re spoiled, entitled, and hopelessly glued to our smartphones. We demand participation trophies, can’t find jobs, and live with our parents until we’re 30. You know the punchlines by now.

But is the millennial hate justified? Have we dropped the generational baton, or was it a previous generation, the so-called baby boomers, who actually ruined everything?

That’s the argument Bruce Gibney makes in his 2017 book A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America. The boomers, according to Gibney, have committed “generational plunder,” pillaging the nation’s economy, repeatedly cutting their own taxes, financing two wars with deficits, ignoring climate change, presiding over the death of America’s manufacturing core, and leaving future generations to clean up the mess they created.

I spoke to Gibney about these claims, and why he thinks the baby boomers have wrecked America.

A lightly edited transcript of our conversation follows.


Another sad thing is that Boomers have NO idea what has gone wrong….

The term “OK, Boomer” has been used by some Millennials and members of Generation Z to criticize Baby Boomers who fail to understand the economic and political realities that younger generations are facing. For example, a 65-year-old Boomer and devoted Fox News viewer might tell a 30-year-old worker, “I don’t understand why you aren’t a homeowner yet. I bought my first house when I was 26.” And the 30-year-old, feeling frustrated, will dismissively respond, “OK, Boomer.”

But one older American who isn’t say things like that to Millennials or members of Generation Z is J. W. Traphagan, a professor at the University of Texas, Austin. In an op-ed published by the Daily Beast on December 12, Traphagan stresses that as a Boomer, his experiences in the past don’t necessarily apply to what youths are experiencing in 2022.

“It’s a common idea in many cultures that we should respect our elders,” Traphagan explains. “As a result of having lived for many years, goes the cultural trope, they’ve accumulated wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, young people should, depending on one’s culture, either listen to elders attentively or simply defer to and accept their decisions — without an argument. As I approach retirement in a few months, I’ve found myself wondering if this common assumption really makes much sense.”


‘Boomers’ are a scab on our country and the sooner we knock it off the better….a festering sore of self-indulgence, greed and apathy.

This is my apology to the country for my generation….it illustrates what can go wrong when one abandons one’s principles for instant gratification.

I realize this will most likely fall on blind eyes….but at least I got this off my chest….then why do I not feel any better?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”…