“Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death”

I love these Right wing d/bags….they just cannot help themselves….

Pretty much every Americans knows that quote by Patrick Henry before he was hanged by the British….

It seems that Radical Right winger Josh Hawley, senator from Missouri is so enamored with Patrick Henry that he used another of his quotes in one of Hawley’s 4th of July stump stops.

The quote goes like this….

“Patrick Henry: ‘It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.’,”

How lovely….but it is total bullshit!

The catch: Founding Father Patrick Henry — a slave owner most famous for his declaration, “Give me liberty or give me death,” — never said the quote Hawley tweeted.

Nor did any of the other Founding Fathers.

The line was reportedly originally published in a white nationalist publication in 1956 — 157 years after the founding father’s death.

It is similar to all those quotes by Jefferson that the Right are always throwing about…..the problem there as well he made none of those quotes….like…”My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government”

Jefferson never said that!

There is a wealth of spurious quotes by Jefferson…..read some the others.


Cherry picking quotes and even making up quotes from the Founding Fathers has fed the misinformation fire.

Politicians, pundits and angry uncles all enjoy sharing quotes from the Founders. But they often don’t particularly care if Jefferson, Madison or others actually wrote what they claim they did. Invoking the words of key figures from the Founding period is a rhetorical strategy that aims to mobilize the intellectual giants of American history to support modern-day political positions.

It is the very opposite of what history should be. Serious scholars begin with questions and then seek answers in historical sources. Politicians (both the professional and the amateur variety) do the opposite. They begin with answers — their preferred political positions on an issue of the present-day — and then seek out a short, pithy quote from the Internet to help bolster their argument.

The Internet, I think we’ve all learned over the past few years, is not the most reliable source. Cyberspace is awash with bogus quotations from the Founders and other key historical figures, like Abraham Lincoln. You can easily shop around to find Washington or Theodore Roosevelt espousing a 21st century political cause that would have been completely unimaginable to them in their own time; Alexander Hamilton did not go on the record about his views on cryptocurrency. The danger to our political discourse, though, is that many of these fraudulent quotes are all too easy to believe when you’re looking to confirm what you’ve already decided.


I do not mind the use of quotes just please get them right and do not make them up to suit your bias.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

15 thoughts on ““Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death”

  1. America is so deep into the revolution, it is obscuring common sense. Everything they did back then it so outdated, it has zero relevance in the modern world.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. As far as I can tell, the majority of the founding fathers were secularists who were dead set again forming a national religion and they wanted a secular government so that all religions would be free to worship in the United States …Jesus Christ is never mentioned in the constitution at all … The white nationalists do favor the idea of the United States becoming a “Christo-Fascist nation to support their obsession with white supremacy notions …

    1. Yep, the rule of a religion or a church over the nation is exactly what they were trying to avoid and get away from. But when it comes to the MAGA propaganda machine, the truth just doesn’t matter all that much.

      1. Wow …Hello Eurobrat, it is so great to see a comment from you– I haven’t seen you in a long time and I am thrilled that you have chosen to visit with me and to comment today… Please notice that I have added your blog to my list of favorites …please come by often… and thanks again for your very accurate comment.

  3. Thanks for sharing this…lies are routinely repeated as a way of making them the truth…a sad state of our world and worse than ever now…

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