Is Support Starting To Wane?

For over a year and half the West through NATO has been a staunch supporter of the forces in Ukraine against their adversary Russia in the conflict.

At times it seemed to me that it was blind support… for sake of some unseen reason. And I have been saying that it is time for our cash to go to where it was needed and that Western Europe should be the main entity of support after all they have the most reasons for concern.

It appears that at least one NATO country is pulling out of the coalition of war….Poland.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Wednesday that Poland is no longer arming Ukraine, marking a significant shift as Warsaw has been a staunch supporter of the NATO proxy war with Russia.

Morawiecki’s comments come amid a spat between Warsaw and Kyiv over a Polish ban on Ukrainian grain. When asked if the dispute would impact Polish support for Ukraine, Morawiecki said, “We are no longer transferring weapons to Ukraine, because we are now arming Poland with more modern weapons.”

He insisted that Warsaw had no intention of risking “the security of Ukraine” and that weapons shipments from other countries transiting through Poland would not be interfered with. Poland has become the primary hub for NATO arms shipments into Ukraine since Russia launched its invasion.

Despite all the support, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky took a shot at Poland and two other EU countries for maintaining a ban on Ukrainian grain. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the disruption of Black Sea shipping, there’s been an influx of Ukrainian grain shipments into the EU.

Earlier this year, the EU agreed to restrict the import of Ukrainian grain to Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia over complaints from farmers about a drop in prices. Last week, the EU said it would lift the restriction, but Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia said they would continue banning Ukrainian grain from their markets.

At the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, Zelensky accused the countries of helping Russia. “Alarmingly, some in Europe play out solidarity in a political theater — turning grain into a thriller. They may seem to play their own roles. In fact, they’re helping set the stage for a Moscow actor,” he said.


Maybe trying to bully another country is not the way to win friends and influence people.

Support in the US is also waning?

According to a CNN poll it is…..

Most Americans oppose Congress authorizing additional funding to support Ukraine in its war with Russia, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, as the public splits over whether the US has already done enough to assist Ukraine.

Overall, 55% say the US Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding. And 51% say that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine while 48% say it should do more. A poll conducted in the early days of the Russian invasion in late February 2022 found 62% who felt the US should have been doing more.

As this conflict drags on….and according to some belief it will last years and years… will dry up but at what cost to American taxpayers?

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

18 thoughts on “Is Support Starting To Wane?

    1. Agreed, John. I’m originally from Poland and very disappointed in this decision…but then again, the right-wing Polish government has been a consistent disappointment.

      1. Same here. Their motivation may be that they want to get their own country armed up and ready in case Russia tries something…but it would be so much better to stop Russia while they’re still in Ukraine. And yeah, Russia’s military may not be the greatest–but if they’re allowed to take over all or part of Ukraine, they will pause, regroup + rebuild, and then get going again. They’ve always been imperialists, and that hasn’t changed.

  1. Well, “Mr. Chamberlain”, NATO can just appease Putin and give him Ukraine.. and I am sure Ukraine is all Putin ever wanted… a little bit of “lebensraum”.

    1. Do you really think Putin is capable of taking on Western Europe? Besides Chamberlain would have been smarter in his choice of words it would not be thrown around so willy nilly. chuq

      1. Herr Adolf, a relative nutjob similar to Putin, took on Western Europe and he lost… but he messed up the place pretty badly in the process… and we had to send people over there, lost many, to defeat him. Seems a bit prudent not to allow it to happen again. Not that I know any better.. just speculating on history repeating itself.

      2. Hitler fought on two fronts…bad idea….Putin is nowhere capable of the that scale of military ops…..still Putin is not crazy he will noit attack anyone in NATO. chuq

  2. Putin’s own words over the past couple of decades are being borne out in real time now. His aims weren’t directed only toward Ukraine, but all of the previous ‘Soviet SSR’s. Poland isn’t the only Eastern European nation modernizing and enlarging their armed forces. That Poland sees the need to halt exports to Ukraine isn’t terribly earthshaking……yet still sends a narrative Putin’s way.

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