Are You Better Off?

A good question!  Each one of the campaigns is trying to make the case either for or against the question.  No matter, it is a good question that deserves a good answer…..

This list is a good one….and it answers the question for the country……

Michael Snyder
The Economic Collapse

If we elect one guy over the other our economy might decline at a slightly different pace.

But in the end both political parties are taking us to the exact same place.

Down the toilet.

I wish that wasn’t true.

But we need to be honest with ourselves….

-Both parties fully support the Federal Reserve.

-Both parties supported the nomination of Ben Bernanke to a second term as the head of the Federal Reserve.

-Both parties endlessly push the job-killing “free trade” agenda of the global elite.

-Both parties see nothing wrong with running absolutely enormous trade deficits with the rest of the world.

-Both parties supported TARP.

-Both parties supported the “economic stimulus” packages.

-Both parties supported the auto industry bailouts.

-Both parties have run up massive amounts of federal debt when in power.

-Both parties have greatly expanded the size of the federal government when in power.

-Both parties are full of control freaks and both parties have added more layers of ridiculous regulations to our already overburdened society when in power.

-Neither party supports getting rid of the income tax or the IRS.

-Neither party has any intention of doing anything to prevent the coming derivatives crisis that could bring down the entire global financial system.

-Both parties are absolutely showered with cash from the big Wall Street banks.

-Both parties think that the TSA is doing a great job.

-Both parties supported the NDAA and the renewal of the Patriot Act.

-Both parties have greatly expanded the unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens by government agencies.

-Both parties are extremely soft on illegal immigration.

-Both parties have treated military veterans horribly.

-Both parties are absolutely packed with corrupt politicians that are living the high life at your expense.

-Neither party plans to balance the federal budget in 2013 if their candidate wins the election.

-Neither party has a plan that will fix our deeply broken health care system.

-Neither party has any plans to shut down the Federal Reserve.  In fact, both parties see absolutely nothing wrong with our current system.

Food for thought.  Please use your vote wisely and in an informed way….do not just vote for the D or the R, the black guy over the white guy, the rich guy…… not boil the election down to pathetic personality contest…..the country needs informed voters not judges on American Idol!

8 thoughts on “Are You Better Off?

  1. Damn that was a good post! It is really sad that this campaign is not about “Vote for me because…” but rather it is about “Don’t vote for him because…”
    Wouldn’t it be great if all job interviews were that way?

    Employer: “What makes you right for this job?”
    Applicant: “I am not that cruddy guy over their.”

  2. You’re very right. When it comes down to it, though, we are given two choices. Voting third party is great, but it won’t do any good. So I’m just going to vote for the one I like and the one that is closest aligned to my values.

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