Tonight’s The Big Night

The ‘most anticipated moment’ of the 2024 election will be held tonight and hosted by CNN….the Biden/Trump debate.

My thinking is that since most people have already made up their minds that this would be a bust for viewership…..I may have been mistaken… least according to the news reports that is….

Most US adults plan to watch some element of Thursday’s presidential debate, and many think the event will be important for the campaigns of both President Biden and former President Trump, according to a new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Both men remain broadly unpopular as they prepare to face off for the first time since 2020, although Trump maintains a modest enthusiasm advantage with his base compared to Biden. Stats:

  • About 6 in 10 US adults say they’re “extremely” or “very” likely to watch the debate live or in clips, or read about or listen to commentary about the performance of the candidates in the news or social media, per the AP. The poll suggests tens of millions of Americans are likely to see or hear about at least part of Thursday’s debate despite how unusually early it comes in the campaign season.
  • USA Today reports Americans have tuned in to a Biden-Trump debate in great numbers before: The candidates’ September 2020 debate was one of the most-watched ever, with more than 73 million viewers, per Nielsen Media.
  • Both sides see the debate as important: About half, 47%, of Americans say the debate is “extremely” or “very” important for the success of Biden’s campaign, and about 4 in 10 say it’s highly important for Trump’s campaign.
  • Biden and Trump are each entering the debate with low favorability ratings, with about 6 in 10 US adults indicating they have a very or somewhat unfavorable view of Biden; a similar number have a negative view of Trump.

If someone has already made up their mind then why watch this clown show?

We all know that this could be a disastrous night for either one or maybe even both candidates…..and what if is is disastrous?

Here is an opinion on that issue….

When Joe Biden and Donald Trump met on a debate stage in October 2020, the result was…something.

The Washington Post called it “the worst presidential debate in living memory.” For media analyst Tom Jones at Poynter, it was a “dumpster fire” full of “constant interruptions. Constant talking over one another. Name-calling. Juvenile bickering.” A transcript of the debate reads like gibberish. Some commentators suggested that the planned rematch a few weeks later should be scrapped (it happened, but the moderators came armed with a mute button).

One of the few positive reviews came from Reason‘s Jacob Sullum, who argued that the debate was “good for the republic” because it shattered the “unfounded respect for the people who rule us.” Fair enough.

Welp, we’re doing it again. Except this time the candidates are four years even older, the country is $7.8 trillion further in debt, and the number of swing voters to influence is (probably) even smaller. And rather than taking place in the final weeks of the campaign, as debates typically do, this absurd spectacle is unfolding before the two old men on stage have been officially named the nominees of their respective major parties.

In that last detail, however, shines a faint silver lining.

What if Thursday night’s debate is a complete train wreck? And not in the same way as before. What if the debate doesn’t merely descend into uncivil nonsense—which is the bare minimum of what should be expected—and doesn’t simply confirm what the Biden-Trump debates in 2020 showed: that these men deserve neither our respect nor our affection?

Why a Disastrous Biden-Trump Debate Could Be the Best Outcome for America

Does anyone think that no matter what happens tonight that minds will be changed on voting?

Personally, I do not think it will change many minds no matter how good or disastrous the night maybe for one or the other candidate.

But no to worry the Old Professor will return tomorrow with a detailed post on the night’s festivities.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

8 thoughts on “Tonight’s The Big Night

  1. It will confirm the ideas of those who already ardently support either candidate, but I doubt it will change the voting intention of so much as one voter.

    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. Dems will watch waiting for Trump to inevitably stick his foot in his mouth and/or say something to demonstrate just how incoherent and/or demented he really is. Republicans will watch looking for “evidence” Biden is stoned to the gills.

    In any case I’m certainly not going to waste my time watching this circus. We already know everything both of them will say.

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