Keep Talking You Dumbass

Since the abstention by the US on a settlement resolution at the UN every right wing dullard has been having a stroke….of course there is always the religious overtones but that has nothing to do with this resolution….it is what is right and wrong and the stealing of land and the destruction of crops to make room for more illegal settlements is just flat out WRONG!

And of course BiBi is butt hurt and doing what most authoritarians do….he is slashing out at the countries that voted against Israel.  To the point of threatening the United States…..

PM Binyamin Netanyahu of Israel and his cabinet ministers are trying to punch above their weight. He wants to punish the UN, and apparently even the United States.

He threatens the one country that made the state of Israel possible….

He also threatens 10 other countries……These countries were Britain, France, Russia, China, Japan, Ukraine, Angola, Egypt, Uruguay and Spain…Israel does not have so many friends that it can afford to lose their biggest supporters….

But by all means BiBi…keep talking….

He then continued, “This is an anti-Israel resolution against Israel, the Jewish people, and the state of the Jews.”  And this is the feeling of many Americans….people who have NOT read the resolution….they do what they do best…regurgitate bullshit!

The resolution isn’t anti-Israel, doesn’t mention anything about Jews, and doesn’t challenge the Jewish state.  It just points out that Israelis are not at liberty to steal Palestinian land.  The United Nations Charter forbids the acquisition of territory by military force, so Israel’s conquest of the Palestinian West Bank in 1967 is no warrant for it to colonize said territory or to expropriate and keep in a condition of statelessness the people who live there.

Maybe read that paragraph again… takes time to get through those pea brains on the Right!

Only a moron would claim antisemitism….the condemnation is of the governmental actions not the people or the religion….there is a difference…look it up.

Plus he, BiBi, is injecting himself into this society… of US behind the vote….

Israel has been voicing its displeasure about the United States’ abstention from a UN Security Council vote Friday that called for an end to illegal Israeli settlements. So has Donald Trump, who’s vowed “things will be different after Jan. 20th.” Now Israel is offering the president-elect what it says is proof that President Obama helped set up the resolution, the Guardian reports. “We have rather iron-clad information from sources in both the Arab world and internationally that this was a deliberate push by the United States and in fact they helped create the resolution in the first place,” a rep for PM Benjamin Netanyahu told Fox News. Ron Dermer, Israeli ambassador to DC, elaborated Monday. “It’s an old story that the United Nations gangs up on Israel,” he said, per the Hill. “What is new is that the United States did not stand up and oppose that gang up. And what is outrageous is that the United States was actually behind that gang up.”

The Guardian notes Israel making this threat to present “evidence” to an incoming president against one still in the Oval Office “appears almost unprecedented.” But the White House insists that while Obama did decide US Ambassador Samantha Power would abstain during Friday’s vote, he wasn’t involved in putting together the resolution. “We did not draft this resolution; we did not introduce this resolution. We made this decision when it came up for a vote,” Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser, said Friday in a statement. Meanwhile, Israel indicated it’s going to flout the UN resolution and go ahead with plans for thousands of new homes in East Jerusalem, per the New York Times. “Israel is a country with national pride, and we do not turn the other cheek,” Netanyahu said Monday.

Wait!  There is proof?  And how did you come by this “proof”?  Are you spying on your best friend?

Is that a foot sticking out of your mouth?  Need a little hot sauce for that shoe?

Please BiBi…keep talking…..

Will India Emulate Israel?

There is always something happening in  the world of international relations that the media would like to ignore……

Bet that title is confusing to some, huh?

How could India possibly emulate Israel?  A good question and I am glad you asked.

The answer is simple……….Think settlements.

The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) argues that some 200,000 to 300,000 Hindus fled Kashmir during the armed revolt which began in 1989, and says they are building the settlements to encourage those Hindus to return.

Critics say the plan is effectively Israeli-style religious settlements with an eye toward bringing pro-government Hindus into a region with an active, predominantly Muslim, separatist movement.

Separatist leaders say the BJP’s move is aimed at further weakening the existing autonomy Kashmir has, and even the top Kashmiri Hindu organization accused the government of putting them at risk by singling them out into special, exclusive districts which would become a target for attack.

This is how you steal land and make it yours…..move in your supporters until there is no more room for the original inhabitants…….think West Bank settlements.

