IST Saturday News Dump–15Jul23

That magical time again a Summer’s weekend….not that means much to retired old fart like me.

In the past week…Biden mumbled something….Trump lied about everything….some celebrity embraced the ‘free the nipple movement’ and some people were shot and there is a bit of a rain problem in the Northeast….in other words a typical week in America.

My mother died of liver cancer in 1979 so I have been interested in the strives made in liver disease prevention ever since and I read an article that shows promise but made me cringe.

The UK is to launch a clinical trial of a “poo transplant” that researchers believe could treat advanced liver disease and fight antimicrobial resistance.

The trial’s investigators also provide evidence for the first time that a fecal transplant can dramatically improve gut health.

The PROMISE trial, led by King’s College London, will recruit patients with cirrhosis from across the UK to test whether oral fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) capsules from freeze-dried stool from healthy volunteers reduces the likelihood of getting an .

End-stage , known as cirrhosis (irreversible scarring of the ), is the third biggest cause of mortality and loss of working life in the UK. The contains trillions of bacteria, but people with cirrhosis have an increased number of “bad” bacteria in the bowel which makes them highly susceptible to a host of infections. Over-prescribing antibiotics means they are becoming less effective to treat these infections, and the bowel can become infected with “super-bugs.” Infections in people with cirrhosis are often severe and can be fatal.

For years those Ancient Alien slugs have been going on about some giant angelic beings that roamed the earth and news has come out that will just fuel their bullshit.

Archaeologists have unearthed a “giant” handaxe in southern England that was crafted by early human relatives more than 300,000 years ago, reports a new study. Measuring nearly a foot long from tip to butt, the artifact is the third biggest prehistoric handaxe ever found in Britain and belongs to a special class of big tools with mysterious origins.

Humans are the last surviving members of the Homo family, which was once a diverse and far-ranging group of apes that included many tool-using species. England’s fossil record suggests that various early human relatives occupied the island over the past million years, some of whom left behind artifacts and tools.

Speaking of lunacy…..then there is the mermaid thing….

Shocking mermaid-like remains have left locals stumped after washing up on an Aussie beach.

Bobbi-Lee Oates thought she might have found a dead body – or even a new species – when she spotted the creature in Keppel Sands, Queensland.

She said: “We were driving along the beach looking for a campsite, and we couldn’t help but notice how much the skull looked to be in the shape of a human’s.

“So we instantly stopped from the confusion as to what the hell could this be, and why does this look like a human skull?”

Photos taken by Bobbi-Lee reveal a long body with its ribcage showing, but no discernible limbs, eyes, or ears.

The 34-year-old estimated it was over six feet long.

She said: “It had a human-shaped skull with an elongated jawline, and hair similar to the colour of a cow or kangaroo, but with hair missing in many places due to decomposition.

I Found another reason to avoid Florida like a plague….

Hunters in South Florida caught the largest Burmese python ever measured, and the lengthy beast is being examined at the Conservancy of Southwest Florida in Naples.

The 19-foot python was caught in the Big Cypress National Preserve in eastern Collier County early Monday morning by Naples hunter and Ohio State University student Jake Waleri, who said the catch was a dream come true.

“I knew we were capable of it but I didn’t know it would happen,” Waleri said. “Last year my cousin and I caught a snake that was almost 18 feet long, and we realized we could handle a snake of that size.”

Like something from I, Robot….keeping with the fascination with all things AI….

An incredibly life-like humanoid robot had a bit of a dodgy answer when asked if it would rebel against its human creators.

At what is being billed as the world’s first human-robot press conference in Geneva, Switzerland, Reuters reports, nine humanoid robots were asked a series of questions by human journalists.

And when asked if it were to ever rise up and rebel against its creator, Ameca, a humanoid robot by UK-based robotics company Engineered Arts that can make creepily realistic human expressions, struggled to find an answer.

Could Star Trek come alive?

In a groundbreaking scientific development, British aerospace company Pulsar Fusion is working on a rocket engine prototype that could unlock the secret to Star Trek-style warp speed through space.

The technology being used in the 8-meter nuclear fusion rocket has the potential to propel humans into space at speeds of up to 500,000 miles per hour.

If successful, this innovation could significantly reduce travel time to Mars from months to just 30 days, and shorten the flight duration to Saturn from eight years to two. 

Pulsar claims that once the rocket is built and tested in 2027, it will temporarily become the hottest place in the solar system, reaching several hundred million degrees, per The Star

The trials for the rocket engine will take place in Bletchley, Milton Keynes, which is known for its historical significance during World War II as it was here that the famous Enigma code was deciphered, enabling the Allies to gain intelligence and turn the tide of the war.

The company’s CEO places a lot of store in fusion propulsion for space exploration. He says, “You’ve got to ask yourself, can humanity do fusion? If we can’t, then all of this is irrelevant. If we can – and we can – then fusion propulsion is totally inevitable. It’s irresistible to the human evolution of space.”


Boldly go where no man has gone before….or just wishful thinking?

I think this is enough mental food for now…..enjoy your Saturday and as always….be well and be safe….

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”