Independence Day–2023

Today is the big day….the day when the colonies broke with mother England and declared their independence.

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Since it is a holiday this will be my only post today for I will spend the day with family.

We all know of the men that would become known as the Founding Fathers….Jefferson, Adams, Franklin on and on…..

After the victory of the Colonies winning their independence…others joined in the crafting the document that would become the foundation of the new nation known as the United States….

Some of the signers of the DoI were among those that put together the document to be known as the Constitution.

The usual suspects were Jefferson, Franklin, Adams etc  but there are also some creators that have been forgotten for whatever reason… like Mason, Wythe, Livingstone, etc…..

So on this day when we should be learning our history I offer up those ‘Founders’ that have been mostly forgotten… like George Mason and others….

Mason should be remembered above some others because it was he that objected to the Constitution because the people  were not protected and were excluded….what was he that pushed for the Bill of Rights and yet he is mostly forgotten to be replaced by strutting peacock Jefferson and other wrinkled old farts.

George Mason attended the Constitutional Convention through the debates and voting, but refused to sign the document which the convention produced. He argued against ratification, his chief dissatisfaction being the lack of definition of and protection for the basic rights of citizens. To this end he wrote Objections to this Constitution of Government. Although James Madison is generally considered to be the Father of the Bill of Rights, the amendments were based for the most part on the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which had been authored by Mason in 1776. Mason alienated himself from many of the Virginia delegates through his opposition.

Mason’s Objections went beyond the absence of a Bill of Rights in the Constitution. He argued in his pamphlet for an immediate end to the importation of slaves (though he was a slave owner himself). Mason was also concerned that the more numerous northern states with their larger populations would dominate the government at the expense of the southern states and thus argued for a supermajority in the case of navigation and interstate commerce acts. Mason argued that the new central government was supreme over the state governments, hence state Bills of Rights such as his own in Virginia were no security for citizens.

(read more)

10 Forgotten Founding Fathers of the United States

If you truly ‘love’ this country then learn the damn history.

What better time than on Independence Day?

Be Smart

Learn Stuff!

I hope you have a great 4th and that it is safe and joyous.

32 Independence Day Images Free to Download in 2023

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”