Back to those situations that the media chooses to ignore…….settlements.  The situation in the occupied West bank is getting out of hand and yet the MSM ignores the problem….and it will ignore India’s attempt to do what Israel is doing….stealing in the name of living space…….and if I am not mistaken there was a crazy little dude back in the 1930’s that used exact technique to gobble up territory.

Amusing how some things seldom change and justifications do not evolve.

Your Tax Dollar At Work

Americans will come to the rescue of Israel every time……blindly they will accept anything and everything that Israel does….all in the name of protecting “people of the book”……and of course there is the WW2 thing that gives them a sympathetic ear……my grand father always said…”if you are looking for sympathy try a dictionary between shit and syphilis”…..

Awhile back I wrote a piece about an American company, Re/Max, that was profiting from the land stolen from Palestinians to build settlements

Look around your neighborhood at homes for sale and you will undoubtedly see RE/MAX’s ubiquitous signs sporting red, white and blue hot air balloons. What started out as a mom-and-pop office in Denver, Colorado in 1973 is now a corporate giant, with some 100,000 sales agents in over 90 countries. RE/MAX claims to have “the largest business volume in the world,” adding an average of 1.6 new franchises each day. Its yearly revenues surpass $150 million, derived from fees from its franchisee, annual dues from agents, broker fees, and franchise sales.

Disgusting that a corporation from a “democracy” would stoop so low as to try and turn a profit off of stolen land… disgusting as it is….it is NOT surprising.

I bring this up because the American taxpayer will be supplementing the building of illegal; settlements………

Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon have announced they will divert some $18 million from the nation’s military budget, which includes money provided as direct military aid from the United States and others, to settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank.

The US provides billions of dollars in direct military aid annually, including both cash and weaponry. That money goes into the general military budget, which is where the funding for the settlement is coming from.

Your taxes are being used to fund the theft of land from the Palestinians…….you people are idiots!  You hate the government for the public domain where your property can be taken from you….but are okay when it happens to someone else…..

Of you are concerned about the taxes you pay….should you not be concerned on how they are spent?

Kerry: Settlements Are ‘Illegitimate’

Guess I will make this All Palestine Day…….I have several posts that I feel the need to share with my readers……

Almost weekly the Israeli government sets about destroying Palestinian crops, homes and lives….all in the need to build more settlements……an act which the whole world condemns……….but NO one is willing to force a stoppage…….

Now the US Secretary of State, John Kerry has weighed in on the subject……..

(Newser) – John Kerry threw a rhetorical jab at Israel, rebuking it for its latest round of West Bank settlement construction, after meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem today. “Let me emphasize that the position of the United States is that we consider now, and have always considered, the settlements to be illegitimate,” the secretary of state said. “I want to make it extremely clear that at no time did the Palestinians in any way agree … that they could somehow condone or accept the settlements.”

The statement is unusually strong, Mike Hanna at al-Jazeera observes; usually the US says the settlements are “not helpful.” Kerry also used the visit with Abbas to announce $75 million in aid to Palestine. Earlier today, he met with Benjamin Netanyahu. Kerry used that visit to espouse optimism about the peace deal, but Netanyahu said he was “concerned … because I see the Palestinians continuing with incitement, continuing to create artificial crisis, continuing to avoid historic decisions that are necessary to make genuine peace.”

Stop!  Every time Israel goes about destroying everything Palestinian in the name of settlements it reminds me of the days when a certain country invaded its neighbors so their would be more room for the ‘certain’ people…….

America has done this piece of crap for decades….they are all outraged at the treatment of Palestinians but NO ONE is willing to do anything to stop it….other than talk…..and as the sages say….”talk is cheap!”

I am sick of these twats destroying a persons livelihood in the name of expansion…Hell Israel has a whole damn desert in which to build their settlements……

The world needs to stop talking and start acting…..force these people to act like civilized people…..I know their holy book is full of destruction and death….but these fools live in the 21st century….start acting like it!

America is a toothless dragon……all talk…and you wonder why there are those that hate Israel……take a good look at their actions…pretty self-explanatory……

Is it not about time that the US and the rest of the civilized world hold Israel up to standards?  It is time to stop walking on egg shells when dealing with Israel…..any debt owed them for the past has been paid and in full!